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Cops kill 2 dogs because a guy had a bong

Sorry if this has already been posted.

Really too pissed to make a comment, but here you go, read it and become enraged.

Here is the article:


Here is the NORML blog entry on it:


So these cops go in, shoot two dogs in a house where they know kids are present, then charge the guy with child endangerment. I guess a bong is more dangerous than gunfire inside a freaking house.

* Can't figure out how to edit the thread title, but they 'only' killed one of the dogs, the corgie was shot but lived, the other dog was shot and killed.
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Those fuckin pigs :( jesus christ what a bunch of heroes that poor family and those poor dogs. Over a fuckin plant man the worlds fucked sometimes.Unreal.


Oliver Pantsoff

Active member
What dicks...I hated to hear that dog crying from the shot. Made my stomach drop>>>All that over a fucking bong and a lil MJ...What a country...Fuck the GOV!!!!!!!



Active member
fuck trigger happy cops...i dont wanna say what i reall feel on this out of fear the piggies might come a knockin...but MOLON LABE god bless the 2nd, cops are nothing but thieves and looters and should be dealt with accordingly.


New member
Fuck cops, I speak out. What the government wants you to, is fear them. That's the last thing I'll ever do.

Cops are worth less than cockroaches. If you ever come my way you get stepped on.

I will defend my life, the life of my family, and my dogs. If anyone enters my home uninvited I will answer with bullets. I don't care who you are.


Active member
ThomasJefferson said:
The police shot a corgi? What a bunch of idiots. And child endangerment???? Was the child in more danger from the small amount of marijuana or the trigger-happy indoor dog hunters? Obviously they are not very good shots if they could only manage to wound the corgi.
this sums it up...


just do it
at least they got that dangerous bong and grinder off the streets, way to go retard cops, thank god he didnt have a vaporizer, karmaa is a bitch, she will find you...

Leon Brooks

the RAGE that i feel when i see this video, i can only describe as being the EXACT OPPOSITE of how i felt on my wedding day. and yes i did research the details only to infuriate me more.

sooo sad that WE (Americans) have not only allowed it to come to this but put it into standard SWAT home entry protocol.


Active member
ICMag Donor
i read about this and tended to stay away from the video and now I have watched it and having been in a similar situation before must sign off out of the rage inside of me. no peace and no smoke today.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
But if you were to shoot one of their dogs you get charged with murder of a police officer, yeah that is really fucking fair! The cops should be charged with murder of their family member as well because what it good for the goose should be good for the damn gander! What gives them the right to kill an innocent family member? Are we in fucking china here?

B. Self Reliant

I watched the video and felt worse than I have in a long time. That poor fella's dogs. I live for my dogs. He was close to tears, and all for a misdemeanor amount of cannabis and a bong.

I don't understand what people need to see or hear about before they realize that we live in a tyrannical country. What is the general population's limit? Do they even have one, or do they just not give a fuck?!


*Stoned User*
This is sickening and ABsolutely uncalled for. These cops are pussies and imo should themselves be prosecuted. Running into a house blasting should be considered child endangerment especially considering they knew of the present children. Not to mention shooting a caged animal. Unbelievable really. :nono:


Active member
what also pisses me off is how much these fat piggies are being paid...the state really just wasted thousands of dollars of money paying for these guys salaries to go knock down doors of a marijuana dealer? who had nothing on him too...what a bunch of fucking idiots, fuck the god damn system, thank god my money is tax free and not funding these bitch ass police salaries.

Leon Brooks

what he said:yeahthats

the police work for us so why dont we dock their pay and see how many of them stick around for the civil service part of the job. you know the part of the job every cop says is the reason the got into law enforcement. lol


I was outraged after watching the police's raid video..if you haven't watched the vid, please do...it's shocking.

what's next? police armed with huge attack dogs? or a change of procedure from yelling " Police drug squad, open up" as they bust the front door open and charge in to simply calling in a chopper with a precision stun bomb and blowing out all the windows and doors before charging in?

and you know something, as shockingly excessive and damaging as this raid was, those police involved with this raid would of gone back to the station and high fived each other like they took down Bin Laden....and just like what is happening in Iraq or Afghanistan, if that 7 year kid was killed by a stray bullet, it would of been regarded as "collateral damage" in the media and the police would justify it by saying it was the father's fault for having drugs in the house.....!

and that poor little 7 year old boy who was asleep in bed woken up to shouting, bullets flying and seeing his Dad on the ground and their dogs shot dead or wounded ...all for a handful of bud, a grinder and a bong...I bet the bong was pulled out and used only after the kid went to sleep...that little boy will shiver for weeks after seeing something like that and will never forget...all for a misdemeanor cannabis possession charge!...shame on those cops, shame on them.
Sorry if this has already been posted.

Really too pissed to make a comment, but here you go, read it and become enraged.

Here is the article:


Here is the NORML blog entry on it:


So these cops go in, shoot two dogs in a house where they know kids are present, then charge the guy with child endangerment. I guess a bong is more dangerous than gunfire inside a freaking house.

* Can't figure out how to edit the thread title, but they 'only' killed one of the dogs, the corgie was shot but lived, the other dog was shot and killed.

Well, I balance out my endangerment of children by randomly firing my handgun throughout the day. So they're not particularly in danger or they are particularly in danger.

what he said:yeahthats

the police work for us so why dont we dock their pay and see how many of them stick around for the civil service part of the job. you know the part of the job every cop says is the reason the got into law enforcement. lol

GOD... they lied, cops lie sometimes. Really more than you'd think because they get away with it a lot.


Those fucking pigs didn't even give the guy 5 minutes to answer the door...he probably would have came out and answered any question they had if they just knocked like normal fucking human beings and not some mindless robots


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Militarized mindless robot police force. Lots of new toys and training too thanks to the war on terror.


Fuck the Nazi Pigs.