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Freaky Insect Encounters While Stoned


ICMag Donor
Freaky Insect Encounters While Stoned

So today I smoked a bowl when I got home. Took a shower, dried off and threw the towel on the floor. This little lovely was on the towel!!

I can't believe I didn't get stung. Dried my hair and face with this on my towel!!

Yikes! Anybody else have any trippy bug encounters while stoned?


OMFG I would have FREAKED!

I hate bugs, they gross me out! I once fell backwards through a 1st floor window because a huge palmetto bug was coming right for me. Luckily I didnt fall through completely, but the glass still broke...*SHUDDER* it still skeeves me out thinking about it!


*Stoned User*
I have, on several occasions, gotten an insect or two high. :joint:

One time I was smoking with some friends in the park when a well-mannered bumblebee landed on the flower next to me. Needless to say, he got a few hits of my mazar. Apparantly it was too much tho cause he did not move off that flower the entire time we were there. Others bumblebees came by trying to get some pollen from his flower,,,, but oh no, he wasnt havin it. This bee literally kicked, yes kicked, the other bees and went back to his pollen collecting business. Hellva bee that one was. :)
sometimes I toss moths into spider webs while blazing out doors at night. IDK if thats considered a freaky encounter though.


yes. one time i was sitting at my computer and noticed something swinging back and forth in front of me, i thought it was a little fly at first, i turned on the light and it was a spider dangling from the ceiling right in front of my face :|
I chilled with a butterfly on my finger for about 30 mins a few days ago after an outdoor session. It was fun to watch him explore my hand.


ICMag Donor
I have, on several occasions, gotten an insect or two high. :joint:

One time I was smoking with some friends in the park when a well-mannered bumblebee landed on the flower next to me. Needless to say, he got a few hits of my mazar. Apparantly it was too much tho cause he did not move off that flower the entire time we were there. Others bumblebees came by trying to get some pollen from his flower,,,, but oh no, he wasnt havin it. This bee literally kicked, yes kicked, the other bees and went back to his pollen collecting business. Hellva bee that one was. :)

I guess you could say you guys were catching a buzz lol. A bunch of us stoners worked in a 14 story coal fired power plant on the same shift. After checking equipment, we would all get together for a smoke-out at an agreed location. The code word for the sessions was "catching bees". A supervisor once overheard this and asked what it meant. He was told that we were hunting down and destroying bee hives up in the red iron! Man, when stoned that place became a 14 story play house.:smoke out:


Cannabrex Formulator
My proclivities for arthropods of any kind are known here.....I am into pretty much anything that is not a centipede or a wasp.

If you want to have a real blast when baked, find a jumping spider and watch it hunt...they are totally amazing.

pine boy

The other day I was trimming up the backyard and felt a bug on the underside of my arm.It was a lady bug which I blew off .Poor bug got about three foot away and a crackle(bird)swept down and ate the ladybug midair.
Three foot from my face.I was stoned and totally awe struck.


me and a few buds were out smoking on his porch when this landed on his shoulder.

then it was a mad rush to kill it. the pincers were almost an inch long

eastern dobsonfly


HOLY SHIT. Scorpions.....man am I glad we don't have them here! But we DO have creepy wood spiders that are really big. I already sprayed the whole house and out side,TWICE.I'll take rodents over bugs any day.


ICMag Donor
me and a few buds were out smoking on his porch when this landed on his shoulder.

then it was a mad rush to kill it. the pincers were almost an inch long

eastern dobsonfly

Holy shit! Those are some huge chompers. Do these guys bite?


I have not worked with exotic/poisonous insects/animals in 10+ years...but pretty sure that is a bark scorpion. That will put some pain on you like you have never felt...and it will last for days and days!!! One minute your hand will feel numb, the next it will flex and tighten...then throb like crazy.

I got stung years ago from one while out rattlesnake hunting...I swore I got bit by a snake....but the only thing there was a little AZ bark scorp.

*hrm..if you are 20 degrees N. I doubt it was not a Bark Scorpion...

When I was last in Australia, I had this crazy ass bird following me around...it was kinda creepy. It would not fly, just run after me. I would stop...it would stop. I would run, it would run/fly right on the ground to stay near...


Oh ya, this thread is about bugs...

This is related to a bug. This one was in Venezuela.
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