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Tennessee moving forward on legalization slowly


Original Editor of ICMagazine
The debate has begun, legislation is being prepared, but they say it will take time to sway the minds of the old politicians in that state.

The evidence is overwhelming that cannabis is a safe and natural alternative to the drug industries' high-priced chemical offerings that leave a patient with a wide-range of side effects.

In a recurring dream, John Donovan can run without pain. He races down a football field as he did in middle school and glides down a flight of stairs with ease. But in reality, the 25-year-old Red Bank resident wakes up to a relentless aching in his joints, mainly his hips, knees and ankles.

Just a few months after the onset of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, when he was 16, Mr. Donovan struggled to run or even walk quickly, he recalled. He now walks with a heavy limp and spends some days in bed, trying to move as little as possible.

For Mr. Donovan -- who doesn't drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes -- daily hits of marijuana from a glass pipe lessen his pain, without inflicting the severe nausea and other side effects he experiences from prescribed painkillers.

He spends $400 to $600 a month to buy an ounce of marijuana from friends, and he usually smokes the illegal plant in the afternoon to remain "clear headed" in the daytime, he said.
"I'd much rather go to a pharmacy, but right now my choice is I have to go and partake in an illegal activity to acquire something that could be beneficial to me," he said. "That's not a choice that I want to make."

Mr. Donovan, who qualifies for TennCare under a disability category, said he is an avid proponent of a bill pending in the Tennessee General Assembly that would legalize medical marijuana use for people with certain conditions, such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy, with a physician's recommendation.

Chattanooga oncologist Dr. B.W. Ruffner said he never has felt the need to suggest marijuana to a cancer patient.

"I don't think there are any benefits that you can't get in other ways," he said.

For nausea control, a synthetic form of THC -- the active ingredient in marijuana -- is available legally in pill form as Marinol, said Dr. Ruffner, president of the Tennessee Medical Association.

"That's a cleaner, safer way to give somebody cannabinoids if that's what you want to do," he said.

Legislative Outlook

The Tennessee bill, pending in the House Health and Human Resources committee, has no real chance of passing this session, as its counterpart in the Senate has not been debated yet, said the House sponsor, Rep. Jeanne Richardson, D-Memphis. She's hopeful about the bill's chances next session.

Next week the House committee likely will consider amending the bill to create a study committee on the issue, she said.

The suggestion of further study was made by Rep. Joey Hensley, R-Howenwald, who opposes the bill. The family medicine doctor said he's concerned about the lack of clinical guidelines for doctors to follow in recommending marijuana to patients.

Read the full story here.


That state caters to self-righteous conservative yuppies who attend megachurches. Once they smoke, maybe you'll have chance.
Plus all the cops need all the shady reasons for pulling over non-white folk at the drop of the hat that they can get.
Beautfiul piece of land, some amazing people...but I just don't see it.


Well-known member
That state caters to self-righteous conservative yuppies who attend megachurches. Once they smoke, maybe you'll have chance.
Plus all the cops need all the shady reasons for pulling over non-white folk at the drop of the hat that they can get.
Beautfiul piece of land, some amazing people...but I just don't see it.
"self-righteous conservative yuppies" yes, all 7 of them in the state.:) we had medical marijuana here from 1978 till 1984, i think it was. only reason the state legislature revoked the law was that the Feds quit distributing it. it would probably have passed again already if the problems California is having weren't in the news every day. don't know where you found a "mega-church" at in tennessee. got a "pastor" in a nearby town that WISHES he had a mega-church. the cops here pull EVERYONE over that doesn't know how to drive, skin color only counts to the easily offended ...

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
You can legally carry your concealed gun into a bar, in Tennessee; but, you can't drink anything
...that's 'Catch 22'..:whee:
shows you where, we're headed


Well-known member
same as driving, being under influence whilst carrying is verboten. lots of what are classified as "bars" in tennessee are actually restaurants, but derive so much of their profit from the liquor by the drink that state laws deem them to be "bars". a permit holder couldn't take his family out to eat...


how is eating it not a cleaner way of ingesting cannabis.. im tired of the marinol bullshit and excuses they make.


maybe by having it get sent off by different agencies will be their way of telling the people of TN, "After checking through everything we decided it's best to allow medical cannabis".. kinda their way of showing they really did something to study but all along they knew they were gonna allow it.. kinda preparing the people to think ya it's best since they studied it real hard.

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
TN would only allow it to be sold in a pharmacy...and that's a long shot.
Which brings up the question...where would the drug stores get it?...Catch 22.
after living in Tennessee all my life, I can't help to be skeptical about legalization here...the bible belt is very old fashion...I've had people tell me i sinned by getting a tattoo...and I've also had people complain about my hair...(they say long hair is for girls?)...I'd love if it was legal here...or even medical...but the people here just don't understand...maybe we should take a different approach...an agricultural approach perhaps?


i feel ya cman but not all of TN is like that.. lot of real ass people too that are cool; but I know where you're comin from. And the christians who say you sin by little things like that is a joke.. they aren't the true christians - don't lett'em phase you they are misunderstood.