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over fertilization


my plants have yellow tips. i took the advise of flushing them out. that was two days ago. the new leaves that are sprouting out are still have yellow tips. does it take time for the yellowing of tips to stop? once flushed out?


Smile Vs Cry
Hy crissy , sure for tell you a exaclty plant diagnosis we need some picture,and you post the parametry of your grow ....ph soil, ph water, what nutes you give in the last week, wich soil use ...etc....etc... how many days have your plant.....if you give a lot of fertilizer better is flus , if use a 2 gallon pot for flush you need a 6 gallon plain water!!


Trying to have a good day
Yeah its important to get enough run off.If you dont you arent flushing good enough and can end up still haveing the same problem.


also there in 15 litre pots. so how much water should i flush them with. they are in there 4th week of veg. cheers


Smile Vs Cry
if you have already do flush to her , wait sure 1 week for understand if problem go out or still, how many litre water you give? if give less then 30litre yuo give more, but we need picture maybe better, you no????


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
if, when flushing, your runoff is dark or you test a high ec, the more runoff, the better you are flushing

if the runoff is coming out relatively clear - you want very little runoff

overall, i dont recommend more than 2x the volume of soil (and that is high)

you are right too much flushing will way overwater your plants - let them get dry between flushing


thanks every one. but before i read ur posts.. i got the advice of a former grower. and he reccommended flushing them now and leave for 4/5 days. and i've done it. so will keep u posted. if my man was wrong. this is my forst time. lol fingers crossed.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
he's saying to give the flush time (a week)and see if it helped before you decide on your next course of action (and did you give enough water to flush?)

its what we are learning as growers, how to figure out what you did whether it worked and what to do next

& w/ pics you will get more precise advice

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
pics bro,
yellow leaf tips could be many things, mg def starting, nit def starting, to dry and leaf tip burn...
pics bro