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electricity question


New member
What do you all think about using a 250W HPS system and a fan plugged in to one wall outlet in a house? I live in a studio apartment in an old house. Several months ago I ran that light and fan for 2 and a half weeks, almost 24-7. I then realized I was using too much electricity, and scrapped the setup in paranoia. I don't see my electric bill. It goes straight to my landloard. I am afraid that I may have spiked his bill. It seems like too much electricity for one outlet, when I think about it now, but I'm not sure. Is it possible I damaged the building's electrical system in any way? Or is the worst that could have happened is the breaker could have tripped. I don't have access to the breaker, it's good thing that didn't happen. So how much is 250 W plus a pansonic bathroom celing fan plugged into one outlet that may share a breaker with other things. I don't know how the different outlets in the building are divided into breakers. I'm actually a little hesitant to run a new grow here, even using and LED light and computer fans.. could that 2.5 week period of heavy usage caught anyone's attention?


Ur all good, i work with electric and u dont have a thing to worry anout if u want to grow there i suggest ramping up ur bill b4 summer
get a prescript and dont worry about it, u might want to look at a cfl grow


250W is less than the computer that you are currently running. My computer is 600W and is run for the greater part of the day (probably about 18 hours). You didn't draw any attention.


lets go a little deeper to calm you down, as you are on the verge of needing a tin foil hat. :)

You have a 250W light and a fan that from my quick google uses 13W. Lets say you have the mack daddy fan and it uses 50W

300W an hour x 18 hours a day is 5400 watts a day.

5400 watts a day times 31 days is 167400 watts. Divide that by 1000 to get your Kilowatts. You have used 167.4 kilowatts

167 KW at 15 cents a KW hour is 25$

During flowering, it would be 12 hours a day and cost a whopping $16.74

Is this studio attached to the main house where other people live? And all the electric is on one meter? Then you have nothing to worry about, as bills always fluctuate and can be for tons of reasons.

Your bigger concern would be security, smell and does anyone have access to your apartment.

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