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Successfully cloned a AF



if I don't screw up
Don't blame yourself if it doesn't work THIS time..blame us for not coming in with the information fast enough for you. :good:
Looking at his fans..that male may be just a touch too far over.
Get in faster next time..as soon as they start to sex..and the job will be easier..and the results even better. :tiphat:

I hope I have your blessings, mossy
BLESSINGS. :tiphat:
I've seen that ICE..had MY eye on her too...Tasty Lady...:canabis:

Lots of people slag Nirvana genetics..but I say nothing but Good.
This is My Beast Afghan...from my first season when I knew diddley squat about canna..so she virtually grew herself...

can't beat that for £1..a 20ltr pot and a bit of love and attention

BTW..what is in Pakistani ryder..?
Seen her twice lately..she looks afghan..

cheers for the photo comment.


BLESSINGS. :tiphat:
I've seen that ICE..had MY eye on her too...Tasty Lady...:canabis:

BTW..what is in Pakistani ryder..?
Seen her twice lately..she looks afghan..

cheers for the photo comment.

She's a Paki landrace x LR, from what the breeder says -- I've read many reports of them being not-so-autoflowering, but since I only had one bean, I figured worst case, I'd have to flower, and if a male, I'd have some pollen :) However, she's budding away and doing quite nicely.

I can't wait for Mossy's JEM x Ice :)


I grew some Pakistani Ryder outdoors last year. The plants only got about 8" high and only yielded around 8-9 grams per plant. But the smoke is very nice and gives a nice mellow stone. I got some seeds off of them and am planning on trying some indoors later this year. I'm thinking it might yield a little better indoors.


I can't wait for Mossy's JEM x Ice :)

Yup..I'm getting it.

Your PRyder looks to have structure/bud like My Beast Afghan..
it reminded me of her as soon as I looked at it.
Can't wait to see CR's girls..if they are similar..it may be dominant.

I'm thinking it might yield a little better indoors
Fingers crossed for you Muddy...:tiphat:

Have a great weekend everyone...:joint:



Yup..I'm getting it.

Your PRyder looks to have structure/bud like My Beast Afghan..
it reminded me of her as soon as I looked at it.
Can't wait to see CR's girls..if they are similar..it may be dominant.

Fingers crossed for you Muddy...:tiphat:

Have a great weekend everyone...:joint:

Maybe I'll harvest most of the finished buds and push a few past ala Soma and see if I can get some seeds off her. Future breeding stock :dance013:

Have a great weekend all......:smoke out:

vicious bee

Here's the results after a small period. Here's the picture right after I trimmed. Look at the leaves at the bottom.

Here's yesterday. See the small leaves on the bottom.

Here's a close up. They seem to be regenerating. The fan leaves are not doing so well but they're not completely useless yet so I'll leave them on. If they die off I may trim down to the new growth.

The whole point for me is to see if I can regenerate a nice male and get more pollen from it and see if you can delay the flowering time of an auto. I've been trimming some autos to try to get better height from them. These are Blue Streaks that I stunned with too much seaweed concentrate. Yes I know I suck. They're planted in 1" PVC tubes about 8" high. Some of the tubing is water some electrical. The electrical is thicker tubing. The idea was to get them up til they were sexed then put outdoors. My thinking is that autos stop growing due to low depth of the root system and not necessarily the volume of the root system. This remains to be seen if it is true but there are hints that this may be so. They are getting larger but slowly. I trimmed off the side pistils at the nodes being careful not to injure the calyx's. Now they are making pistils on the tops. This, although I could be wrong, tells me that they will generally stop growing any higher. Any advice on this would be welcome. So I'm trimming the calyxs and the pistols on top. Maybe it will keep growing just as if you topped them. These are so small I'm going to use them as an experiment to see if I can get to a decent size before flowering. Interesting enough the calyxs are still swelling like normal without pistils. I hope the pistols will eventually grow back. Does anyone know if calyxs have more resin than pistols? If the pistols don't grow back can it still be good bud? Summation of what I'm trying to answer:
1. If a plant will continue to grow if the sexual parts are removed.
2. If you remove the pistils and calyx on top will it increase in height.
3. Will it regrow pistils later in life or only on the new growth.
4. How will it effect yield.
5. How will it effect potency.
6. If a plant will regenerate if all the sexual parts are removed.

I plan to put these outdoors later this week.


You could root the new growth on the bottom when it gets a lil bigger couldn't you? Great thread by the way, even if there is really no point, it is neat to experiment. Check out this attachment, you can preserve any genetics in a petri-dish and grow a plant from stem matter or any plant matter from the plant you wish to replicate...

I tried to attach it but it's too big but any serious grower should know about this, you can preserve any strain without a mother and easily conceal it...


vicious bee

There is a point to what I'm doing. Point #1 I had a great male and mixed it's pollen with other good but not great males. I would like more pollen from it alone. Point #2. I abused some of my females and they're really small. I would like to get some size on them to get some quantity of seeds. Some of the plants I've got now I don't have any more seeds of that strain. It takes a month to get a plant up and sex it. A little longer if you want any quantity of seeds. Why not try to spur on the ones I got? Delay their flowering and get a little more bulk to them. Maybe it's not a lost cause. Point #3 If your going to put autos outside wouldn't it be nice to put them out at the size you want, when you want? Maybe you could wait for a good rain before you put them out. I'm probably going to spray some of my plants with RootTonic. Which is Indole Butyric Acid and Naphthalene Acetic Acid. I sprayed it on an auto before and it delayed flowering for I think somewhere around a couple of weeks. I don't know if it will keep growing though. Growth may come to a halt which would negate the whole thing. I'll spray some and not spray others. See what happens.
Good paper NHMI linked to "The-Biotechnology-of-Cannabis-Sativa". I've actually got that paper and have looked into tissue culture. It's way more complicated than it looks. I had planned on trying it and bought some of the materials and hormones to do it. It's way more than I wish to tackle right now. Someday though. If you read a lot about tissue culture and genetic eng. you'll find that each plant has it's own protocol(recipe). Specific hormones and exactly when to add, specific ph, specific etc.... it gets really deep and time consuming quick. Also everything must be completely sterile. A great resource for this is http://www.hometissueculture.org/
They sell complete kits. Hormones, jars the whole works plus manuals and DVD's. They primarily are oriented towards beginners and use African Violets. They also sell the bible for tissue culture beginners "Plants from Test Tubes: An Introduction to Micropropagation".


Nice Save VB..:tiphat:

The fan leaves are not doing so well but they're not completely useless yet so I'll leave them on. If they die off I may trim down to the new growth.
My thoughts exactly.

I've got my fingers crossed for you..
He was a male worth saving.

1. If a plant will continue to grow if the sexual parts are removed.
2. If you remove the pistils and calyx on top will it increase in height.
Debatable...#1..above..should make it increase height.

3. Will it regrow pistils later in life or only on the new growth.
In THEORY the plant Should try to put up 2 bud sites for every 1 you remove.
BUT..I've only done it on geraniums and fuscias..not AF's..:biglaugh:
I'll run an experiment this summer..soon as I get the chance.

4. How will it effect yield.
In Theory..yield should increase..
my Only worry is IF it is started too late..the plant may go over Before it finishes.

5. How will it effect potency.
It shouldn't..unless it goes over.

6. If a plant will regenerate if all the sexual parts are removed.
I would recommend removing ALL sex.

Have a great weekend :joint:

vicious bee

The lower foliage is growing. Hasn't made flowers yet. Very encouraging. Would really like some more pollen from this dude. A real hairy orange stinker.
On the plants in tubes. Still haven't planted yet but I did spray 4 of them with RootTonic. Which is Indole Butyric Acid and Naphthalene Acetic Acid. I used it on an auto before and got I believe delayed flowering. The others are being trimmed about every four days. I'll look at these in a couple more days and see if they need trimming. If they don't, and still grow, maybe I'll have found something useful. I hope it works. Trimming pistils sucks. It's ridiculous. I forced to because I screwed up so bad.


Shit, another freak

Shit, another freak

Hey VB, I just realized something as I was studying this pic a little more closely....you have a hermie there...not a male. Looks identical to one of the BW ladyboys I'm playing with....look at the very top of the closeup pic just above...those are calyxes. Sorry bro, but your male might just have screwed your pooch. :tiphat:


I thought i seen pistils on that dude. I swear i se a seed too. Would be interesting to see what the progeny look like.

vicious bee

Hey VB, I just realized something as I was studying this pic a little more closely....you have a hermie there...not a male. Looks identical to one of the BW ladyboys I'm playing with....look at the very top of the closeup pic just above...those are calyxes. Sorry bro, but your male might just have screwed your pooch. :tiphat:
I admit it does look strange. It is a male though. Most of the flowers in the pic are long gone. I see exactly what you saying. Is does look like a pistil in the picture. I looked at the plant closely and didn't see what I would call pistils. I could have missed it though. I'm still using it. Have to see what comes out. I'm of the belief, right now, this moment and my mind could be changed by different information, that a reverse hermi is not a concern and may be a blessing.

From what someone else posted that Shanti said:
"(A quick word on "backward" hermaphrodites ? declared males that eventually sport female flowers ? as opposed to the usual female-to-male hermaphrodites. These are semi-rare occurrences, usually sterile but sometimes viable, that I have found at times to be valuable in their genetic contributions. Some of the most resinous and desirable males I have encountered exhibited this trait. This trait almost seems to guarantee against unwanted hermaphroditism in subsequent generations as it also increases the female to male ratio in its progeny.)

(These are the Male's used through out the life of the origional haze and the mystery of it.)"
If Shanti said it there's a high probability of it being very accurate information. I believe D. J. Short also uses reverse hermis. Anyways the little shit looked and smelled so good there's zero chance I won't at least give it a try.


From what someone else posted that Shanti said:
"(A quick word on "backward" hermaphrodites ? declared males that eventually sport female flowers ? as opposed to the usual female-to-male hermaphrodites. These are semi-rare occurrences, usually sterile but sometimes viable, that I have found at times to be valuable in their genetic contributions. Some of the most resinous and desirable males I have encountered exhibited this trait. This trait almost seems to guarantee against unwanted hermaphroditism in subsequent generations as it also increases the female to male ratio in its progeny.)
Thanks for that VB, this is the second strong reference suggesting the breeding value of these types of hermies. MJ botany book says pretty much the same thing. This is the reason I am using the hermies from Mossy's BW...and the more I think about it, the more sensible the use of these genes gets. The good thing about it all is that we all will get a chance to see the results, and get to see them from 2 different sources this summer. Very cool :tiphat:

vicious bee

You were right ChynaRider. I looked today and it's sprouting pistils at an extreme rate.I have some pollen saved that Does Not include the male in question. Wonder what would happen if I pollinated the reverse hermi? Got to try. Would it , if not sterile, make all males? Since it has female tendencys possibly make a small number of females but mostly males?


This thread is so f*ing interesting!

I threw out some seeds that I didnt think would sprout, but they did, or some of them any way. They were the Train Wreck x Low Ryder #2 F1. Most of them did not autoflower. They are 36 days old now, and just day before yesterday I noticed that I have one autoflowering female. She is small and pathetic, but I want to get seeds from her as she is only the second of this cross to autoflower. I think I will use this MADFT to get more seeds out of her, after I transplant her tonight.
Ill keep you all posted and perhaps start a thread about breeding the "AutoWreck" ? or maybe "Train Ryder" ? if you all want to see that thread.


She is small and pathetic, but I want to get seeds from her as she is only the second of this cross to autoflower. I think I will use this MADFT to get more seeds out of her, after I transplant her tonight.
Ill keep you all posted and perhaps start a thread about breeding the "AutoWreck" ? or maybe "Train Ryder" ? if you all want to see that thread.
Would love to see more interesting threads like this, so you have my vote. Getting a little tired of seeing the same plants over and over again...

That said, I dont think I would start the effort with this plant...you should choose the 2 parents in the F1 that most match you goals, breed them, and in the f2 you will start getting the autos with more of a trainwreck lean.:2cents:


Wonder what would happen if I pollinated the reverse hermi? Got to try. Would it , if not sterile, make all males? Since it has female tendencys possibly make a small number of females but mostly males?

I am not really sure what the results of this would be, but I doubt that it will be all male. I want to know, and that's why I put the 2 herms I have outside to let them mature the seed they are bearing. This is way too interesting to not find out. I also used the pollen from the 2 herms to pollinate 1 true female, so we get to find out the influence there too.


Would love to see more interesting threads like this, so you have my vote. Getting a little tired of seeing the same plants over and over again...

That said, I dont think I would start the effort with this plant...you should choose the 2 parents in the F1 that most match you goals, breed them, and in the f2 you will start getting the autos with more of a trainwreck lean.:2cents:

I have already crossed a choice F1 male to two choice F1 females. Those F2 will be planted in a few months after my current project is done. I just happened to find an auto'ing female and Im curious to see what comes of her, mostly I want to see how many autos I get from her seeds. Maybe I will not let her get bigger, just pollinate now even though I will probably get less than 50 seeds.

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