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Getting a medical MJ card in UK

Douglas Quail

New member
To the OP, sorry to hear about your troubles, sounds like you're having a terrible time of things.
Are you in a position to consider leaving the country? Probably not by the sound of things but I thought i'd suggest the idea anyway.
Small (under 5 plants) grows are tolerated in Belgium, the Czech Republic, Portugal and Spain if i've got my facts right.

El Toker

I think that even if we did get legislation allowing the medicinal use of cannabis in the UK it would be much more tightly controlled than in the US or Canada. The legislation around prescription medicines is much stricter here.

Prescriptions would be limited to treating those conditions where there was real clinical evidence of a beneficial effect like in the treatment of nausea in chemotherapy or for symptomatic relief in MS.

It's very unlikely that a GP would ever prescribe smoking of anything for a cardiovascular condition and cannabis would probably never be used in the treatment of mental health problems.

I doubt that it will be seen as a panacea that can help all people with all things, because the reality is that it isn't. Being non-lethal is not the same as being completely harmless there are probably conditions that cannabis makes worse and that smoking makes worse.

e.g. I've known a few asthmatic tokers, and none of them reach for a splif when they start having an asthma attack, in fact it's the last thing that they seem to want.

I think every toker has been in at least one situation where somebody who was stressed out smokes a joint and it pushes them into a panic. Personally I wouldn't ever recommend a splif to someone who was already experiencing paranoia or panic attacks.

Medical cannabis would be a great step forward, but if we did get it we shouldn't hijack a potentially good cause by arguing for a cannabis script for every ailment under the sun.


Yeah El Toker i agree,cant ever see cannabis being given for mental health probs.Over the years i've known a few lads that have had issues and to be honest cannabis maybe wasn't the problem but always exaggerated the problems they had.

Personally have never found smoking to have medical benefits,in truth it makes pain worse for about half hour after i smoke but def has an anti inflammatory effect when eaten


Active member
sure there are downsides to it, it can make panic attacks worse or bring them on. i know ive felt panic when stoned and walking past a copper or something, now if it was legal, would i panic? no.
cannabis is not for everyone, but it is definately good for treating some medical conditions and one that i suffer from myself, which is very bad appetite, quite often food does not interest me and it can be so bad that i might not eat for days or a whole week and have hunger sickness e.,t.c i smoke a joint and after an hour or so, i go stuff myself with as much food as i can.
funnily enough its good for depression, well low thc high cbd is, high thc low cbd is a recipe for panic attacks. ive never felt depressed while stoned. different story after alcohol.. something thats legal.. gw pharma know about cbd being good for depression and thats what their product contains. they explained it on that documentry last year.
again high cbd is good for pain relief. its always lessened the pain of pulled muscles for me.

im sure other people have similar or other reasons for it helping them. for those that it does genuinly help, they should be allowed cannabis legally. but instead they are classed as criminals..
if i was to stay legal, where would i be? eating disorder clinic most likely.

goes to show how fucked up laws really are and that the people that rule our country, have no fucking idea about drugs.

maybe theres some hope now that we loose gordon brown as pm, maybe the law will be changed? who knows? anyone know if conservatives share the same view as the lib dems? could be promising if they do!

El Toker

anyone know if conservatives share the same view as the lib dems? could be promising if they do!

The conservative policy on cannabis is lifted straight out of the Daily Mail. Cameron has wooed Tory voters talking about "skunk" being hundreds of times more powerful than the stuff he tried as a teenager.

I wouldn't worry about it though, I don't think there's much chance of a tory government now.


Take A Deep Breath
There's still hope.....a LibDem Home Secretary could be just what the doctor ordered.

I'll just be glad to see the back of El Gordo "The Fat One".

Edit: 1 hour later, and he's gone!

El Toker

I'll never vote lib-dem again. I don't think a lot of people with forgive them for bringing in a tory government.

At least there'll be another election in a few months.


I agree with ya here. Con-dem government sucks! BUT it is much better than lab-dem! Think of all the laws, thousands of laws taking away our rights brought in by the shady labour government! Lets not forget Professor Nutts conclusion that the gov's policy of mary j was rubbish and Gordan Brown saying outright he will ignore scientific evidence to raise it back up to class b, fucking moron! Conservatives aren't any better. Cameron is just another eton doochebag who will say whatever to get in power, then hand it all over the the rich. BUT LIBERAL DEMORCRATS ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE WITH SOULS AND HEART! Just listen to any of them, and any decent, logical and moral person who wishes to benefit everyone not just one particular social class or group of people (or themselves only) will agree more with what the libierals say more than any of the other two main parties. Nick Clegg is a good man, he seems to be doing and saying pretty much everything I'd do if I was in his position. He has made his decision that he thinks best for us all. Look at all of his policies, they all are for the benefit of us ALL and for the future of our country and our children and protecting the earth from all who are raping its resources for personal gain (like the conservatives wanting to open up all UK waters for oil ffs lets leave the earth alone, its taken millions upon millions of years to produce this stuff and we rape it in 100 years and we think it won't make any difference to the earth, I bet the earth is real pissed right now and its not global warming that is the problem, but these fucking big holes in the earth that will be the cause of future earthquakes and such). Please don't take out your hate on the conservatives by not voting liberal again. They are the only one's who can save us now...

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