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Rhode Island Med Growers/Patients


wow - the text of that bill is terrible. I don't understand any of those provisions and why they are considered better. Sounds like an out of town corporation is buying some votes so it can monopolize the compassion center market in the state.

Big City

wow - the text of that bill is terrible. I don't understand any of those provisions and why they are considered better. Sounds like an out of town corporation is buying some votes so it can monopolize the compassion center market in the state.

I agree with you on both points. That's why we must stay diligent, and fight the corrupt politicians of this state. Note the names who sponsor the bill and vote them out of office.


I'm going to be making connections with elected officials starting this week and one of my goals is to speak about this bill 7275. I will be meeting a house rep who sits on the health committee this week for the first time, so we'll see how that goes. Not sure the setting will allow for this conversation, but I'm hoping to begin a dialogue with my representative that will lead to educating them on the concerns of the patient


CORRECTION: Thursday: A show of support needed at R.I. marijuana study commission hearing

Last June, the Rhode Island Senate set up a legislative commission to study costs associated with marijuana prohibition in the great state of Rhode Island. The Marijuana Prohibition Study Commission, chaired by Sen. Joshua Miller, is charged with, among other things, studying whether adults’ marijuana use has declined since marijuana was prohibited in Rhode Island over 90 years ago, and whether the current system of prohibition has created an increase in violence associated with criminal enterprises.
The commission has met a few times and heard from many important opinion leaders. In the interest of time, these past meetings have not included public testimony. This Thursday, February 11, 2010, the commission will hold a hearing that is open to the public. I write to ask that you attend this important hearing as a show of force. Make sure lawmakers understand that marijuana prohibition causes many more problems than it cures. Although I'm sure you will, I'd like to remind all attending to dress professionally and respect the decorum of the commission process.

What: Marijuana Prohibition Study Commission meeting

Where: Room 212 of the State House

When: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.

Additionally, Sen. Miller is looking for opinion leaders in Rhode Island to testify at this hearing. If you are a officer of the court, clergy member, member of law enforcement, or have been personally affected by the current prohibition on marijuana, please e-mail [email protected] to see how else you can help.

In other important news, last week a bill to change the penalty for possession of marijuana from up to six months in jail to a civil fine was introduced. Nearly half of the House of Representatives signed on to this fiscally sound bill, H. 7317. As always, thank you so much for your energies and efforts at reforming Rhode Island’s marijuana laws. I’ve said this before, but I’d like to stress again how wonderfully compassionate Rhode Island has been in the world of marijuana policy reform. You should be proud of your state.
Thank you kindly.


Robert J. Capecchi
Legislative Analyst
Marijuana Policy Project


Active member
I'd keep my eye on MPP - they filed a referendum in AZ that will not allow patient growing and will force patients to buy at expensive dispensaries only. They passed a bill in NJ that is very restrictive, and they have been lobbying for bills in NH and elsewhere that do not allow patient growing. They have abandoned this as a policy goal.

In Massachusetts they actually hired a lobbyist and tried to start making changes to the local groups' medical MJ bill without contacting or working with a single person from in-state.

In Maine they hired a consultant to run a signature-gathering petition using many volunteers and some paid people. After the consultant introduced a student group's showing of "Grass" at a Portand high school (no scandal happened, was not even mentioned in local media), MPP pulled their money out and abandoned the volunteers' work and medical MJ patients. Only because Drug Policy Alliance came in and restored funding the referendum went forward and passed easily.

I know RIPAC has some excellent people and committed volunteers and that is why MPP will not be able to pull their usual screw-the-locals bullshit in RI.


that take on MPP would explain the language on opening of dispensary boards to include non-RI residents and the limiting of patient grows. They must be a lobbying wing for a corporation based in California, or some company is a large contributor. You know there are power plays going on and there's going to have to be a medi-cannabis Walmart to make a boatload of money.
You really gotta watch out for the ones associated with restrictive legislation before the market actually opens. That's when you can build a fantastic monopoly if you're an investor, or you can get screwed if you're a regular guy.


In Massachusetts they actually hired a lobbyist and tried to start making changes to the local groups' medical MJ bill without contacting or working with a single person from in-state.

They did the same thing here and left everybody out of the loop. They just showed up and Recomened the NJ Bill at the hearing.


They did the same thing here and left everybody out of the loop. They just showed up and Recomened the NJ Bill at the hearing.

Wow! Maybe that's one big reason why the finalized NJ MMJ bill is so restrictive. The NJ legislature was listening to these so called "experts".

I was sent an email by MPP asking me to personally visit my reresentatives office and voice support. Yeah, right. THEIR version. I copied and pasted all those allegations from the poster before and replied to MPP with them and also wrote saying if those allegations are true then remove me from their mailing list. Dorks!


Great to see a thread that has some intelligent, positive, and progressive conversing going on about Rhode Island.

Such a major lack of that here in state usually lol.

The cuts of the west are certainly here. Just got to find some folks in the know man.

I think some folks will be surprised with how our dispensaries actually turn out.


Active member
i see that RI has a reciprocal agreement to honor other states med card.

since i have my card in another state. does this mean i can grow in RI?

figure that since there are no other places to get weed in RI right now one of the only options is to grow my own.


Just giving out a shout out to my fellow RI folks - how's it been going lately?
I'ver got a cab filled with Legends Ultimate Indica now, hoping it provides some nice pain relief.
Smoking Deep Chunk and I like that - it's a slow grower but it's got a good pain relief high


I am not sure about growing, but I believe that you could. You should be able to do the same as a resident, up to 12 plants and indoors only


congratulations sun-tzu!
as for prices, don't expect 'em cheap. not for profit means at the end of the year the books read zero - not that they can't charge any price and then spend the money on trips to Cali, Colorado, Spain & Canadian hemp/pot expos, cannabis cup & visits to Amsterdam - lots of opportunity to spend that revenue. Not to mention purchasing strains . . .and sending people to school for graduate degrees, etc.
The state needs to specify a percentage of revenue to go to operations, like 80-85%, so that "management" costs like those listed above don't become the number one item in the budget.


I'll jump in on this. I'm a newly annointed MMJ patient myself! Feels good to be free!

Mkinbuds, your dead right on the NP clause. CEO can still pay himself a sweet salary! After talking with a couple of the active RIPAC members, it sounds like the bill to strip our grow rights will fail miserably. We just need to stay vigilant! Lot's of attendance at any of the hearings is important.


Just giving out a shout out to my fellow RI folks - how's it been going lately?
I'ver got a cab filled with Legends Ultimate Indica now, hoping it provides some nice pain relief.
Smoking Deep Chunk and I like that - it's a slow grower but it's got a good pain relief high

I've got a couple gifted Ult Indica clones going as well. I mixed them with LA Confidentials by accident so I can't tell which is which, but both strains are looking frosty. Had some LA recently (or at least it was claimed to be). Stuff was a total body stone, perfect for pain and sleep. Loved it!

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