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Smokey's First Attempt

High all! Well, I am a newbie to the boards, but have been a fan of MJ for a long time. Finally going to give it a shot on my own and see what I can come up with. Please offer up any advice you may have, always looking for help! :)

Thanks for stopping by! I hope to get some pretty plants and some yummy bud! :thank you:

Dropped 9 Bambata X Erdpurt seeds on 5/11 into water, then into some potting soil and perlite. Picks below of their first beds...once they pop we will move them on to something a little more comfy. :)



Always good to see someone pick up our hobby, good luck smokey :joint:
enjia & Lloyd -- thanks for stoppin in! I will take all the support I can get! :)

No poppers out of the ground yet, but I am thinking it should be another day or two before I see any of them above ground. Pics to come as soon as they do tho! :)


No Longer a Human Watering Can
Hey HEy there buddy !!!! keep it up ... I hate the waiting game , be patient it will pay off !!

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!! We have poppers!! Woo hoo!!!

Four of the nine popped their heads out overnight to catch some light. Gonna take pictures later tonight...hoping a couple more will stick up by then!!

Stay tuned... :)
Sorry for the delay in the update....been busy busy busy! :)

Had 8 of the 9 seeds pop and they shot up quick! :jump: Just transplanted into bigger homes tonight. Added a little General Hydroponics nutes, and lets see how they like it!!

The Nutes

Before transplant

New homes

4 of the 8

and the other 4