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To each there own I suppose. Closet growing is to god damn easy and I don't want plants here anymore. I love the outdoors and anything that comes with it. The good and the bad. Mother nature can be great but if your aren't careful her vengeance strikes harder than anything else. Even if cannabis were legalized my ass would still be in the woods growing weed.


Talk about fate.
I came back this morning from planting my babies and found 1. The other day when I was assessing the security of my plot and surrounding area for the final time I found 2. So I thought I'll check the forums when I wake up to see what others are doing and BAM!! here's this listed on Latest Post.
Hate those fucking things, but willing to endure them for the fruits to come in the fall.


DEET vs. Permethrin as a Tick Repellent

Springtime is tick time. This means we will soon be seeing those cautionary ads on television telling us to use tick repellents. In almost every instance, the active ingredient in those advertised tick repellents will be DEET, which is the active ingredient in most mosquito repellents.

DEET is an excellent mosquito repellent, but it is a fairly poor tick repellent. We are inundated with so many DEET repellents because there are several huge corporations that manufacture hundreds of variations of DEET products. There is only one small company ,Coulston Laboratory, that markets a handful of competitive tick repellent products for human use that contain 0.5 % permethrin.

There are pros and cons to each product, but as a tick repellent, permethrin wins hands down. Permethrin is an insecticide derived from a chemical found in the chrysanthemum family of plants. It is a spray that is used on clothes only, and is deactivated and made less effective by the oils on our skin. Once it is sprayed on our clothing, it becomes odorless and can last for several weeks with a single application. Once it is applied, most ticks will curl up and fall off if they make contact, and will eventually die if there is prolonged exposure.

Both DEET and permethrin have come under criticism for possible human side effects. DEET has been associated with human case histories of neurological damage and even death, and products greater than 40% were restricted in some states. Permethrin has been implicated in possibly contributing to the Gulf War syndrome. However, the studies involved mixing permethrin with DEET and applying it directly to the skin of mice that were then given military vaccines.

Pros and Cons:

* DEET needs to be applied regularly and can only work as it is evaporating. Permethrin works for weeks after it has dried inside clothing fibers.
* DEET is applied directly to the skin and can be absorbed through the skin. Permethrin is applied to clothing only and has limited contact to the skin.
* DEET has a detectable odor. Permethrin smells only until it dries.
* DEET does not kill or disable ticks and is a poor repellent. Permethrin works instantly and is extremely effective. It is the tick repellent of choice by the military.
* DEET can melt synthetic clothes like nylon. Permethrin causes no damage to any known cloth or synthetic fiber.
* DEET products are easy to find. Permethrin is hard to find and more expensive.


The little bastards are worse this year than ever before. A few ticks on the dogs over years and years.... yet this year we are getting them almost daily.

Doesn't matter if I am out hiking or just in our yard, we are boondocks enough that the tics are fucking everywhere.


Active member
i'm not really into the sprays. they don't really seem necessary to me.
just cover up. i could have been covered better but I wasn't expecting
such a high concentration of ticks. next time ill just cover my arms and legs better
so they can't crawl up. probably start wearing a bandanna around my head now.
thought about getting a plastic shower head cap, but that would just look ridiculous
crawling through the bush with one of those things on, and being that its plastic it
would heat up like a motherfucker. a bandanna should be sufficient.


thought about getting a plastic shower head cap, but that would just look ridiculous
crawling through the bush with one of those things on,
I just had this vision of seeing a bunch of growers sitting around the plot working while dressed in full camo....clothes, boots, and face paint and on top of their heads......plastic blue shower caps.


take ticks seriously . lyme disease aint no joke

most definitely. I caught it in 2007. Pulled a tick off my leg and a few days later had the tell tale ring growing outwards from where it was. spent 12 weeks on doxycycline. Thank God it was stopped in it's tracks. The 2nd stage of Lyme disease is NO JOKE.


ya those fuckin tics are LOVING me this year fond one on my neck today and on my bak, last week one was on my nuts!
as far as the poison oak it is EVERYWERE here and it dosent really bother me


Perplexing Magnum Opus
ICMag Donor
ticks suck. I had 1 embedded in me earlier this spring. Still can't get one of the fucking legs out.

I learned if you wear one of these in the woods you never have a problem again.



Active member
bfd... just pull em off. Im way more concerned about walking thorough a spider web and having some nasty 8-legged creature attached to my face. And snakes- the thought of those things keep me up at night.

ticks are terrifying! They eat YOU, use guerilla tactics, are nearly invincible, and carry deadly disease!!!
Try pulling off a deer tick that got ya 3 days earlier.... Now where is it's head again?


ICMag Donor
Ticks breath thru vents in their backs. They screw their heads into the flesh. If picked off, there's the risk of the head remaining and getting infected. The old timers used a wooden match- light, blow out and touch the tick with the match. I had one burrowed into my hip when hunting with my dad. He got a bottle of vodka, took the top off, and put it against my hip for a couple of seconds. Tick was out in no time. A dab of petroleum jelly on it's back works too.

When it comes to the spot, the more ticks the better!

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I would much rather have ticks than these chiggers that are covering my nuts.

Im not spraying myself with poison of any kind. Ticks always strive to reach the highest point on the body. They do this because if an animal they get on takes a swim, they wont be dislodged. Generally, a tick requires 3-6 hrs from the time it gets on you until the time its climbing toward and reaches your head- where it wants to be.

When i get back from the grow, my clothes come off on the porch and then strait into the tick shower. its a ritual. Its a shame that chiggers wont wash off.