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Is it chill to freebase hash oil?


i just bought a Gas station Globe.. Then i put oil in the end heat the glass up under the oil and i basically vaporize it.. its freaking awesome. I assume the glass will break soon since its direct heat and it is a gas station globe....

These are the globes with the fake flowers in them that most meth users use for a pipe.

I would love to find one of the custom glass hovers like above and titanium plate


Some call it a crack pipe, but the local head shop called it an oil burner. I dip my needle in the oil, drip the into the hole in the top of the crack pipe using a lighter to melt the drop of oil into the pipe if necessary. Holding the lighter under the globe containing the oil drop, I start to inhale after I see vapors/smoke, stop with the lighter a few seconds before I stop inhaling. After a while I can get fat hits from the residue/resin.

That is not the healthiest way of toking I've seen brother.

Your better to place a drop on some ash in your bong or pipe than to use tinfoil.

i have collected the resin off my glass vape wand then vaped it at full temps
it was a prolonged bowl i feel like i would like oil and hash


New member
^^ High Anita me lilmiss ;)

I would not inhale the fumes created by burning aluminum, I'm sure theres some reason your not supposed to, but it stands to reason...

If I don't have a lil pinch to throw the oil on top of I put some hash or oil on top of a couple screens in my bubbler, works great,,, meh

They have new bubblers and such with a special attachment I believe designed for such a thing.


I prefer using a meth pipe style glass pipe to smoke oil. I feel dirty as fuck buying them. Get a torch and some MAP gas and a glass cigar tube. You heat the end by slowly rotating the end of the tube in the tip of the flame. Be patient. After it heats up enough start blowing gently and constantly while it is still in the flame. This will make the end ball out. Many times the glass will pop a hole in the side on its own. It is better to do it purposefully with an impliment such as a nail. If you can get one of these as a slide, that would be bitchen. Smoking off glass tastes better and isw much more effecient. However if you wrap an oil rip in about 3 small scraps of foil and squeze quickly. you can hot knife oil. Still not as good as the meth pipe though. Back in ATL the old biker guy who ran my favorite headshop "Mystics" called them oil pipes.


I want a 19mm oil pipe glass on glass slide. God damn..... Oil through the defuser, water, perc, and ice...mmmmm.....


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
I prefer using a meth pipe style glass pipe to smoke oil. I feel dirty as fuck buying them.

^^^^^^^^yeah those

those scare me they used to be so fun hahaha
but i mean i guess you dont have to use them for evil...

but no matter how much i love bho/goo/oil i cant ever use those to burn a cannabis substance just staring down the end of one of those makes me yearn for the dark side
nice honey bear and unit are those yours?

an oil dome is really cheap and easy to make for most glass blowers and is a really smooth clean way of vapin oil

titanium pads wrapped around curves pictured in the bubbler above are used and are also quite effective oil vaping devices its all a personal preference type thing but i personally woudl not reccomend smoking oil on anything but those two
hope that helps oil is on its on level!


Yeah I like sleeping and eating too much for the stimulants to have been my thing. If I had a heroin problem for an example, I probably wouldn't be cool with im or iving psychedelics. (Only way to do Ketamine, DPT, or DMT(in the pure form) in my opinion)

They do own when it comes to oil though. You could check out the Extreme. I saw a post where a guy did oil/herb combo rips with the whip attachment. The first few times I smoked bho was with this dude who smokes it cuz the beasters and commercial hydro he sells wasn't doing it for him. He had an old Roar piece with a brass screen in the bowl. We smoked with a torch. You put the oil on the screen. Hold the flame far enough away that it doesn't quite touch. Then chase the oil around the screen until it stops moving. Then hit it with the flam and finish it off. That works just fine if you say no to the sheleigh.


New member
Relatively safe... maybe... Chill ???? Like ... hey look at that guy over there looking all chill smoking out of an old burrito wrapper... maybe not...


Yes this is fun for doing. But please get yourself some titanium for you oil, it will make taste better and be less dirty than your tin.


Long haired country boy
Get your self something like this.. I know it's dirty..:shucks: get the HMK version if possible.. The vapor bell hits like a beast..

Just a little bit of this goes along way...

Some Vortex Earwax...


teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
I would rather chew on tin foil, rather then smoke oil off it,

............ok if I was locked up I would be hitting that oil

peace TS