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Callin' Out Names


This is the thread where we can call out Colorado dispensaries for whatever reason, shitty service, infected clones, crap (Cali OD) meds, or just overall a bad vibe or experience. Somewhat like a restaurant review, I guess.

Please state the name of the dispensary, city, and any other info you see useful, name of tender, address, strain, problem, clones, meds, etc.

This is a public service, and we should try to use this thread as a tool, somewhat of a Better Business Bureau for dispensaries.

This is probably NOT the place to post your good experiences of dispensaries since:

(a) Everyone in here will probably rip on you anyway

(b) If everyone posted good things here about dispensaries, it would get pretty hard to separate the spam from the real, so just leave that stuff to the dispensaries/collectives directory...

Thanks to Rednick and Mr Dank for helping me think to do this!


So I guess I'll start things off with something I posted in the CO MMJ Clone Scene Thread

About a month ago, I went into Colorado Care off Iris in Boulder. Here is their info:

Colorado Care Inc
2850 Iris Ave Suite North
Mon. 11-5 , Tues-Sat. 11-7
[email protected]

I was talking to the receptionist guy, seemed really young, maybe I'm just getting old and all these kids just look young. Anyway, we got on the conversation about clones, and he then bolted out of his chair to show me his all NEW clone section of the store. I walk with him back behind a curtain, and he shows me a metal shelving rack with some T5s and metal baking pans full of trays and clones, somewhat hastily labeled. He runs off the names of some of the strains, and they all sounded familiar, but not a one was a local cut, or anything that they had as meds for that matter. He then said, Querkle, which is a subcool strain. I've grown Querkle, and it was prone to PM, which I'm telling him, just making conversation. He nods his head when I say this, and at that moment, I actually spot a little round patch of Powdery Mildew right on the leaf surface of one of his clones. Within a second, my trained eyes fully scanned all the other trays, and it looked like almost every clone in that shelving rack had traces of PM. I've had PM before, but just slightly, and I don't have any strains in my stable that have PM now, but I have NEVER seen PM already in the reproductive stage on clones. It must have been cut with fresh PM from the mother. I immediately point out to him that he has a PM issue, and he scurries to tell me that he treats them every other day with neem oil. I try to plead with him that need oil does nothing for pm other than wash off the reproductive organs of the mildew, but he insists that its working. I try to tell him that it obviously is NOT working for PM, since I can see the shit everywhere!!! I try to give him the remedy of at least using diluted milk, but he looks at me with confused face. I also noticed that they kept the clones' rockwool way too wet, and it was showing some green algae already and was probably a cause for allowing the PM to continue to thrive. Anyway, I went home immediately and stripped down and washed my clothes with hot water, I had the heebby jeebies...Don't buy their clones.

This place opened in January I think, and it is right by my house, so I checked them out a few times. They were always friendly, but seemed a bit uninformed on their own stuff, usually didn't know lineage, history, grow technique, etc. Early on most of the stuff they had was undeniably Cali bud, not all outdoor, and at $18-20 per gram...rip off. Now they still have high prices, but I've seen meds in there that I know are from local growers, but they still are a bunch of Cali people that are running it. They are all from Santa Barbara or Santa Monica? Some fucking Santa Clause town in Cali somewhere...

Would not send my friends in that place....


Medical Marijuana of the Rockies in Frisco sold me a 3 gram eighth, and a gram of hash that was only .8. That really pissed me off so im not going back. They have a lot of clones, but never any finished product, this place gives me the creeps.

Also the Breck Loft are from Cali and charge $75 an eighth for og kush. Its good kush, but nothing is worth that price. They just assume everyone in Colorado has never smoked top shelf medicine. They are friendly and have great hash, but i feel they are just greedy and trying to make to much $$ off sick people.


the place in frisco sold me an 8th at 4.2grms and gave me free edibles as well. and just the other week we ate lunch at RastaPasta and stopped into Breckloft for the prized kush and was only $50-8th.
i have never been shorted ever by any shops in colorado..seems all the shops i go into i walk out with free edibles, hash, candies, joints, t-shirts, lighters, stickers, seeds, clones. must be cause im such an a$$hole :blowbubbles: lol

There people go breakin' the rules already!

This is probably NOT the place to post your good experiences of dispensaries since:

(a) Everyone in here will probably rip on you anyway

(b) If everyone posted good things here about dispensaries, it would get pretty hard to separate the spam from the real, so just leave that stuff to the dispensaries/collectives directory...


I asked about doing this once, and it seemed everyone here agreed this was wrong and told me not to call out dispensaries selling bad clones, meds, etc..
Kinda two faced I think. IMHO this thread is wrong, if one person can't do it, by consensus of the forums, then it should be the same for everyone else.

Wonder who that was driving in a silver square back Mercedes with a Pit hanging out of the window in Boulder, that still has Florida temporary plates, and who was that driver who was wearing a funny colored patchwork hat on, sporting a green Cross and their dispensary name advertised in the cars back window. hmmm, I've seen that pit before...oh yeah..now I remember


I asked about doing this once, and it seemed everyone here agreed this was wrong and told me not to call out dispensaries selling bad clones, meds, etc..
Kinda two faced I think. IMHO this thread is wrong, if one person can't do it, by consensus of the forums, then it should be the same for everyone else.

The general consensus I got from the other CO threads seemed to point to a need for a thread like this. If a dispensary is selling mislabeled clones, or clones with PM or RA, people have a right to know! This is a consumer report and a public service! I wasn't expecting people to call out shops just cuz they don't like em, you should be giving valid reasons why to avoid a shop. There is no other website like this, all the other ones are just promoting dispensaries, and you don't know who writes the good reviews or comments, could be the owner himself, thats just too biased to take seriously. Plus, as growers, we need this to protect ourselves. I don't know how many times I read about people bitching that they got RA or PM or a clone turned out to not be what they thought....call 'em out on it, they are making money selling shit unfairly, right?

Would the consensus be against it if we were calling out crooked auto repair shops? restaurants with dirty kichens? what makes a dispensary any better and not subject to the same scrutiny and criticism?


Wonder who that was driving in a silver square back Mercedes with a Pit hanging out of the window in Boulder, that still has Florida temporary plates, and who was that driver who was wearing a funny colored patchwork hat on, sporting a green Cross and their dispensary name advertised in the cars back window. hmmm, I've seen that pit before...oh yeah..now I remember

I know exactly what place your talking about. Not a fan of the spot myself, guy just seems like a rich kid opening a shop with daddy's money, selling bs meds. But you brought it up, finish it up, I won't say it, you finish your thought, don't be afraid, tell us how you really feel! BTW, fuck the place across the street, too!


^^ he called them out as being shady and i dont agree.! that simple vv

dont expect for people to come on here and bash a shop for a one time bad experience and not have others with good visits backing the shops up, all of a sudden the shop is no good or not in good standing from one single persons bad visit?!
as you can see he got treated bad with the short 8th and the high price at the other shop ...but i got taken care of..!
so one mans bad shop experience is anothers best shop in town. if you go into a shop not knowing what is what and YOU are not on top of your game then its your fault for the bad experience. we all know shops are greedy so isnt that a good enough reason to be on your game while being in the shops in the first place?!

i as well dont think this thread is a good idea but while its here i will voice my two cents:cathug:

I agree with you somewhat. That shop may not have intentionally shorted me, and they did make up for it, but it happened twice. That makes me think they are shady, or just have mediocre weed. Also i still go to the Loft in Breck even though they have high prices, i like their hash, and the Owner is cool. I have had good and bad experiences at both places.

Also i know what is what. Its not my fault that they cant use scales, or dont know how much an eighth weighs. I went back and they made up for it. But its crappy service. Its not my fault that they charge $75 an eighth. I dont think anyone should have to "be on their game" when they go to a shop. Maybe some people are too stupid to realize they are being taken advantage of. There are a lot of quality shops like Pure, Herbal Element, Grasshopper, HCH, that are running with integrity and setting the bar pretty high.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
That shop may not have intentionally shorted me, and they did make up for it, but it happened twice. .

Everyone is free to have their own opinion, but twice is two too many times for me.

There are so many dispensaries, that if I don't like the effort put into the environment, attitude of the people, status/quality of meds, ect..
That they are probably not one for me to consort with in the future. The free market will take care of them, if it is allowed to flourish.
Many times I find some dispensary buyers just can't get past the old ways of 'Hustlin', making a dollar outa fifteen cent.
Which means "Oh well, guess I won't take my good stuff to you anymore".

I don't know the full name, it was on the East side of Federal, south of First north of not sure at least Mississippi.

Want to say Federal and Ellsworth. East side.
Big white pot leaf sign that says 'Collective'.
So I'm doing my rounds and want to see if they are interested.
Cali plates on the Jeep Grand Cherokee should've been my first clue.
Reflective door with purple neon above w/o signs should've been second.
But then stepping in there and hearing, in a high pitched, stuck-up kinda condescending voice "You're a vendor. Uggh, this is a business, you don't walk into a business without calling for an appointment."
Well then you shouldn't put a pot leaf on S.Federal. Unless you want to advertise Cali-Woman Owned and Operated, people are going to walk in your dispensary.
That is how I meet people, I go into their dispensary and say "Hi, my name is ********, would you like to see some of my extra meds?"
But it did save me time.
"Don't pitch to bitch." Boiler Room.


Okay, so to clarify for those that just want to buy meds, this is more from a growers perspective. I didn't want to start a thread to bag on stores' meds, just more of a warning for clones. I just included meds as well, just to get the conversation started....ooops. I rarely buy meds, and I'd say 90% of the shops are below my standards, so it would be pointless to bitch about all the shops that I think sell bs meds....not worth the effort!

However, experience and vibe goes a long way, if you ask me. I have been to places that seemed cool, the people friendly, but you still get skeived out for some reason or other, maybe Cali tags in the parking lot, or Florida tags on a G-wagon, whatever....

And if we are informing each other about dirty clones, how does that make us not knowing what is what and not on top of our game? We are trying to stay on top of the game by forewarning each other about possible dirty or mislabeled clones....WAKE UP!!!


I thought it was this thread, but I guess it was somewhere else where someone mentioned that THC was no longer selling clones... I'd be interested to see what seeds they have. That's a bummer that they don't sell clones anymore, but it's probably for the best.

I still need to talk to those guys and find out what they use for root aphids!


so i think its still best to just grow your own and if you want new strains then buy and SOw some seeds!
good day:smokey:[/quote]
AGREED 100 %......:bandit:


The general consensus I got from the other CO threads seemed to point to a need for a thread like this. If a dispensary is selling mislabeled clones, or clones with PM or RA, people have a right to know! This is a consumer report and a public service! I wasn't expecting people to call out shops just cuz they don't like em, you should be giving valid reasons why to avoid a shop. There is no other website like this, all the other ones are just promoting dispensaries, and you don't know who writes the good reviews or comments, could be the owner himself, thats just too biased to take seriously. Plus, as growers, we need this to protect ourselves. I don't know how many times I read about people bitching that they got RA or PM or a clone turned out to not be what they thought....call 'em out on it, they are making money selling shit unfairly, right?

Would the consensus be against it if we were calling out crooked auto repair shops? restaurants with dirty kichens? what makes a dispensary any better and not subject to the same scrutiny and criticism?

How do you know who is writing the bad reviews? Could be competition..... Either way, people most likely need to visit all these shops and see for themselves.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
I am not competition (on retail side), anyone who has met me can vouch for that.
Just a small grower feeing the squeeze as some dispensaries keep the prices the same, and the break down the small grower. I mean it is legal now and they have increased their profit margin. That is not usually a sustainable practice in Economics.
Yeah you may have only paid X amout for this, but it is crap. They are running a business, buy low sell high, I understand that. There will be those, however, that take care of the small growers with excellent buds. That is part of the reason for this thread. How many dispensaries do you think you can hit in a day?
How about if they make you wait?
We are trying to leverage our collective knowledge for the good of the Colorado grower, or bona-fide refugees. If you didn't pick up a charge in your former state, then you are not a refugee (well you still could be, but you're gonna need a good reason besides digging for gold).

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