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gone inside untill spring



nice picture update m8, nice trich action going there :yes: like that rounded budhead structure on the ss

I might be wrong here(or it's a deffinition question), but that is not the worlds oldest tree. It's the worlds oldest rootsystem. That particuluar tree was from the 1940's i think. The thing was that that tree clones itself on the roots

that is correct its the root system that is 10000 years old, the tree above ground is rarely over 500 years old, but there are some that are 500+ years above ground aswell. But this is why one should be careful not to destroy the roots on the oldest looking trees.


ohh you were thinking of setting up the tunnels in the bush?

:D that is really a beautiful forest you guys have down there, a real troll forest. Primevil. Some weed farmers belongs in those forests also hehe

it was the plan to set up the tunnels in the bush yes.

yeah we got some real troll forest some places:D

here is the most northern living lizard (Zootoca Vivipara) i stumbled over when i was out and looked for spots:D



i did make me a BHO extractor last week when i have some spare time at work.. and it is my first extraction..
5 fully seedet sour 60 gave me this:D


ohhhh sweetness mate.. that looks delish. Ive got some bho on the purge right now actually.

That lizard is awesome too, not many of those in this country, I didnt even know we had lizards tbh :D love it m8, thanks for sharing :yes: edit: btw ive got to rep around ;)


I'm sooooo looking forward to 3weeks from now my dear cool friend :p


Peace and good mornig!!!

Really nice bud's you've got going there. Yea we got some lizzies down here too in isolated pockets.

Sunny here today. Hope all is well



good afternoon!

all well here:D

besides the wether it is still raining and cold here...

how is going with your plants bom?:D
just feel free to throw out some pics..


Good afternoon.

Happy to hear that all is well!

They are growing, but superslow.

they are on 18/6, but I regret not putting them on 24/0 as the current schedule makes them really cold at nights. Last night the lowest temp was minus one. Highest day temp was pluss 20. I forgot my cameracharger, but I think I have an extra cam. somewhere.... If i find it i will post some pics, but you will mostly looking at soil.....

Later m8.


Good afternoon.

Happy to hear that all is well!

They are growing, but superslow.

they are on 18/6, but I regret not putting them on 24/0 as the current schedule makes them really cold at nights. Last night the lowest temp was minus one. Highest day temp was pluss 20. I forgot my cameracharger, but I think I have an extra cam. somewhere.... If i find it i will post some pics, but you will mostly looking at soil.....

Later m8.

yeah i too think your plants will grow faster on 24/0 as they got more stabile temps and warmer.

was it 20+ outside at your place or in the box,if it was outside you got much higher temps than we got outside yet..

later m8


yeah i too think your plants will grow faster on 24/0 as they got more stabile temps and warmer.

was it 20+ outside at your place or in the box,if it was outside you got much higher temps than we got outside yet..

later m8
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I am afraid to fuck things up if i suddenly put them on 24/0 now though. Maybe they will herm on me or something. I dunno. do you?

It was 20 pluss inside the box. outdoortemps are lot colder.

It will probably work out anyhow I think, but 24/0 would deff. be more optimal. Just afraid to swithc it you know.

They are under 100 watts now, but I'm gonna put them under a 250 w. HPS as soon as it turns up in my mailbox.

peace out


I am afraid to fuck things up if i suddenly put them on 24/0 now though. Maybe they will herm on me or something. I dunno. do you?

It was 20 pluss inside the box. outdoortemps are lot colder.

It will probably work out anyhow I think, but 24/0 would deff. be more optimal. Just afraid to swithc it you know.

They are under 100 watts now, but I'm gonna put them under a 250 w. HPS as soon as it turns up in my mailbox.

peace out

What if you swith it slow hour for hour if u know what I mean... ?



I am afraid to fuck things up if i suddenly put them on 24/0 now though. Maybe they will herm on me or something. I dunno. do you?

peace out

last year i did veg my plants for 6 weeks under 24/0 put outdoor round this time in may and they did get some hours night when put outside,and they start flowering and going back to veg fase when the nights get shorter. and going back to flower in mid july when the nights get longer without going hermie on me.

so i don think it will have no effect in early veg.

see ya later m8


it shouldnt be a problem bom unless they have already started flowering, if they have started flowering they may spend some time reverting to veg again.



Have put them under 24/0 now. thx for advice.

Took some pic's of them yesterday, but photobucket won't upload my pics for some reason. Hopefully I'll figure out why.

Here is a pic of one of the spot's. I have put 150 ltr of soil pluss leca, ash and chicken manure just on top of that little hill in the middle of the pic. Sunny and good spot, but kinda public. People aroud here don't have a clue about weedplant's look like though, so I think I'll be allright.

Later Slim:gday:



sounds and look nice bom:D

i have never tryed ash on my plots,but i think i have read at if you should use ash you need to be careful becouse it can fuck up the ph on th soil..

I had some plants in the last year in a public place with lots of haws bushes and some plum trees.
I did stand there to pick the yellow leaves on the bottom of the bushes, the out of no place stood a few people right over me to say: out there to pick haws yes.

im just answer yes nice day to pick haws on. They just walked on like it was normal activity i was doing. lol

this picture is taken just a few min before they was standing there and looking at me picking yellow leafs.

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