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A NEW Bio-Bucket grow... 12-site/1KW



:thank you::headbange:good:

Thanks alot for the insight CAZ...I'm still a little unclear on some specific details if you don't mind:

1. Okay so a float valve is the thing in the back of a toilet that decides when water level is low and needs to be refilled. I understand that but what is your source of water? Did you hook it up to a tap of some sort or a bigger reservoir? If you could plz provide pics. I would say I'm more of a visual learner.

Gotcha!! It's actually going to be plumbed off of the water line that supplies the toilet. It's more like the float for an Evaporative cooler, I don't think a toilet style would work. They're only about $6-$8 or so. I'll get pics of it when I get it plumbed tomorrow.

2. I noticed BT used tap water instead of distilled from an RO machine.... Have you gotten to the point where you might have some insight on this issue?

Oh boy... good timing. I'm planning on filling my system tomorrow for the first time. I just checked my tap water and it's showing me a pH of 7.4 and 650ppm... DAMN!
I'm thinking I'm going to go ahead and use the RO I bought... I was hoping to use tap water, but with that PPM, I'm not sure it's even possible.

3. When you said " I actually will only have about 2" of waterfall" are you talking about the bucket or the reservoir? I think you mean the bucket b/c the more water in each planter bucket, the more space is available for roots to grow... If your talking about the bucket,this would mean you would need to buy powerheads for each planter bucket?

I'm talking about the waterfall in the Rez... The water should be entering the bucket at almost exactly the surface of the water. The height of the drain fitting determines the water level in the buckets. This system is designed to be a constant flowing system, not flood and drain. I've seen some root shots from BigToke... the roots quickly grow through the net pots and will wind up completely filling the entire bucket.
The Powerhead I'm using is this one...

4. What kind of gph powerhead would be sufficient for a 2" waterfall?

As far as if this Powerhead is sufficient, I'm guessing on that one. It was the most powerful one they had. I don't think you can over-oxygenate the solution, at least not with a powerhead. I'm hoping it's enough. If not, I'll simply install another powerhead on the opposite side of the rez.

5. do powerheads hook-up in-line to the feed/drain system or are they submerged separately? I found a centrifugal one online that seems pretty legit...

The Powerhead is actually completely separate from the water pump. It plugs into the wall to power it, and then uses a small airhose that you would mount above the surface of the solution. I plan on running mine up through the lid. The powerhead then pump water up from its bottom, pulls air in from the airline and expels it into the rez under some force, which in turn agitates the water. At least, that's my understanding. If anyone knows better, please post! ;)

I'll get some more pics tomorrow. I'm hoping to have a slow day of work tomorrow and be able to get this thing up and flowing!



Active member
:thank you::dance013::bump:

Okay. I'm starting to get the picture of what your saying. Some pics say a thousand words though. I clicked on your link for the powerhead you were getting and ran across this youtube video on how to do diy modifications on the housing of that specific model.... Apparently this modification will increase the efficiency of your powerhead. Here is the link if your interested

Thanks for the timely responses brother... Happy growing:wave::smoke::canabis::watchplant:


Thanks Dachief... I ordered one of those Mod Kits... I figure I can't have too much.
I should have the system completely filled and flowing in the next couple hours at most and will take pics of everything tomorrow.



Ok... System is filled and flowing!!!
Even better... NO LEAKS!! :woohoo:

I've got the powerhead in the rez, tri-meter hooked up, everything is humming right along. Probably going to start putting clones in tonight while it's colonizing the Beneficials. Have seen from experienced growers that this is fine. I figure I'll have to hand water for a few days until the roots get down in the water.

My PH is hovering right around 7 and EC is pretty much ZERO!
RO is doing a great job with our shit tap water!
Once I put nutes in, I'll let them run for an hour or so to make sure they're all evened out, then see where my pH is. I'll adjust after that to try to get a pH of ~6.0.

I've got some of the wires and cables tied up, still have more tidying up to do. Same with the plastic. I think having to do this again, I'd pick up a 4x8 E&F tray and put all the buckets inside that and NOT put the plastic on the floor. It's VERY slippery! :)

After all is said and done, a few things I'd change with this grow... fewer buckets for sure. I can't imagine how overgrown that room is going to be in 2-3 months, it'll be insane!! The buckets on the left side of the room are very close to the wall. I'm a big guy and there was no way I could run two rows and be able to get down both aisles, so i decided to make sure I could get down one. DOH! Trimming up those in on left side will be very tricky. My bucket spacing is very tight. I pretty much went off of BigTokes layout and his buckets are very close together as well. Next time around, I'll probably go with 6 buckets right down the middle of the room, spaced out a bit more to let them really bush up.

The waterfall actually creates a lot of turbulence for only being a couple of inches. When I added the Powerhead, it was crazy. I can't imagine having problems with DO, but time will tell.
The pH reading on the tri-meter bobs around a bit, ranging maybe .2-.3 up and down... is this normal? It's been bouncing between 7.2 and 6.9.

Anyway, enough talk, here are the pics as of about 30 minutes ago... :jump:



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More pics... Finally included one of my ballast and 220V timer.


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Active member
ICMag Donor
nice setup

nice setup

nice going casual this should be sweet to watch!!!!
is your ro hooked into system ????


Thanks Angel. Yep, the RO is plumbed to the float valve in the rez...



love machine
ICMag Donor
:wave: Casual

Love the setup m8, very clean and organize! A+.
Tagged this one for incredible result ;)


Love the setup man, you've done a great job!! :tiphat:

And Yes, it will be a huge PITA to reach those buckets in the back... But if you have long arms.. no worry.. One thing you can do is if they stretch enough, you can trim below the jungle of leaves were theres no light penetration and make yourself a path thru the cannabis tree trunks :)

Pic for example.... my first run in BB's... The BB system in this pic has already been redesigned for many reasons... but you get the idea. :)

Peace and happy growing!!! :joint: :plant grow:


Thanks for the kudos all!
Clones are IN!
Going to make a 4" hole in the Rez lid to mount my muffin fan. Rez temps are about 75f... good thing the pump isn't in there!! If the fan by itself doesn't work, I've got another trick up my sleeve... LOL, anything to avoid spending $300-$400 on a chiller!



Well, with the 1000w light on, air being exhausted out of the room, the room is above 80f now, and the rez is at 81f... :(
Several of the clones look very limp, I'm guessing shock from being moved out of CFL's and under MH. The cubes aren't touching the water, but seem to be leeching water up from the lava rocks.
I wasn't at home tonight, but will modify my rez top tomorrow for a fan and put a small Evaporative cooler I have in the room... It should cool things off the room and at the same time bump up the humidity. Trials and Tribulations!



Hope you find the solution to set the temp for the res.!! It's a treat for the eye to watch pics. of your BB-sys. I simply love it......hope it'll grow you lots and lots of erb-med.
I'm sending good karma to you and you new cuts.......:ying: May they live long and prosper!!!


Active member
automated reservoir top off

automated reservoir top off


I'm still trying to figure out how you plumb a reservoir to the water supply tube of the toilet...

I found some 3/8'' adapters that are meant for cloth diaper sprayers

Solid Brass Plumbing Adapter > Stainless Steel Suppy LIne > Reinforced Heavy-Duty Kink-Free Hose.

I don't know if this is what your using...Correct me if I'm wrong but then you would hook this adapter up to the RO machine via tubing>float valve>reservoir

Also you said that you use a...
950GPH external pump.
could you please post a picture of this pump in relation to your two feed lines?
Also Caz... Hypothetically, if you wanted to drain this system what would be the best way of doing that? Would it matter if the roots are NOT sitting in water for longer than a few minutes?


Active member
Do a Google search for "saddle valve" and you'll see many pics and instructions. It's the same thing you use to supply water for your ice maker.


Chieftan, that's a PERFECT pic of what I have... I did exactly what it shows in that pic... ran the line to the inlet for the RO, then the outlet from the RO to the float valve. Only other line is to the drain, which I simply drilled a small hole in the side of the sewer cleanout that I have my ducting venting into and slide the drain hose into the side pipe and secured it.

Well, I tried every trick I had up my sleeve to drop the rez temps to no avail. I got them down to about 74, but that was the best I could do. I found a 1/4HP JBJ Chiller locally and just picked it up. I'll get it plumbed in and will post a pic later tonight.

With the Evap cooler running, the room sits about 80f, and 50% humidity... how does that sound?? Pretty good, average, ??? I'm thinking I'm going to replace the Evap with a small window AC unit...



sounds good casual! if you do end up getting a small window unit i just found and bookmarked this thread today it is about getting the most out of the window ac's here's the link

congrats on the chiller you won't regret it and the ladies will perform for you :)



Thanks for the link Raphael... I'll read up on that. I figure I'll just pick up a small one off of Craigslist. It needs to fit between the wall studs, or that will turn into a major clusterfuck... :)

Chiller is in. I'll monitor the temps... I expect it'll hit the 68f target in a few hours.

Chieftain, I included a couple of pics of my pump setup. 1" PVC through a Uniseal in the sidewall of the rez, then the output to a 'T'... one leg runs straight up the right hand bank and the other runs around to the left side... It's all one big circuit.

All of the clones are looking decent at the least, except one, which was in the Aerocloner I'd made... we'll not go into that discussion. For the time being, I'll be using Oasis Cubes as BigToke recommended in his thread. Everyone of them sprouted roots.

I REALLY hope, besides the window AC, that the big expenses are done with, as far as the build goes.

Here are the pics I just took... Enjoy...



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