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The Pot taste test challenge!


Which do you prefer and why please? I have been smoking weed for about 25 years now and think that I can tell the difference between Outdoor and Indoor marijuana? I prefer indoor buds, to me they seem to always be tighter ( if not stressed ). And the quality usually is better and taste more distict. Does anyone agree or disagree with this? Please try not to be prejudiced to indoor or outdoor simply because you choose that method. This is about taste and quality, not method.
Also can anyone tell me if Med. Disp. bud is indoor or outdoor?


Active member
Its a no-brainer.......NO outdoor weed will compare to indoor on any test givin,period.It aint even a question,anyone who smokes knows that!!:tiphat:


Bush Doctor
Actually, I think that outdoor buds have more flavor in the case of when I grew Satori both indoors and outdoors. The flavor last longer outdoors,and the scent more distinct. Maybe because it was cured wrong, i dont know, but the same strain indoors doesnt keep its flavor as long.


Active member
i love indoor in soil so over the juiced up hydro buds that fizz when burnt,also bush is a hard one to beat if you got the right strains