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Happy Meals now ILLEGAL in San Francisco.......



My general physican would agree 100%. Inactivity, Brainwashing, zombie like behaviour, obesity are all part of the tv equation.

My 9 year old watches almost NO tv! She is outside playing right now.

It's a parental responsibility. You cannot legislate good parents.

You live in the nanny state, I'll stay free! :dance013:

OK, so let's start taking the toys out of every single box of cereal, no more surprise in Cracker Jacks & wtf, why not take the bubble gum out of baseball card packs. Shame on you Topps! preying on the sugar jones of millions of american boys by tempting them w/sweets instead of slipping in an extra trading card.

Wasn't this EXACTLY the 1984 big bro scenario? watching you to make sure you didn't eat too much, that you exercised daily etc.

Big Brother is watching & controlling you now.......

Yes, I remember 1984 quite vividly. It was a dark dystopian world where nary a cheap factory-made patty of cow testicles could be bought.

I'm surprised we haven't done this sooner. I don't know why it was ever considered acceptable to market egregiously unhealthy products to easily impressionable kids. Given how many kids are seriously fucking up their lives with obesity(social isolation, increased risk of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, etc.), it seems like common sense that we should prevent vultures like McDonalds from preying on them. Especially since everyone, skinny and fat, pays for the increased health costs this crap causes. I don't wanna pay more to see the doctor so that McDonalds can get rich by hooking kids early on their junk.
The freedom to entice children with toys & brainwashing advertising to lock them, literally with biological weapons of addiction (salt/sugar/cheese)

So let me get this straight, McD's brainwashed kids to want happy meals?

Ok then: WHO BOUGHT THE KID THE HAPPY MEAL? They aren't buying themselves happy meals. The parents are buying the happy meals. Why is there no responsibility on the parent? They deserve 100% of the blame.

Blaming McD's for your fat kid is like blaming the gun company for someone shooting your friend. They didn't put the gun in the shooter's hand and McD's did not put the cheeseburger in the kids mouth, the parent did.

My Little Pony brainwashed my sister to want a pony. Did my parents buy a pony? Fuck no, they aren't retards.

I guess that answers why they cooked dinner every night too.


Active member
Ladies and gentlemen, it is the responsibility of the parents to keep their kids in line.

I wanted those toys so bad, especially when my friends had them, but I didn't get to eat a single mcdonalds meal (with the exception of one during a road trip with a friends family) until my early teens and even then, I didn't really choose to eat it.

Thank god my mom did that, McDonalds is pure crap.

Its not even cheaper then store bought food. Fast food doesn't fill you up like store bought food would.

So again, this is not right for any type of government to regulate a companies product like this when it is the responsibility of the parent.

These laws just keep on diluting our sense of self responsibility, and a lot of society begs for it!
People dont like taking care of themselves apparently.


Active member
I say good....it's about time someone passed some laws regulating the advertising and marketing habits of the evil parasitic fucking vultures who don't give a rat's ass what kind of putrid shite they sell, as long as they're making profit.

Next on the fucking list is the Pharma-Nazis, who are guilty of a whole lot worse.....falsifying and rigging testing to push drugs thru to sale comes to mind first off.
In a proper world there would be accounting for the wholesale poisoning of masses of the population in the name of profit.

Yet parents keep going back right? And they WILL go to the next marketed item. Dont think for a second the market to children in the food industry has fallen.

Dont eliminate the problem, just cover it up with a shallow coat of deoderant right?

Now we have parents who still dont know what to feed their kids (ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME??!?!?!?!) and will just go somewhere else their kids beg them to.

We need to get at the ROOT of the problem.

Making silly laws like this just begs for more government baby sitters.

Take responsibility for yourselves, and more importantly, take responsibility for your kids.
What happens when the number of obese children doesn't change in San Fran? Who do we blame them?

Lazy parents buy their kids happy meals for "convenience." Until the drive-thru takes 30 minutes, they aren't going to stop buying happy meals. Hell that wouldn't even stop them probably. As long as there is someone else to make meals for their kids, they will have them do it.

All my friends growing up, their parents always made hamburger helper and ortego taco shit, or stouffer's lasagna. All that shit is terrible for you, loaded with sodium. It doesn't have to be drive-thru to be shitty food. Lazy parents spawn fat children.

Real men/women and good parents cook/bake from scratch.


Active member
What happens when the number of obese children doesn't change in San Fran? Who do we blame them?

Lazy parents buy their kids happy meals for "convenience." Until the drive-thru takes 30 minutes, they aren't going to stop buying happy meals. Hell that wouldn't even stop them probably. As long as there is someone else to make meals for their kids, they will have them do it.

All my friends growing up, their parents always made hamburger helper and ortego taco shit, or stouffer's lasagna. All that shit is terrible for you, loaded with sodium. It doesn't have to be drive-thru to be shitty food. Lazy parents spawn fat children.

Real men/women and good parents cook/bake from scratch.

Yes thats very true, I should of elaborated on "store bought" because that can get pretty bad pretty quick as well.

If people bought raw ingredients, their money would go farther for each unit of food they consumed.

Why stop at happy meals? Video games are partly responsible. Maybe a caring politician should put forth the idea that Xboxs, PS3's and Wii's should only operate for 1 hour a day. After that, they should start a new youth program that requires all children under the age of 18 exercise.
Why stop at children, for that matter? Overweight adults are just as much of a strain on the health system as children.
Half steps will avail 'Frisco nothing. If fast food is a burden on the people, make it illegal, period.


stoned agin ...
just tell the kids that mcdonald's is the largest purchaser of cow's eyes in the U.S. that should help persuade them :D

grow nerd

Haha I can see it now... bootleg Happy Meals that were snuck through the back door being sold in alleys to fat kids, as "Illegal Meals". Someone picks it up from the inside guy @ 2nd & Market, and hustles it on Jesse Street while all the Johns going to the happy-ending massage parlors pass by. Or is that more like 11th & Market McDonald's taken up to Polk to be hustled to the pre-teen trannies? Can't hustle the McD's at 16th - 24th & Mission, the Nortenos & Surenos have churro territory.

I love SF.
Better than Nutraloaf, right?


Nutra-loaf? looks more like a pinched-loaf.


I say good....it's about time someone passed some laws regulating the advertising and marketing habits of the evil parasitic fucking vultures who don't give a rat's ass what kind of putrid shite they sell, as long as they're making profit.

Next on the fucking list is the Pharma-Nazis, who are guilty of a whole lot worse.....falsifying and rigging testing to push drugs thru to sale comes to mind first off.
In a proper world there would be accounting for the wholesale poisoning of masses of the population in the name of profit.

Here here, farms not pharms!


The bottom line is that the health problems caused by this sort of shit is more threatening to the overall well being of our country than any other one thing. We are the best fed and worst nourished nation on Earth. Public education is a joke. People are not empowered to make the right choices. It blows my mind that anatomy and physiology isn't a more universal topic in schools. Its like never getting the owner's manual for your body. So many really poor people either never get the right education concerning this or have such limited means that food flavored solids in the forms of box mixes or frozen shit are all that they can afford. Real food that isn't genetically fucked with, soaked with poison, or otherwise processed into crap is more expensive than the immitation stuff. I'm not saying that we should ban high fat foods or make people follow a strict healthy diet. I am only suggesting that giant predatory corporations should be held responsible for the swill that they peddle. For an example, what is the point of the government "regulating" tobacco if these companies are allowed to put so much extra poison into their products? Would it really be so bad if cigarettes were required to be unadulterated tobacco? I mean you look at alcohol during prohibition and you have spirits cut with industrial products containing methanol. Afterwards you don't see that in part, because of regulation.

Lets not turn this into something that its not. They haven't stopped McDonalds from offering a kids menu. It is only a toy. Its not like the toy is illegal either. You can still hit up the Dollar Store for a cheap piece of comperable shit. If McDonalds were encouraging healthy behavior they could even feature a toy again. Demand does regulate the market to an extent. I was looking at the Wikipedia entry on McDonalds and apparently in the UK, because of widespread demand for higher quality food ingredients, they only use organic dairy now. This accounts for 5% of the total organic dairy consumtion in the UK. That's great. Also Wal-Mart now features RBGH & RBST free milk & fair trade coffee. These things are steps in the right direction. The decisions that these companies make have far reaching effects. However people want to talk about illegal aliens draining our system. Fuck that. These corporations that create millions of jobs all of which pay jack shit have a hell of a lot more to do with it. A huge number of the people who work for these companies require some form of government assistance. Once upon a time there was a middle class. There were lots of small buisnesses and medium sized ones too. Then a few corperations bought everybody out or drove them under. Middle America started to disappear because most peoples' slice of the pie got a lot smaller. Now where is the American Dream? We got sold out by these people and the government agencies that were supposed to be watching them. Fuck these people. If you were selling a good product than you wouldn't need a cheap ploy like a toy to sell it. Corperations should have restrictions placed on them. Does Wall Street not give you a clear enough example of this? Education is key. However when I see a highschool math teacher trying to get a gig at the day labor place somehow my confidence in this doing much is a bit shaken. We need to be serious about this though. They are finding early signs of heart disease in younger and younger people. What is the cost of this going to be on our health care system? So we should allow these people to do want they want completely unchecked, why? Just because they deserve to make a profit at the expense of everyone else? Fuck that Capitalism is your sacred cow and that is one hamburger that I will eat.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Looks like Fat people are now a threat to National Security. You can't fight wars with fatties, so Congress needs to slim them down :biglaugh:

US youngsters are too fat to fight, warn generals

Rising rates of obesity among young Americans could undermine the future of the US military, two retired generals have warned.

They want Congress to introduce laws to give US children better nutrition in schools, with less sugar, salt and fat.
This is what happens in Fascist War machines. Can't we see where all this is going!? Pretty soon your thoughts will become a threat to national security and our liberties continue to disappear. That's already starting to take place. One by one over a course of decades. It's like taking candy from a baby when you dealing with the American MIC.



Please tell me all you people are kidding about agreeing with this!

Please tell me all you people are kidding about agreeing with this!

Really? People are saying way to go politicians? For saying that a company cannot give away a toy if you buy something. Like someone said before, if there wasn't a market for it, there wouldn't be a free toy. I can't believe it! What's next,we have to ask permission to go potty? Give me a break! Where do we live...Russia 1960...Nazi Germany! No, we live in what is SUPPOSED to be a free society. You know a great man, Ben Franklin was quoted as saying that, "those who give up liberty for a little security deserve niether". All of you who believe that this ruling is just need to move to New Zealand. I heard they have an obesity law that you cannot move there if you are overwieght. Fukin Nazis the lot of you for agreeing with this. You should all be ashamed to call yourself Americans (those who are anyway). If George Washington, Hamilton, Franklin and the others who fought so hard to give us our freedoms could hear this now...they would be rolling in thier graves to think that we would allow the GOVERNMENT to infringe on our liberties like that...again, shame on all of you. :moon:


Cannabrex Formulator
Like someone said before, if there wasn't a market for it, there wouldn't be a free toy. I can't believe it!

Amazing how naive some people are......

Markets are CREATED, my friend.....

90% of what you take for granted as "the way things work" are orchestrated and designed by a very small select group of very powerful people for their own advantage and profit.

And until you understand that, and click in to that reality, you will be living 100% in the fantasy world they have built for you.


A foot without a sock...
Amazing how naive some people are......

Markets are CREATED, my friend.....

90% of what you take for granted as "the way things work" are orchestrated and designed by a very small select group of very powerful people for their own advantage and profit.

And until you understand that, and click in to that reality, you will be living 100% in the fantasy world they have built for you.

There are also those that are of the mindset that Mickey D's and the like filled a niche...


Well genkisan...where to start. Seems like today there are more f***ing idiots than average free thinking people. If someone can't say no to thier kid and raise them with a little restraint, well hell, the government should step in and tell us all what we can or cannot do. Is that what you are saying? If that isn't a backwards, idiotic way of thinking. Sorry, don't mean to be so harsh, (yes I do if think the gov't should infringe on our liberties) but what choices will you let them take away from you next. People are like sheeple, just tell them what to think is ok and they will believe you. Just like all the propaganda in the early 1900s about how evil pot was when the gov't decided to outlaw cannabis. I am all about free choice, and the poor judgement of people should not effect my ability to do something...and by the way, I have boycotted Mickey D's and it's not because I can't raise my child right. I have another reason that I won't go into and get off topic.

And if you mean that I live in a fantasy world because I don't expect my government to infringe on my liberties, then yes...you are right. I do live in a fantasy world because there are more idiots that need to be told by the government what they can and cannot do and that sickens me to see and hear. I am a proud American and want to keep America as close as we can to the principles that were set forth by our forefathers that made this country great in the first place.

You say that 90% is orchestrated by the powerful people for profit...isn't that what capitalism is about. Thinking...inventing something that you could market and make money on. Of course markets are created, but without the want for a product, it won't last. If people tell thier kids no and stop buying happy meals, don't you think that eventually McD would catch on and voluntarily change thier product.

And finally, at the beginning of this thread it was asked if the mayor being pro-marijauna reform made any difference about how you feel about this decision in San Fran, of course not. You don't want to accept one unjust law just for the sake of another unjust law. We are not the French, killing one set of bad rulers for another. I know it's not exactly the same, but I hope you can see my point.