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5000 barrels a day of oil (210,000 gallons) leak off the coast of Louisiana

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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
They are flat out unprepared for catatstrophy at these depths, which tells me they have no business drilling at these depths, don't these people understand that Mother Nature can destroy ANYTHING we throw at her.

PS. There was a similar incident off of mexico's coast, in 170' of water, took 10 months to stop. I don't know WTF they are gonna do in 5000'

You make a good point. If they don't have the know how or system to deal with sub-sea blow outs at these depths then they have no business drilling at them. They are putting the cart before the horse because safety should always be the first factor on a rig just as security should be the first factor when growing. Otherwise people get killed and environments destroyed because in the end Mother Nature always rules the day.


Active member
I just read that Purdue University analyzed video of the oil spill and they think BP has grossly underestimated the amount of oil leaking from that pipe. Instead of 5,000 barrels a day they think it’s more like 70,000!!!

WTF....it’s going to take at least another week before it’s capped! Possibly much much longer!!!


In search of Genetics
Yeah i heard that on NPR.
70,000 give or take 20% so between 50,000 - 84,000.

Way way way way more then they claim.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Who is going to compensate all the business' that are losing revenues right now...and for no more good reason than the media scaring the shit out of people?

Millions and millions are being lost...and where are the fucking oily ducks? We need some oily ducks to photo!


Active member
So far we have been lucky and the oil hasnt hit the coast so no oily ducks yet. Just dead things that you cant see....

Wait until it hits the coast! It's going to be the single biggest man made disaster EVER!

pine boy

Do you all think that the shoreline will settle into the gulf from this?
I suspect with all the pressurized goo flowing out that land mass will also sink.I live in a very low area and it wouldnt take but a small change to mess things up here.
Do we have a geologist on board?


Active member
As far as recouping the money lost to local businesses, there is legislature in place that caps BP's liability after cleanup costs, to 75million. Which ain't shit, actually 1/5000th of the profit they raked in just last year.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Do you all think that the shoreline will settle into the gulf from this?
I suspect with all the pressurized goo flowing out that land mass will also sink.I live in a very low area and it wouldnt take but a small change to mess things up here.
Do we have a geologist on board?

No, the land is not going to start to sink into the ocean because of this. If that was the case all land would have disappeared a long time ago. There are thousands of producing wells in the Gulf of Mexico meaning tons of oil is being pumped from the Earth at any one time. This just happens to be going into the ocean instead of production.


Active member
Now they are talking of raising the cap to $10 billion retroactively. We will see. BP says they will pay all legitimate claims regardless of a cap, but I find that hard to believe.
i live in the gulf area and the local news had some fluid dynamics professor on last night saying bp is lying about 5,000 barrels and said w/ a 21" pipe that it is more like 70,000 barrels a day


70,000 barrels a day x 42 gallons each = 3 million gal/day
3 mil gal/day * 30 days = 90,000,000 gallons of oil into the ocean
Mind boggling
Another source - http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=126809525


Cannabrex Formulator
If enough shit comes out and leaves a big enough hole underneath, it may not collapse, but it might effect geological stability in the area...which is very very bad, esp with all the major earthquakes happening in the last little bit.

Hope it don't influence the giant sleeping monster that lurks beneath Yellowstone......


Cannabrex Formulator
I still say that the the only just punishment for those responsible for this and any environmental disaster of this scale should be public execution on global TV.

Having their own fucking asses on the line would make all these malignant Corpo-Nazi parasite goatblowers just a bit more fucking careful about how they rape the planet...dontcha think?

As it stands, with something as stupid, cockeyed and criminal as a cap on liabilities for these fuckers, they can do whatever the fuck they want, and never feel any of the consequences....it's only the poor fucking shrimp farmers and all the rest who loose their jobs who suffer (not to mention the irrevocable damage to our planet and our children's future)

Fuck these evil bastards...KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!!. evil Nazi pigfuckers that they are....


weed fiend
Who is going to compensate all the business' that are losing revenues right now...and for no more good reason than the media scaring the shit out of people?

Millions and millions are being lost...and where are the fucking oily ducks? We need some oily ducks to photo!

Here's some very interesting video. The first shows the failure of the post-disaster containment devise. Check out the second video, it shows the ruptured pipe and all that stuff you see gushing out is crude.

And for those who wish to see a pic, here's an estimate that shows the deepwater horizon as the 8th worst spill on record as of May 14, 2010. If the current flow maintains, we only need another 13 days to surpass the #1 largest spill due to accident.


Financial impact
Initial cost estimates to the fishing industry were $2.5 billion, while the impact on tourism along Florida's Paradise coast could be $3 billion.[107] Because of the risk that the oil spill can affect the shrimping industry, an emergency shrimping season was opened on April 29, 2010 so that a catch could be brought in before the oil advanced too far.[97] On May 2, the NOAA closed commercial and recreational fishing in affected federal waters between the mouth of the Mississippi River and Pensacola Bay[109], increasing the closed area by approximately 50% on May 7. [110]
An April 30 Merrill Lynch report found that five companies connected to the disaster, BP, Transocean, Anadarko Petroleum, Halliburton and Cameron International, had lost a total of $21 billion in market capitalization since the explosion.[111] It noted that Halliburton, which had lost $1.5 billion, "generally does not take environmental risk" and includes a limited liability clause in its contracts, and that Cameron's loss of $1.8 billion in market value was out of proportion to its involvement as manufacturer of the blowout preventer, as "most manufacturers are not responsible for consequential damages."[112] Currently, United States federal law limits BP's liability for non-cleanup costs to $75 million.[113]
On May 13 BP reported that the cost of the oil spill alone had reached $450 million, and the price tag for the spill was rising by at least $10 million a day[114].

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Garden Nymph
I can't believe there is no punishment lined up for BP (unless someone can clarify this for me). I am not buying oil from them. I also can't believe they couldn't spend a measly half million for a blow out valve. What's more, I'm shocked that Obama thinks it's ok to allow more drilling. He should be encouraging these companies to invest in renewable energy...ARGH.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Big oil is probably investing more money for renewable energy research than any other single group.
I saw the president let loose his apparent anger at big oil for how they acted in congress...throwing the blame around. Well, folks...the buck does not stop at BP oil.
Perhaps we need to also look at who sponsors oil drilling in the gulf...the US Gov.


I live in west central fla and was for offshore drilling until this fiasco.I though they had more on the ball then to let this happen
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