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California vacation


hey guys, Ive been wanting to go out to the west coast for a long time, and now things are finally looking good enough that me and my ol' lady can make it out there.

As of now, we are planning a September/October trip, probably just short of 2 weeks out there. We have zero itinerary as of now, and are trying to hunt down the best things to do out there without feeling to "busy". We are budget minded, looking to get the most experience with the least money possible, but will have extra money if the need arises.

So basically I want to hear from a number of you guys what all we should be doing out there. I'd like to spend time in Norcal, I dont think LA is really the place for us, just wanting to relax and enjoy out time together in a place we've both been wanting to see for years.


Active member
Go to the giant redwood forests (some of the largest living organisms in the world), wine country in sonoma, beach cities near cambria, balboa park in San diego if you go down there. There are countless cool museums, just google your interest and you will find one.


Redwoods were definitely in our plans, dont want to spend 2 weeks there though (haha, well, I would if I had more time afterwards). I'll add those to the list of things to look into!


the beaches! or san fran

We'll def make a pass to a beach or two. Honestly, I think east coast beaches has soured my views. Im not so much a beach person. But I hear its totally different over there, so Im hoping I'll end up with better opinion! San fran will prob be as far south as we go if we decide to hit up a bigger city


Active member
i totally spaced, but ill remember it. but like 3 420s ago we went to the beach. DIRECTLY across the beach was redwoods! it was beautiful!!

either way. have a blast on your trip! enjoy yourselfs


depending on where you want to go in norcal expect rainy weather if you come in sept / oct..

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