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Surge in violence predicted decades ago


Original Editor of ICMagazine
More evidence points to the failure that we call the war on drugs. Although it's a real war with real victims it continually escalates with no end in sight.

The surge of gunbattles, beheadings and kidnappings that has accompanied Mexico's war on drug cartels is an entirely predictable escalation in violence based on decades of scientific literature, a new study contends.

A systematic review published Tuesday of more than 300 international studies dating back 20 years found that when police crack down on drug users and dealers, the result is almost always an increase in violence, say researchers at the International Centre for Science in Drug Policy, a nonprofit group based in Britain and Canada.

When communities get tough on drug crime, that drives up the black market profits, prompting fierce battles to control the lucrative trade, their study says. And when powerful and successful drug bosses are taken out, it's all too common for more brutal and less sophisticated criminals to step in.

"Law enforcement is the biggest single expenditure on drugs, yet has rarely been evaluated. This work indicates an urgent need to shift resources from counterproductive law enforcement to a health-based public health approach," said Gerry Stimson, executive director of the International Harm Reduction Association which is hosting a conference this week in Liverpool, England, where the study was released.

The full story is here.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The Drug War is a war on you perpetuated by our government and in large part run by the CIA (read Bush family's personal police force).

They make money on both ends. Especially with the privatization of prisons and security today. They are purposely creating economic incentive for crime and violence. They are purposely dismantling the middle class, criminalizing society by turning the world into a police state, and destroying third world countries.

When you have the power to create economic incentive and you do it with the malicious intent, this is what you get. War for money and personal profit.

It's pretty easy to predict things when you are the one pulling the strings.
Look all I'm saying is the majority of people are ignorant fools. You can't market something toward the smart beautiful people and make money. You want something to appeal to the masses, you make some god aweful thing that they love. Triple cheeseburgers at McDonalds, cheap goods from China in Wal Mart, and professional wresling. You just sit there and watch them idiots in their ball caps fart and laugh at Larry the Cable Guy and watch the sweet sweet cheddar roll in. Fuck the masses, that's how I feel.

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