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"...a vehicle in front of her appeared to intentionally hit the mother duck"

My town is in the process of shooting Canadian Geese in a local park. Shooting as in with a shotgun. They say its to prevent plane crashes but planes don't usually fly very low over that park. Shotguns in the middle of a city park for Canadian Geese!


Active member
Saw one of our dogs get run over right on our road in front of the house. He didn't even slow down,the pup came running to me screaming and died in my arms. I'll never forget that..................

Fuck, I don't know how I'd deal with that one...

I'm sorry.
Saw one of our dogs get run over right on our road in front of the house. He didn't even slow down,the pup came running to me screaming and died in my arms. I'll never forget that..................

Damn man, I'm sorry. That'd be horrible to go thru. And that dude was saying he saw someone swerve to hit a dog. I'd have to personally break that dudes kneecaps. Nothing I hate more than people who abuse animals.


Fukcers don't try that in my neighborhood. Police don't investigate "accidental deaths" of known animal abusers and that's a known fact around here.


I was driving down the road one day and saw this squirrel standing in the middle of the road like a meerkat or something. I smoked him because squirrels aren't supposed to do that and I was doing my part to keep his stupid "standing in the middle of the road" genes out of the mix. I'm just looking out for the other squirrels.


Tropical Outcast
I was driving down the road one day and saw this squirrel standing in the middle of the road like a meerkat or something. I smoked him because squirrels aren't supposed to do that and I was doing my part to keep his stupid "standing in the middle of the road" genes out of the mix. I'm just looking out for the other squirrels.

Please elaborate the highlighted part.

The Wang

I hit a squirrel, while tripping on acid.
I still don't know if it a hallucination.

yeah man, please be responsible with drugs.

It's people like this that give us a bad name. :(


go a long way.

You have no business being on the road on acid!

Next time be more careful!