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F*ck with a Bull - consider to get hurt!


Gene Mangler
The point of my post is that here we have a situation where my politicians are telling me my dog cant chase a bloody hare round a field because its barbaric, at the same time they employ cluster bombs on little children

Fuckin A right Bro, that made my hair standup! :tiphat:

If they gave the Bull a better chance? I'd be OK with it & cheering on El Toro :D


Bullfighting is disgusting any way you look at it... and I'm no animal rights activist...

Looks like the bull wasn't the only one to have his balls cut off :biglaugh: Good luck with that, buddy...

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
"I do not support hurting/torturing animals for entertainment."

I hope you all do not eat meat either then.

Animals go through more torture while being processed for your meal.. Atleast in bullfighting they have a chance to fight back...


Tropical Outcast
"I do not support hurting/torturing animals for entertainment."

I hope you all do not eat meat either then.

Animals go through more torture while being processed for your meal.. Atleast in bullfighting they have a chance to fight back...

I eat very little meat, if any.

But eating meat (or not) is not the point here.

Neither is hunting for food.

Neither is mass holding of chickens, pigs, turkeys and what not.

This is about HURTING/TORTURING animals for public entertainment.
I thought I made that clear earlier?

And yeah the Bulls have their chance to fight back...but to what degree?
(and no that last sentence is not an actual question).


Pretty fair chance to fight and outcome, huh?


Trying to have a good day
This is about HURTING/TORTURING animals for public entertainment.

Does that include boxing,wrestling,And things like ultimate fighting?

When we are talking about torturing animals it seems to me that we are being a little short sighted if we do not inlcude Human Beings.

After all,if we are not animals then just exactly what are we.

So if I look at it like that I think it is better if I just say im somewhat against torture.


If eating meat is not the point here, why are they killing it? Surely it gets eaten.
If it goes on behind closed doors, does it make it alright?


Andinismo Hierbatero
Does that include boxing,wrestling,And things like ultimate fighting?

When we are talking about torturing animals it seems to me that we are being a little short sighted if we do not inlcude Human Beings.

After all,if we are not animals then just exactly what are we.

So if I look at it like that I think it is better if I just say im somewhat against torture.

wtf? human beings enter those sort of competitions / entertainment things out of their own free-will, no one forcing anyone to sign-up for Pride...

If eating meat is not the point here, why are they killing it? Surely it gets eaten.
If it goes on behind closed doors, does it make it alright?

the meat of a bull that has been in a 'bullfight' is loaded with Adrenaline and it is not healthy at all.

it is a joke they say they use to feed the poor, because they won't touch it themselves.

get a clue.


A foot without a sock...
"I do not support hurting/torturing animals for entertainment."

I hope you all do not eat meat either then.

Animals go through more torture while being processed for your meal.. Atleast in bullfighting they have a chance to fight back...

If by "chance to fight back" you mean not being drugged before the fight (which they are) I'd agree with you. They do this so the bull's reaction times are slowed, so the "national heros" can conquer the beast....agonizingly slowly.

I doubt that slaughter for consumption is in any way similar to what these bulls go through.


Supersizeme, looks like they gave that bull the wrong sort of drugs!! Are you sure about this.
Bombadil, I have eaten adrenaline "shocked" meat many times. Whilst not being my meal of choice, tougher & darker, it is by no means inedible. You would be amazed at the ammount of people who confuse this with well hung beef. Well hung beef is never purple or black, it is dark dark red.
There is one other point to this whole debate, & that is an educational one. Those people & their families/children, who witness the ritual slaughter of a beast such as a cow or goat etc, may, just maybe have a greater respect & appreciation for the life & the taking of a life of the animal. The blood that is shed & sadness & horror of it all becomes part of what it takes to put some food on the plate.
Compare this to the west, where we never get to see the sheer ammount of blood that is spilt when an animal goes down. The look in its eyes of fear & the understanding of the moment. No, most of us go to the supermarkets & restaurants & wax lyrical about the meat we buy. Then we get fat & obese because it is cheap & we never have to think about the reality of it. We open a pleastic bag & drop it into a pan.
Thanks to Strainguide for an interesting topic.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Fingaz2, I hear you on many of your points; however, bullfighting is as Western as it can get; and it has nothing to do with teaching kids the things you spoke about.

where I live, there is a bullfighting Plaza, and there are bullfights each year for about 7 days straight. people go there to get drunk and cheer while an animal is being tortured and eventually killed; and most people go attend, are the same ones who go buy cheap meat at the market, open the plastic bag and drop it into a pan and get fat.

I have spoken about this subjects with uncles of mine who love bullfights, they may be family, but they are sad idiots; and when asked about Cannabis, they frown upon the topic... people who are attracted to bullfights, for the most part, are pretty basic closed-minded sadists, at least this is what I see around me each time around February-March each year.

around this same time, the most car accidents due to drunken idiots leaving the plaza happen too.



Bombadil, I hear you too bro, & I have never been to a bullfight, so you may well be better placed to tell me. Just trying to show some tolerance & understanding bro. Shit I love Bulls !!!! lol.

Amos Moses

Some days you get the bull, other days the bull gets you...

I watched a bullfight in Barcelona once.

I wouldn't do it again.



Andinismo Hierbatero
Fingaz, tolerance and understanding are good things, but with bullfighting, I draw the line... I have been to two bullfights in my life; first time, I was about 8 years old, an uncle took my sister and I to one, that was probably one of my first lessons in learning that tons of people are just uncivilized savages; when my sister and I came back home, we were different and changed, there is no doubt about that.

second time, was about fifteen years ago give or take, I was about 18-19, and went there because a lot of cousins had came back after having been gone for a long time, and they bought me an entrance; I was there after the first 'banderin' was stabbed on the back of the first bull; I got up and left, I have no business trying to maintain family peace with savages. these are the same cousins who cheat on their wives, or only date rich men (as is the case of the female cousins).

then there is the story of a grand-uncle of mine, whose dad forbid him to become a 'torero' (matador), because he said that no son of his was going to start dressing up with those inappropriate tight 'traje de luces', or 'suit of lights', because all that did was appeal to the vanity and savage nature within people; this grand-uncle of mine became frustrated over this; but about 5 years ago, during christmas, he and I were drinking vodka, and he told me that now he thanked his dad for not allowing him to take that route in life. it is amazing how people change and the things we are able to see for what they are after time passes by.

so these are some of my personal experiences about bullfights.

and btw, the bull weakened by 'el picador', who rides on top of a horse with a long ass spear, and stabs the bull on its back tons of times before the torero makes his entrance. also by peeps who run into the bull and stab in its back 'banderines'.

nothing brave about that.

much peace


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Why is hurting animals (or humans, I'm weird that way,) for entertainment worse than hurting them for, say, profit?

profit like food? we should kill things as humanly as possible.. humans are wretched things.... we do horrible shit all the time.... But a culture embracing animal torture for entertainment should never be accepted...

we should be moving forward as humans not backwards...


Must admit that I have never understood the appeal of bullfighting. To me it seems rather pointless to sit and watch healthy stock animals being killed for no good reason.


Is it the sadistic aspect of the event that is cruel, or is it the killing of the bull? Thats what i was confused about. Fingaz mentioned watching the movie Fast Food Nation; ive never seen it, but i read the book and that was what i first compared Strain's view about bullfighting to. Is it wrong that Americans have mass slaughters of farm animals for consumption? Then, would it be wrong for people who rear their own food to laugh at slaughterhouse workers who suffer from toxic gas poisioning or losing limbs while working? But then again there is nothing sadistic about killing animals for consumption so its hard to compare.


I laughed so hard when i saw the vid. The idiot got what he deserved. Too bad one of the bulls horns didnt go straight up his ass!


profit like food? we should kill things as humanly as possible.. humans are wretched things.... we do horrible shit all the time.... But a culture embracing animal torture for entertainment should never be accepted...

we should be moving forward as humans not backwards...

Profit does not equal food. A farmer (rancher?, not my lingo) having some animals for his family is something different than having tens of thousands of animals tightly packed together and force fed cereals, animal parts and anti biotics in order to make money. But it seems that as long as somebody makes money on something i can't be wrong...

However, it is no point discussing morality if people out there actually think it a good idea to substitute the bull with human beings. I realise that a good proportion of the users on this forum belong to cultures with marginal emphasis on human-human lojalties, and where other human beings are merely objects to be manipulated for your own enrichment. JC would spin in his grave if he knew what the peeps nominally adhering to his teachings actually do and say.

The only way to achieve real progress is by loving the people we share this world with. Love people and you can love animals. Hate your fellow humans and the love you express for animals is only a parody on real love. Progress without love will for ever be empty and will fill its inhabitants with despair and emptiness, just as can be seen all over the world.

I'm not claiming this is going to be easy to achieve, but only idiots believe that it is easy to build something good. And I doubt most people is willing to give up all that fear and dread they love so much.

Fuck it...

gory. i love cockfights tho. my dad raised them. don't know @dogs and bulls. too much blood for me. but hey. at least their national pastime ISN'T CUTTING PEOPLES HEADS OFF!


Not only Spanish, ANYONE who supports such actions!

The fucking Bull is half out of his mind with pain and fright. He's already half dead before the sissy with the tight pants comes out to stab him between the shoulderblades. Cruelty is cruelty no matter what country.