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Celebrate With Us

Now for something completely different.

I won't narrow it down to much but we recently had our 26th anniversary. Its a good thing. I'm still madly in luv with my wife. First and only. Nearly 30 years since we first met. We've given each other a few gray hairs but I can't picture life without her. Oh some off the things she put up with (and still does, lol)

Now back to news............


Active member
Congratulations to you both!!

give that woman a big hug and a nice wet kiss!
Wow hank, dbl congrats. Yes I do wonder why any sane person would hang out with me this long. Kinda glad we were older a bit when we met. She was more mature.......I wasn't.......oh well


Active member
Congrats! Going on +30 years with the old lady and that´s the best thing I ever did!

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Been with my girl for 13 years and celebrating 8 years of marriage this August. Best thing I ever did. Still madly in love with her too. Congrats on your anniversary Young Pumpkin.

GreatLakes THC :joint:
Thanx GL, best of luck to you and yours but sounds like your on your way. Finding that one you can trust is a good thing........

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