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Oregon Outdoor 2010 Samson Style


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Shit I'm supposed to be thinking about planting in a few weeks and it fucking hailed while I was out preparing the site!!!!!!! I was standing in a hole I was digging and then boom, hail, crazy shit....The old timers tell me that there is one more freeze coming and then we will all be good to go...might be pushed back 2 weeks though.
Too bad you dont have a chill little spot to set them around the house for a few days...let them have some real sun...It must be a bitch growing above 45N.


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Oregon brothers, has anyone else put their girls outside yet? Its been cold and shitty up here for a week, but the cold spell is supposed to be over in a week or so. All my holes are dug, my soil is mixed and the spots are caged and prepped for Deer, now I'm just waiting to pull the trigger.

Just got back from checking on my sites actually, mixed the soil again really good, pruned the branches growing and blocking the early morning sun, threw up a few branches I cut down over the entrance to my spot. I have to get down and crawl on my belly to get to my best spot, this is the one that I am confident that will produce and never be found.


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Samson, I'm looking at 50+ mph wind gusts today. Couldn't get the BBQ to stay lit on the back deck. It's out of control! Ladies still not outside, target date is the 10th. This windhas been going for over a week!


Active member
Wow that's out of control wind, its been windy down here a little bit but nothing that bad at all.

Thought I would do an update. Its been 29 days since seeds went into paper towels. Its been a learning experience, haven't done seeds in many years, bought shitty soil the first time, left them in small cups way too long. Waited to get them into their home under the good light ect. I have three really good plants, one OK plant and two super runty ones, lol. They have been on 18/6 under the T5 for a week or so, Im going to top the crap out of them tonight and give it two weeks max, then they are all going to go.

My AutoFlower Spot in the deep deep woods.

My three big ones, all Sputnik #1, all around 10 inches tall, very short and squat.


My three weird girls. the short church topped itself, and only grows leaves of three.

Nice shot of how tight the T5 keeps the nodes, Im impressed, but in future grows I wont put it so close early in life, they were too close together before the move, here's an up skirt shot.


Oregon Growers Unite!


Cool, looks good! The one growing three leaves is called a tri-foil plant. Apperantly they usually grow to be a male, although you never know...I usually get a few of those in every 100 seeds or so I start, I end up chucking them but I was tempted to keep one and grow it out, in case it turned out to be a female.

T5's are great for vegging, you're plants look good! I'd move the lights up higher if you have not already, just to facilitate a bit more stretch and let some more light into the undergrowth.

Are you planning on adding any perlite to that prepared spot, looks like you ended up using the coconut coir, did it expand easily just left out in the rain?


Active member
Hey Clunk Thanks for stopping by, my trifoil is actually a feminized "Church" seed, so if it turns up male than I really fucked it up as a kid lol.

Yea I added lots of really good stuff to that hole, three bags of Ocean Forest Soil and a bag of perlite, some piece of mind and bat guano, that's my money spot deep deep in the woods that Im sure wont be found (knock on wood). :) I think with everything added it was 5 Cublic feet of goodness. I am putting 10-15 auto flowering strains in that spot, hoping for a mid July harvest, to combat the summer drought of meds. The cori really did expand really easy, just left it out near my spots for a few good rains and it swelled up, and I actually did a little experiment and added some fox farm grow big to the bricks when they were about half way swelled up, I am hoping it will works like time release ferts.
Winds were crazy at home this weekend! But I scouted out a new canyon and found some very good spots. Deer are going to be my main antagonist I can tell already. I'm thinking fishing line spaced about 8" apart up to about 6 ft high will work but I'm not sure if the fishing line will reflect very much light?? My spots are isolated and away from roads and any foot traffic. Hopefully I won't be putting any out until mid June when classes are out and I can tend to them much easier.

Oh Samson... Go Beavs!!


Active member
Sage, Welcome my Beaver Brother. I remember the good old college days when we would drive to the outskirts of Corvallis and just plant random back roads, out staple was Queen x Durban Poison clone my buddy had, it was always down and smoking by my birthday in Late September. Flowered hard and fast. What are you thinking about planting this year?

Fishing Line is good but is also pretty sharp and could harm plants, I just cage if possible, pee like crazy when I'm at my site, and lay down some deer repellent, ivory soap chunks and moth balls. If all that fails there is nothing you could have done short of shooting the bastards lol.

Deer have always fucked with me, and have been the downfall of many wonderful grows by friends of me in the past.
Sage, Welcome my Beaver Brother. I remember the good old college days when we would drive to the outskirts of Corvallis and just plant random back roads, out staple was Queen x Durban Poison clone my buddy had, it was always down and smoking by my birthday in Late September. Flowered hard and fast. What are you thinking about planting this year?

Fishing Line is good but is also pretty sharp and could harm plants, I just cage if possible, pee like crazy when I'm at my site, and lay down some deer repellent, ivory soap chunks and moth balls. If all that fails there is nothing you could have done short of shooting the bastards lol.

Deer have always fucked with me, and have been the downfall of many wonderful grows by friends of me in the past.

My cousin has been wanting to do that sometime this summer but I'm going home this summer so I'm taking whatever clones I can get with me. I have several good spots that are close to where I'm living this summer.

I am getting clones from a friend who's also teaching me what he can. He does outdoor in the southern part of the state. He's giving me clones from Shishkaberry, Cheese (said he got it from a med club somewhere), Queen (donno what that is), Afghani (helped transplant these after he cloned so they're my favorite), maybe some white rhino and I'm not sure what else he has.

Thinking of digging 2x2 holes with a combination of native soil, about 50% potting soil and some worm castings and large grain perlite.

B/c this is my first time growing I really have no idea what to expect. I've been reading as much as I can in the outdoor forum on here and I've already learned a ton!

Right now I have 2 different places that will hold 10-15 mixed among the brush and small trees. Another canyon has a good mile of creek that will support anywhere from four to eight groupings of about 3 plants each. Water is nearby one of the bigger groupings and all the small patches. I'll have to pack water about 1/2 mile to the other big patch. Thinking about a large container on site to store lots of water in that I'll only have to fill up once every 2 weeks or so.

Right now my plan for deer calls for about 5' tall wire cages that are about 5' in diameter and pissing in gatorade bottles and just dumping it all around.

Hoping to harvest about the 2nd or 3rd week of Sept b/c deer season starts the beginning of Oct. Still looking for ways to cure bud when you don't have a house to do it in exactly lol.

I should be a caregiver for at least 2 patients by Sept so this is just kind of a fuck around warm up.


Active member
My cousin has been wanting to do that sometime this summer but I'm going home this summer so I'm taking whatever clones I can get with me. I have several good spots that are close to where I'm living this summer.

I am getting clones from a friend who's also teaching me what he can. He does outdoor in the southern part of the state. He's giving me clones from Shishkaberry, Cheese (said he got it from a med club somewhere), Queen (donno what that is), Afghani (helped transplant these after he cloned so they're my favorite), maybe some white rhino and I'm not sure what else he has.

Thinking of digging 2x2 holes with a combination of native soil, about 50% potting soil and some worm castings and large grain perlite.

B/c this is my first time growing I really have no idea what to expect. I've been reading as much as I can in the outdoor forum on here and I've already learned a ton!

Right now I have 2 different places that will hold 10-15 mixed among the brush and small trees. Another canyon has a good mile of creek that will support anywhere from four to eight groupings of about 3 plants each. Water is nearby one of the bigger groupings and all the small patches. I'll have to pack water about 1/2 mile to the other big patch. Thinking about a large container on site to store lots of water in that I'll only have to fill up once every 2 weeks or so.

Right now my plan for deer calls for about 5' tall wire cages that are about 5' in diameter and pissing in gatorade bottles and just dumping it all around.

Hoping to harvest about the 2nd or 3rd week of Sept b/c deer season starts the beginning of Oct. Still looking for ways to cure bud when you don't have a house to do it in exactly lol.

I should be a caregiver for at least 2 patients by Sept so this is just kind of a fuck around warm up.

Very nice dude, I have been OMMP for like 5 years now, all my guerrilla shit is just for fun and extra smoke. I have run a few of those strains, sounds like your off to a good start. Is your home north or south or Corvallis? I'm assuming south? We are planning an IC meet and greet for the fall after harvest. Send me a PM and ill give you details as they come.

Would like to see some cheese, I got a bag of it once but who knows if it was real, would like to see the real deal. I got blue cheese as a freebie from a seed company, but I haven't run it yet.
Very nice dude, I have been OMMP for like 5 years now, all my guerrilla shit is just for fun and extra smoke. I have run a few of those strains, sounds like your off to a good start. Is your home north or south or Corvallis? I'm assuming south? We are planning an IC meet and greet for the fall after harvest. Send me a PM and ill give you details as they come.

Would like to see some cheese, I got a bag of it once but who knows if it was real, would like to see the real deal. I got blue cheese as a freebie from a seed company, but I haven't run it yet.

Home is north east.. just north of 45 N. Thinking about southern OR for next summer if I get the cards for it. Yeah I don't really know anything about the cheese and he's only got one so hopefully I get a few clones.

Hoping for 30-40 healthy plants to harvest in Sept. Crazy dreams I know ha!


Active member
Home is north east.. just north of 45 N. Thinking about southern OR for next summer if I get the cards for it. Yeah I don't really know anything about the cheese and he's only got one so hopefully I get a few clones.

Hoping for 30-40 healthy plants to harvest in Sept. Crazy dreams I know ha!

Well good luck with your plan friend. Keep us posted, feel free to post pics in this thread if you don't feel like starting your own. Numbers are a funny thing. I was planning on planting 15 this year, and now that they are all ready to go I have about 6 big busty ones, the others either died or are runts that I'm going to flower inside.


Active member
Crazy heavy snowstorm over here on the East side of the Cascades yesterday. Fully 60 + mph winds. I wonder what the weather tracker at the top of HooDoo mountain read...

Anyway, looking at the forecast it looks like May 12th is my new drop date. Out of my 16 seeds, I think only 5 males. 3 of those males are Purple Ticinensis, so I'll be breeding this summer for sure.

There is a Purple Ticinensis thread here on ICMAG, started by ESBE.If you guys want to check it out.

GL this week!


Active member
Crazy heavy snowstorm over here on the East side of the Cascades yesterday. Fully 60 + mph winds. I wonder what the weather tracker at the top of HooDoo mountain read...

Anyway, looking at the forecast it looks like May 12th is my new drop date. Out of my 16 seeds, I think only 5 males. 3 of those males are Purple Ticinensis, so I'll be breeding this summer for sure.

There is a Purple Ticinensis thread here on ICMAG, started by ESBE.If you guys want to check it out.

GL this week!

I got hail again today like a crazy person. Its looking like I am going to have an even further out plant date than you Horse, its just too damn cold at night up here for me to subject these little girls to.

I checked out that thread, seems like a pretty cool strain. There are a lot of people working with it over there. Like I said before I am always on a quest for purple. My buddy called me today from SO and said he had a zip of GDP in a jar for me in his closet, and I almost made the 12 hour round trip drive down there lol.

I have lots of nice smoke right now, but that GDP is just the best medicine for me, any purple indica really, but that GDP just seems to be the king shit. Wish it yielded better though, its always hard to get a hold of for that reason and the reason why I don't grow it myself.
Winds were crazy at home this weekend! But I scouted out a new canyon and found some very good spots. Deer are going to be my main antagonist I can tell already. I'm thinking fishing line spaced about 8" apart up to about 6 ft high will work but I'm not sure if the fishing line will reflect very much light?? My spots are isolated and away from roads and any foot traffic. Hopefully I won't be putting any out until mid June when classes are out and I can tend to them much easier.

Oh Samson... Go Beavs!!

Should keep them from getting to tall, I'm dragging my feet this year. To much work to be done, some bad weather that doesn't help either. It's mostly the trip there, coming back is far far easier.


Active member
Should keep them from getting to tall, I'm dragging my feet this year. To much work to be done, some bad weather that doesn't help either. It's mostly the trip there, coming back is far far easier.

I got a super small window of nice weather and I just went for like 2 days straight hiking and packing crap in. I'm all done now and the weather is breaking my balls. I didn't cover my spots, and a little time to get all mixed is good but all this rain will sap my nutrient content real fast.