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Test Grow, Purple Concorde and Speedy Gonzales.


Here are some more pics from yesterday of the Purple Mazar think it is day 74. Could cut it now but will wait a couple of more days to get it mostly amber.

The small Mazar, that didnt turn purple and two SGs have been cut and are drying now. They all were about 2oz wet so will get something in the 1/2 OZ dry mark. Thats is wicked in my opinion, considering the light im using and that i have 7 plant in there. Will post pics later of that

Here is my pride and joy....



Looking like i will pull and Oz of super dank bud of this one and the Sativa SG is looking like a good yielder as well. Will get back to you with more pics later.


Just wanted to add that the plant cut were 2 oz wet EACH of course.... otherwise it would have been disappointing..


Ok all plants has been cut down now...

The first three that were cut are now dried and starting to cure. Ended up with 44g dry form them, it was 2 SG and the small PM. The big PM and the rest of the SG were cut this morning and it looks like they will yield about twice as much as the three first or close to it. So with out been 100% my guess is that I will get about 4Oz dry from this grow using a 90W light... That would be about 115g/90w = 1.3g/w and that is absolutely fantastic in my opinion.

Have some patience and I will get back to you all with the final pictures, before drying and the final product including a smoke report. This will be in about 2 weeks time as I wont be able to do it before that. Also will have the exact numbers on weight.

Until then. //Seedling


Smile Vs Cry
yes you are right " Seedling " .
GREAT!! GREAT!! for the good job man, the last picture is nice, i can't wait for harvest picture man, upload uplaod upload!!!!!


Hello Killer
Nice plants in your grow thread as well mate and thank you for the kind words!

I will post more pictures for you... but not until 2 weeks time. Im out of office right now... Can say one thing though, had a test toke of the Purple Mazar, it was a lower bud that was cut a week ago so no curing but still.... Amazing taste, smell and high. Sour strawberry on the inhale and sweet sweet fruit/berry on the exhale. The high is very relaxing, body stone with creative vibes, perfect for chilling out or before bedtime (very long lasting, very importand for me when it comes to bed time smoke), just the type i like. Im prone to racy heart and a bit of paranoia but nothing of that was there on this sample. Hoping that with a couple of weeks cure this will be even more flavoursome and tasty.

Stay tuned for pictures and full smoke report on both strains.
Giddy up!


Your description of the Purple Mazar sounds perfect for me, I cant wait to try it out. is the sweet sweet fruity berry taste a proper one or is it like the fruity/mango (hemp) smelling pheno seen with alot of autos


Your description of the Purple Mazar sounds perfect for me, I cant wait to try it out. is the sweet sweet fruity berry taste a proper one or is it like the fruity/mango (hemp) smelling pheno seen with alot of autos

This is the real deal id say. The most berry smoke ive ever had was a cross of strawberry cough and blueberry, get that deep taste that sticks to the top of your mouth and its there long after you have finished... the Purple mazar has that same kind of after taste but is a bit more sour on the inhale. Not mango/hempy at all. Just very very pleasant. Some of the HBD were quite berry in my opinion but this one beats it by a mile! The flavour is so much deeper and stays for longer... mmmmmm


OK, as promised here are the final harvest pics and weight... Will come back with smoke reports but need to cure for at least a week until i do

To the left are the Speedy Gonzales dried, all in all 65g and on that you should add 3g that i have pinched for test smoke. On the right is the Mazars(really purple pheno on top.) all in all 42g dry and a pinch of 2g probably. So that is 110g dry from a very limited space and using a 90w LED (110/90 = 1.22g/w). Im very happy with the result as the smoke is very potent as well..

ALL of it Curing, the big jar is SG and the 2 smaller are the Mazars.

Bud pics (not cured..), SG

Bud pics (not cured..), Purple Mazar

And finally the Kief from the cuttings, 2.5g made with a hand blender and a bucket of ice...

Still has some more so cuttings so will probably end up with 3.5 of Kief... That is a grand total of 113.5g of primo smoke from 90w of lights!! Loving this....

Ill be back with a smoke report soon.
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1,2g/w... I just love autos...
And man this purple one is beautiful, I got to try it just for the beauty of the plant ^^. Nice work.


Smile Vs Cry
i love also me picture man!!!
great+++ for you man!!
the purple mazar is fantastic example a sweet candy bud man.. :jawdrop: ...ah ah.....just beautifull and enjoy man!!!


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
I must spread some rep before i give any to you Seedling...What a shame, you deserved more!
Respect my friend and keep those fingers green


Active member
OMG! found this thread @ it's end, BUT just read ALL 10pgs. and I must say DAMM Seedling!!!!!! Very, Very impressive grow with the LED....Those SG & PM looks fantastic! I will Most Def. Be Getting Some Of those PM for sure!!! Like you, I LOVE THE COLOR BUDS!!!!! btw, I found a site with these...can you PM me with the site you bought yours from just to make sure it's the same site...peace nd congrats on the harvest & yield!
Oh, and that kief looks yummy! imma try that with my clippings too! how big was the bucket you used???


Thank you Paulo and uptosum!! Im very happy with what i got from this last grow, the bud is amazing. Will give a smoke report this weekend, after a 2 week cure. The taste and smell got sooo much better after the first week so I decided to give it an other before a report back to you all. Saying that it was delicious with out the cure...

Ill get back to you all soon with smoke report and some photos of my new outdoor mission.


Active member
cool....and thanks for the quick reply via PM,,,,,Oh, u never did say what size bucket u used to make that kief....got the hand held blender already & ice, of course..LOL!


I used a 7 litre pot to mix in, sieve it with a nylon sock to get the crap bits out. let it settle and then pour the top water of, in to an other pot, let both settle then I pour the half the water of the second pot in to the sink, the repeat with the first to the second, let it settle and repeat until i only have the kief and a small amount of water in each pot. Let the last of the water evaporate and then im done... Would be less time consuming to have a nice 50 micron bag to sieve it all through but this works well and no special equipment needed... just a lot of patience... the is key here...

Good luck my friend