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Two Dispensaries FIREBOMBED in Montana!


ICMag Donor
If this had been any other clinic....ie abortion...this would have been considered hate crimes.

It is absurd that it isn't considered and act of domestic terrorism as well...



Senior Member
ICMag Donor
It's interesting that something like this would happen in Billings, a real old fashioned cowboy town. I haven't been thru there in a decade or more, but I kinda doubt the local ranchers and farmers could possibly get so worked up to risk their own freedom by commiting such a violent act.

So either this was a LEO action disguised as something else, or perhaps some illegal street dealers felt threatened.

I'm from the Redneck areas and I have to agree with you Skip, though sometimes a bit backward, these ranchers don't fire bomb, they gotta feed the herd the next morning or cut the hay. Most of them very friendly and strait forward. DD


Active member
re the bar: if whomever did this did in fact party at some bar afterwards, i'm certain a bit of bragging was also done as well, i wonder if any other patrons or maybe a bar tender or waitress heard anything? if i was sculley or moulder i'd be asking questions at all the bars and hang out spots...


spreadin da love
This is sad, and so starts the war I suppose all it takes is one ignorant asshole to start it.. hopefully it won't be copied in other medical states...


Pretty sad to see this kinda stuff.Like most people i have been burned before.I am glad none got hurt.I think these people have other issues also.Like the kind ho like the sound of someone getting punched in the face or any bodily harm kinda folks you know the type.Sad to see this done to people trying to get meds.
Safe Groing:frown:


spreadin da love

This is a place they beat you and leave you to die in the freezing cold and many in Montana agree with the practice..

Remember that many in the USA believe in a dual-creation theory. That God and the Devil created the Earth so somethings are created by the Devil such as Democrats where God created Republicans.
Cannabis and Homosexuality may also be associated with the Devil's power in Montana.
Also the attempt to block immigration may also be sending some to a drunken rage.

I see the same smouldering hate here in California! I have been told here that the local Churches are preaching political messages here in California against Cannabis. There is a quiet but steady movement to get the Anti-Cannabis people registered to vote.

If we think the Anti-Cannabis folks are saintly let's splash some cold water on our faces.
Just keep in mind those that hold those views don't actually understand the bible and they are just being what they think is a christian.. Jesus was a hippie remember.. not what america has turned the church into.. christians were just like us today.. hunted down... so the majority or christians are stupid and just trying to be part of the AMERICAN Church ... not Gods church...
The people responciple for this are gonna feel realy dumb when more clubs and more patients keep coming.Its not gonna stop its only getting bigger.


Eugene Oregon
Absolute chaos, those people need to try it for there medical ailments before firebombing.
Hell, why would anyone firebomb in the first place.
The people who committed these violent acts need to be punished they put sick peoples lives in danger, its a selfish thing to take such a beautiful thing away from a community.


Living with the soil
I'm with Miss Blunted on this one. I've experienced the area and that's pretty brave to open up shop in Billings. Alcohol is more important in these kinda' places.
Wow I am completely baffled at this act of intolerance.. I am not a person to subject a population of a state to a demeaning label such as "ignorant, morons", however, who-ever did this was just that.

I am angry and I don't even live near Montana. I can't believe it - bomb the brewery - bomb it all - The stores selling alcohol, the pharmacies dispensing medications. We should not treat the ill. Instead, just tell them calmly that it's just a shower as they undress and then gas them...

It is a page of world history that displays a complete lack of intelligence. It displays the ignorance on behalf of those who perpetrated this crime. Far worse than the crime of buying MJ on streets... These are Medical Treatment Centre's. So WTF is wrong with these people.. I am not a hateful person - I hate those criminals right now.



OMG let's all hope the best for our FRIENDLY neighbourhood dispensaries.
Maple Ridge just got a new one, a lot of controversy over it though, as it was even unkown by the mayor that it was coming. I don't see how a dispensary can be seen as a harmful thing?
This scares me.(firebombs)
I think it is absolutely crazy that people think that MJ is so harmful.....especially to go as far as to do something like this. Unbelievable...


As a resident of Billings, I suggest you go online and read the Billings Gazette. You will see guys with repeated DUI's (up to 9) who are slapped on the hand, fined/released, and the next day in the bar getting ready to unleash their 2 ton new pickup against the unsuspecting public.
IMO, this was done by BAR PEOPLE, who are neglecting their children/wives/neighbors, fueled by legal Jack Daniels, incited by bar owners worried about their margins.
Who's to blame? We are! It's not good enough that 66% of Montanan's voted in favor of Medical Pot but are too apathetic to force judges to mete out REAL punishment.
Farmers/Cowboys, no they got hay to make these days.
Law enforcement? are you out of your fucking mind, they'd be happy to see us all driving to the pothouse then to get icecream on the way home, rather than stopping some drunk with a .45


Active member
As a resident of Billings, I suggest you go online and read the Billings Gazette. You will see guys with repeated DUI's (up to 9) who are slapped on the hand, fined/released, and the next day in the bar getting ready to unleash their 2 ton new pickup against the unsuspecting public.
IMO, this was done by BAR PEOPLE, who are neglecting their children/wives/neighbors, fueled by legal Jack Daniels, incited by bar owners worried about their margins.
Who's to blame? We are! It's not good enough that 66% of Montanan's voted in favor of Medical Pot but are too apathetic to force judges to mete out REAL punishment.
Farmers/Cowboys, no they got hay to make these days.
Law enforcement? are you out of your fucking mind, they'd be happy to see us all driving to the pothouse then to get icecream on the way home, rather than stopping some drunk with a .45

If so, then my honest apologies if you do know the law enforcement community on a local basis, not all cops are evil. At least, I hope you are right.

Thanks for the input from where it happened.

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