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Great time to buy seeds from Europe seed banks!


gets some
I don't know if yall noticed but the Euro is down big against the US dollar lately due to the instability in Greece and other Euro-zone countries. There's more pressure on the Euro to come. Every US dollar buys more overseas products, including cannabis seeds, than it did 6 months ago. Check out prices on seed bank websites denominated in Euros!


(graph shows how many US dollars is equal to one Euro)

Lucky 7

Active member
Don't ya just hate it when somebody actually makes sense?? lmao Better yet, just go to Europe & save on yer hotel bill & food . . .


Active member
Im not following you, just because the euro is down doesn't mean the seed banks are rushing to lower their U.S. pricing.... If they were selling Deep Chunk ( or whatever ) for $90.00 2 months ago, they'll still be selling Deep Chunk for $90.00 3 months from now regardless of the rise and fall of the euro.

Just because the prices do not change on either side....does not mean the exchange rate stays static. The exchange rate on all currencies paired in some form is in constant flux. With that being said.. The weaker euro means a stronger dollar...which means people in the US have to pay less for the same amount of goods they could have purchased in a previous time period.

You dig?


gets some
Im not following you, just because the euro is down doesn't mean the seed banks are rushing to lower their U.S. pricing.... If they were selling Deep Chunk ( or whatever ) for $90.00 2 months ago, they'll still be selling Deep Chunk for $90.00 3 months from now regardless of the rise and fall of the euro.

Simple. Euro seed banks don't denominate their products in US dollars, but rather in the local currency of the Euro. The USD "price" you see on their websites is based on the exchange rate through automated computer programs on their websites. IOW, a pack of seeds that 6 months ago cost $100 USD (65Euro), will now cost $80 (but still 65Euro). Follow?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Greece and the Euro are totally finished. It's become a matter of weeks or a few months now. The IMF has destroyed Greece's financial sovereignty for all intents and purposes. This will be par for the course for everyone else including the US, but there will be a time period for which the dollar is going to be very strong against the Euro before it too tanks.

What we are about to see over the next few months is the contagion systemic market risk that I talked so much about for a while. Countries will fall like dominoes because of the sovereign debt crisis spreading across the globe.

I expect all market currency, commodity, and stock markets to get extremely volatile before they all collapse. In other words, shit is about to crazy up in this bitch. For seeds and everything and everything else.

Time to stock up.


Spastic - been hearing doom and gloom almost 2 yrs. Man - I really bought into it - and I do believe that catastrophic down cycles are natural - you know - Destroy and Rebuild? But the TIMING has been incorrectly predicted. A LOT of people missed out on a LOT of $$$ because of being too pessimistic in the near term.

Having said that - what are your predictions and why?

Not hijack the thread - but I think its relevant in a way


pretty sure intel2k you can just search 'mutual economic destruction' and that should give you a good handle on the domino theory...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
But the TIMING has been incorrectly predicted. A LOT of people missed out on a LOT of $$$ because of being too pessimistic in the near term.

You're right about there being a lot of doom and gloom around for the last decade +. I realize my time frames imply a nasty pessimism for the near term, however if the Eurozone starts to disintergrate then I believe the markets will start to go. The PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain) of the Eurozone is what's most vulnerable now. Japan is on deck for Asia. And Mexico will probably become a Nacro-Dictatorship.

The hard reality is just about every nation is facing a sovereign debt crisis. The illusion of prosperity is coming to end as it did in 1929. This is a different world today though so we can expect different social and political consequences when facing a collapse scenario.

Keeping an eye on the social cohesion of Greece once the new IMF austerity measures take hold is a key factor IMO.

If I was reading a novel, it kind of reads like a Greek Tragedy.

Sorry to hi-jack. I'll be quiet now ;)


Chat Mod
i remember when a us dollar was 1.11 euro aaaah the good old days, if things keep up it will be like that again soon.

peace -fb


Active member
The problem with Greece is that there are too many Greeks there! My old countymen are rioting because they are losing the Gov handouts they so love and the keep them from getting real fucking jobs. Greece spend 128% of what it makes every year...so they need to make cuts in spending...because they won't be worth shit..so
what do they do...riot! Yes riot and then drink. I talked to some of my family in Athens and they are all pissed about government cuts...WTF...

The Euro won't fail...

But how about this doomsday plot...the oil spilling into the gulf shuts down the 6th largest economy in the world. Then the oil actually kills most if not all the life
in the gulf...including the plankon and other crabon eating animal..thus increasing the rate of global warming..significantly...melts the glaciers...while all thi
is happening...Greece and Europe are in a deep depression. Asia declines and China can no longer peg their currency to the dollar...pushing Asia into depression...nobody has any money to spend to buy anything.... All at the same time the global temps are
rising...follow me so far?

It's going to be bad!!!

Real bad


gets some
Prices still the same for me no change yet

Elaborate please. There should be downward price movement in USD, unless your seed bank is adjusting their seed prices for "inflation" (of the Euro) to keep steady with the USD. (This is assuming your seed bank is even in a Euro country. Is it?)

IE: $100 (65 euro) seeds is now $100 (85 euro) in a Euro denominated country. That would indicate that Euro seed banks are pricing in USD, not Euros (their own local currency). That would indicate a huge weakness in the Euro, not from cannabis seeds in particular, but economically overall. When cannabis seeds are priced in a foreign currency to avoid pricing in the local currency then the local currency is on the ropes.
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I will attempt to explain ...

Some items on boutique for instance seemed to be priced in Euros. Most items seem to be based on sterling... Some of the items seem to be based on dollars. If you look at BOGs gear for instance its still 95$ but if you look at shanti's gear its gone down.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
I'm not sure you notcied, but the only ones making money are tha bankers! The rest of us are going broke! lol - I think,,,,


If you look at BOGs gear for instance its still 95$ but if you look at shanti's gear its gone down.

BOG is a medical grower in the US. I'm guessing he'd prefer US funds.

AND - it's a not a bad time to sprout those seeds.

I have a question for Gypsy and or Dutchgrown,,, Now you both have a C99 BX,,, Whos is better? - LOL :biggrin:,:Bolt:

Shine on all!
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I realize bogs in the US but I was just trying to point out they was both right... and in the end you are also right. Inflation is likely not deflation wich means at the end of the day we will be paying more purportionately in short order.