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Cannabis shortage in Egypt


Original Editor of ICMagazine
A recent weed shortage in Egypt may be political maneuvering, not due to less cannabis being grown or hashish being produced.

The hookah-smoking nation's favorite pastime is consuming hashish. It seems the politicians there like their masses opiated.
Forget about the economic crisis, deficits, debts and country bail outs, Egypt is facing a huge problem of its own. A marijuana problem. And it’s not what you’re thinking.

In a country where smoking the drug is part of everyday life for many here, a shortage of the stuff is a problem and it’s one that some are calling ‘’unprecedented.’’ The hash shortage is not due to consumers smoking the country’s stash up and bleeding it dry, it’s thanks to the vigilance of the interior ministry’s anti narcotics squad.

In March this year, the agency trumpeted a seven and a half ton seizure. And they’re not stopping there, Egyptian authorities are also arresting the head honchos of the drug trade making it more difficult to spread marijuana on the streets. So, what does this mean for the dealers who can get their hands on the drug and consumers? A hike in prices. The cost of eight to twelve grams has more than doubled this year.
The report continues to state:
Perhaps my favorite paragraph on this story comes from a Mr. Waleed Marzouk of Masry Al Youm (Egypt Today), where he says ‘’It remains to be seen whether these latest crackdowns are a serious commitment to a drug-free Egypt or little more than an elaborate public relations stunt. The general consensus seems to be that the government will flood the market with hashish soon enough, and return to its tried and tested policy of opiating the masses, especially in an election year.’’

ABC's Lama Hasan reports from Cairo, Egypt.
This would seem like an excellent time to show goodwill to Egypt

Egypt has a lack of hash problem

Texas has a how to dispose of 200,000 lbs of weed problem
( http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=172024 )

Egypt can fly a few planes over and load up all of Texas' brick-bud and put some hash makers to work.

Texas wins (weed disposed of)
Egypt wins (hot knives, anyone?)
The United States wins (thats a lot of crappy brick bud thats gone now!)

Mexican drug cartels. Lets face it, if this is brick weed in Texas, I'm sure quite a bit of it came from the Mexican cartels.

Possible loser:
United States. If it makes lousy hash, the Egyptians might never forgive us :)


The cat that loves cannabis
This would seem like an excellent time to show goodwill to Egypt

Egypt has a lack of hash problem

Texas has a how to dispose of 200,000 lbs of weed problem
( http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=172024 )

Egypt can fly a few planes over and load up all of Texas' brick-bud and put some hash makers to work.

Texas wins (weed disposed of)
Egypt wins (hot knives, anyone?)
The United States wins (thats a lot of crappy brick bud thats gone now!)

Mexican drug cartels. Lets face it, if this is brick weed in Texas, I'm sure quite a bit of it came from the Mexican cartels.

Possible loser:
United States. If it makes lousy hash, the Egyptians might never forgive us :)


One day you will have to answer to the children of
Americans can make the hash.

Jobs, jobs, jobs, right?


Active member
What's this about "Opiating" the masses?

They mix opium with their hash? More clueless journalism.

Stay Safe! :tree:


Active member
That aint quite right man, its Sheesha tobbaco they smoke, its their national pastime man, i spent 2 weeks their last year, hashish is very illegal their, 5 year sentance for possesion for the locals or thats what they were saying, Kalaboosh as they were saying, presuming that meant locked-up. egyptian hashish is the only hash ive encountred that actually made me randy, they the locals said it would but i didnt believe them, untill i started getting a stiffy lol! Lovely pollen man, when i asked if it weas actually egyptian they said it came from Jordan or was it sudan or somewhere, that was the hash, but the weed i tried was grown there, very good to rubbish, depends who you meet there really & what the locals think of you etc! It pays to be kind to them, as they can get in serious trouble selling to tourists, if your ever there getting hassled say the words 'EM-SHE' & they will leave you alone, its a very rude way of saying Piss-off i believe! Learning a little Arabic is very handy i i recommend you do! if your going there! G'Luck People....Peace.......Scroger~!
And NO they dont mix Opium with Hash , i was offered some in tea, when i asked for it in the sheesher pipe they went mad lol!


Green Mujaheed
What's this about "Opiating" the masses?

They mix opium with their hash? More clueless journalism.

And NO they dont mix Opium with Hash ,

Come on... this is not litteraly, it means it helps to keep the masses quiet. never heard about religion being the "Opium of the masses". a little bit of general culture doesn't hurt !

Irie !


Weed Cannasaur
That post makes Egypt to seem weed friendly.
There's a death sentence in Egypt for possession of marijuana.

Although its widely spread I doubt it being controlled by any officials in there.


follow the money.. While there must be some money from the USA for doing this the politicians stand to keep power and perhaps even profit from these new efforts.
More law means more sales for technology to fight this war while at the same time increasing law enforcement control builds the infrastructure to spy on their own people better while buying more arms and technology!

In the mean time those used to making some amount on a ton of cannabis will more than likely sell a half a ton for twice or more than the price of a ton. So it's a market adjustment also known as controlled inflation. It also makes getting a larger cut off the top easier for some officials.

The idea that it is illegal just means it's a part of a different market system not that there doesn't exist a market for it if we say no to drugs with more crackdowns on supply.

LOL we still like to believe there isn't a market system that includes Law Enforcement. Law Enforcement is in the profit loop my friends! They created the profit loop for themselves and keep a hold on it with guns.

Who knows this may all be a Mafia type squeeze on drug profits buy their leaders.

Also perhaps it's to protect the price in the market place with so many all over the world growing now..