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Alternative Election Night

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
yeah....I payed rent on a council flat for years......then I bought it....

...and although I am allowed to vote in the U.K.....I never have since basically it's a monarchistic autocracy....call that a democracy?....naaaa.


Well-known member
Yeah bought my council house a few years back.

I don't bother voting. All you get is a different puppet, same masters.

Democracy....Everybody gets what nobody wants.


Take A Deep Breath
You should stand yourself Gypsy.....I'd vote for ya...or stand as a candidate for the Nirvana Party.

Just don't try any stunts in light aircraft like the UKIP guy....

komrade komura

Active member
As a yank living in the UK, I don't want anyone to win. A hung parliament with no deal between the parties works well.

Do we really want them making even more rules for us to follow?

Torries promise a programme straight from the Chicago School of Economics...and a double dip recession when they slash government spending.

At least the Green party finally has an MP.

I'd rather be in Athens.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
You should stand yourself Gypsy.....I'd vote for ya...or stand as a candidate for the Nirvana Party.

Just don't try any stunts in light aircraft like the UKIP guy....

....If I did run for office.....and my party won, you can forget about me going to see the Queen to ask her PERMISSION to form a government....

....I would instantly free all cannabis hostages in British jails, compensate them and those that have suffered in the past by giving them all licences to grow and sell as much 'erb as they liked, plus greenhouses and 'start-up' kits....(lights, nutes, systems e.t.c.)......and ofcourse plenty of free seeds...

Then I would legalize cannabis to the same level as SHANDY....(beer and lemonade)....

All the current politicians/coppers and judges that have waged and supported this war on our favourite plant in the past will be arrested and they will be forced to help all the free'd prisoners and past prisoners of war to bring in at least 6 crops.....

....and that's just for starters....

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