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Ripped off Today, Caught em, MMAR Legal OPP


Active member
wow..glad to hear you're ok...

sounds like your buddy was in on it.

1) they knew the location
2) they knew you're shit was drying
3) they knew you weren't home

did they take some of your shit too or just their shit?

did they take anything besides meds?

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
they took everything they could get their hands on, no honour amongst theives. All my meds are gone, police are going through everything, might lose equipment, wont know til tomorrow


Overkill is under-rated.
Jeex man, sorry to hear about all that! Glad yer ok though.

Remember in a knife fight to control the knife hand, and beat them with everything else you've got with your free hand. Keep it short because it's not a matter of IF you'll get cut, but when, where and how deep.

They make those cameras now that snap a pic and text it to you if anyone walks in front of it, ask StrainHunter about where to find em, about $200 US.

Good luck and good karma to you!
Well right and wrong depends on something. Do you believe that your medical records and history are meant to remain a private matter between you and your doctor?


Glad ya didn't get hurt! I'm not sure I would have told the police, unless I was directly asked.

On a side note... Law says you can't have a gun, perhaps you should invest in a few bear traps! :) ... Just a thought...

Have a good week! :)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
helping the people that need the meds is truly called help.. What you were doing was not helping in that sense, but in the sense that you were growing this whole time so these douche bags could rip ya.. That is just not a good thing. Due to your kindness 1of 2 things almost just happened you killed or them killed.. All of that over a plant.. I really hope this is yer last time to tell or help anybody in that situation.. Sorry to hear.. lesson learned and bad bad bad things avoided... good luck with yer next grow.. And remember SHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! No matter who it is.. even my best friend has no idea where my spot is.. Hell my wife dont even know.. peace n pufs..



seriously if that was the south you woulda got shot, or you woulda shot them. you got lucky. It is a good thing you dont go blabbing any info to them that you dont need to.

Quoted for truth...
Making me feel like I should move to Canada, it seems pretty laid back there.
But then again, I don't think I could drag myself from Georgia for very long even if I wanted to... lol the south is addicting.
Good thing your safe tho, be safer next time lol

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
after sleeping on it for a night and buddy ignoring my calls and forgot to meet up with me yesterday, can't trust anybody

oh well, lesson severely learned


Andinismo Hierbatero
yes man, your "buddy" was in on it. you can tell because they knew what you had in there, they knew when you left the place; plus, it was him who told them the address, when he knew he should not have, yet he did.

if he contacts you, simply ignore him, like the no-body he truly is.

and if you are thinking about getting back at them, let it all cool down a lot... maybe next year...

much peace, light and good luck


Thats why all governments need to adress the issues and RIGHTS of Med Users! Fuck them guys! I would in the future keep a taser and hatchet on hand. Fuck a robbery its a homocide!!!!

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
no protection for the med patient

but looking back on it, i let a devil in sheeps clothing in

from now on never gonna tell a soul, not a single douche bag

pay back is gonna take forever, and probally wont get me a penny back


pay back is gonna take forever, and probally wont get me a penny back
The crunching sound as teeth meet the curb will give ya some solace.

Call on some of that anger ya had during the gold medal screamfest with the trolls.

The rest will come naturally

(I'm on your side)


you are very lucky.

lose a crop..oh well you get stuff and produce another and try to find meds until it's done.

This gives you a chance to up security and the no-tell policy on the new spot. After 5yrs, probably time to move anyway right?

Good luck friend, i hope you can get up and running again soon.

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