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Rooting hormone vs. plain water


New member
Clonex is pricey, for the amount of product you get. My success rate however, is 100% with clonex. (Keep in mind that I'm a noob)

My question is, has anyone done a side by side with clonex vs. maybe superthrive, or just plain water? Is it worth the $$$ spent on clonex... Or maybe rootone powder? (Which is much cheaper)

P.S. I didnt do a search on this one, mainly because I wanna start a post, I'm not gonna lie.
And second because I want an up to date answer.




Active member
I use Hormex for soaking roots before transplant from aero cloner to soil. Works great. Its more or less the same as superthrive.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
ps i find most rooting hormones are 100% more effective if you let cutting soak in them for 5 minutes before putting in cubes


New member
Wow B.F, I searched H.D. pretty thoroughly and I don't think I saw this stuff.

I think I'm just feeling kinda raped for the 30$ bottle of clonex. Albeit a local shop that I glady support.

PS, I am superthriving the water for the clones, after dipping the cuttings in clonex...

Thanks for the replies.


B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude


New member
So Lakehigh,

Water wasn't successful?

I remember my mom taking cuttings of houseplants, putting them in a glass of water, and a few weeks later, roots...

I know that every plant is different, but is it worth 30$ a 100ml of clonex?

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Took Slowandeasy's advice made a bubble cloner myself here's what it looks like:

$2 air stone
$15 pump on sale
$15 aquarium heater on sale Alternative heating by seedling mats @
$?? whatever seedling mats cost, think quaurium heater is cheaper, want to keep water temp at 72 F
$6 plastic tote 15 litre / 4 gallon
$5 metalic tape to cover holes and stick cuttings in

this works for me


New member
Thats funny B.

Im constructing almost the exact same thing as we speak... For now its clonex and jiffy cubes. lol.


Active member
With a proper aerocloner u don't need any solution at all. I just run plain water and Botanicare Aquashield. Keep the pH around 6 and you will get 100% all day long... even from tough to clone strains that are a huge PITA in oasis cubes.


how many days did the bubble cloner take B. Friendly? have have something the same except for foil instead of melat tape and no heater...so far it has been about 4 days..no roots...i wonder if heat would help

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
some in 5 days most done by 7 days. I put a heater in the water like an aquarium heater. also can use seedlings pads they work good.
dont need anything but water, i put superthrive in just for something.


Active member
7 days for everything except tahoe OG... that takes about 10. Cuttings from the bottomof the plant tend to root much faster than top cuts.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
roots want to be around 70 to 72 degrees
tops want to be around 80+ degrees, but just keep em warm.


Active member
i found that my cloners (DIY and EZ) stayed much closer to the desired temps without help when I had them on a metal shelf rather than flat on a plastic folding table. The pump heated the water way too much on the tables. Better airflow of the wire shelf/rack did the trick. With ambient temps around 70, the water temps stayed the same.

Bud Bug

Clonex is pricey, for the amount of product you get. My success rate however, is 100% with clonex. (Keep in mind that I'm a noob)

My question is, has anyone done a side by side with clonex vs. maybe superthrive, or just plain water? Is it worth the $$$ spent on clonex... Or maybe rootone powder? (Which is much cheaper)

P.S. I didnt do a search on this one, mainly because I wanna start a post, I'm not gonna lie.
And second because I want an up to date answer.


Why not just get Stim Root #2 which is $5 for 25g and will do tons of cuttings. I know people who do 1000's of clones every week using Stim Root #2

If you want to experiment "home made rooting hormone from willow tree" http://www.beinggreenonline.com/gardening/make-your-own-natural-rooting-hormone or http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&e...=homemade+willow+tree+rooting+hormone&spell=1


Dip -n- Grow and Vita Grow are waaaaay cheaper than Clonex, work as well and will last a long ass time. The difference between water and hormone is a difference of several weeks time usually. How big of a hurry are you in?

The above mentioned hormone products will also make a bubble cloner more effective/reliable, though I got rid of mine in favor of this:http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=42847 Dip it in Vita Grow, stick it in there, 7 - 10 days later !00% root. No maintenance or electricity usage. Makes it better, imo.


Well-known member
used to have a bubble cloner made from tupperware box & aquarium pump & air stone. if i used a clean razor & took a good cutting, i got over 90% roots whether i used rootone or not. using the stuff produced roots a little faster, but no more certain of success...