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Outdoor extravaganza @ 60N, 8 strains incl Super Auto


Hey every one.. Thought I upadate you all with some info on the guerrilla grow that is now in the making.

All of the seeds were put in to paper towels and all strains had 100% germ rate except the Mystery Kush that had 50%. This was after only 2 days in paper so I still planted the 2 mysterys that hadnt cracked. Looks like im in for a good start, 75 seeds and close to 100% germ, pretty amazing in my opinion!

All seeds were put in to pot/the ground on Sunday. Took me all day to get it done, always a lot more work then you expect. Soil, perlite and cow manure were carried out to the two grow spots, was really hard as the trees still are with out leaves so its hard to hide. 100 litres of soil was carried but still had to mix it up with the natural soil as it wasnt enough. The natural soil is really fertile here so its all good. Alot of clay in it so you have to be careful to not make it get to compact, its good for holding the water so you dont have to get out there every 5 days to water :) .

My plan was to put everything in to pots and then re plant them in to the ground once they had grown a bit bigger. Didnt really happen.... I had 15 >2gal pots that i planted 3-4 autos in, the rest were planted straight in to the ground. That spots Im using are really good and i think they will be fine but only time can tell. These next 3 weeks will be critical. It was nice and sunny yesterday and today is probably the warmest day this spring so thats good. Once the plants has showed sex or grow to big to be 3 in each pot they will be put in to the ground and one kept in each pot. Also I spread my Snail poison around the spots and its said to be none poisonous for other animals and it should work very well Ive heard from reliable sources

Will update with a couple of photos of the spots later today.
Approximately spot 1 will have 12h of direct sunlight from 1june and spot 2 a tad more maybe 13-14h so that should make for some good growth.

Wish me luck, Fell free to send me any spare Karma you guys and Gals have laying around :p

Take care and have a great week.


I hate mixing soil, definetly going to get a cheapo cement mixer just for soil.

watch out for rabbits! they love fresh new young growth, Ive lost countless seedlings in the past.


Yes the mixing is a bitch but once you are done it feels sooooo good. Would be harder dragging the cement mixer out the woods then doing it by hand dont you think :)

The rabbits i didnt really think of, there are some of them around the spots so might be a problem, thing is there is lots of sprouts around as well, lots of nettles and other stuff to, its next to a field of wheat and that is full of small green sprouts so hopefully they go for them and not my pot!!

Cheers for the encouragements and comments my friends.


Here are the pictures of the two spots

Some in pots and some straight in the ground. plants get a good 12h of sun from June. There will be lots of nettles growing here, so all plants will be very under cover.

#2 Plant in pots along the farm land, a few Super Autos straignt in the ground and the lone Star ryder. plants will get about 14h of sun from June.

The plants in spot 2 will be put in the ground after sexing, one will be kept in each pot and probably put in the middle of the field to get maximum sun exposure. The plants are planted close to nettles and bush that they will mix in to and get almost invisible..


Hi there seedling,good luck with your grow,and i look forward to seeing your results....
regarding protection of your plants,i would invest in some chicken wire/mesh,to stop rabbits,as belive me,they love cannabis more than i, or you do....i have lost hundreds of plants to those furry fucks...also google copper tape,this will boost your defence against slugs,alongside your slug poison.....with autos not getting to big,slugs and rabbits could run riot on your girls....all the best...peace yossman


Hi there seedling,good luck with your grow,and i look forward to seeing your results....
regarding protection of your plants,i would invest in some chicken wire/mesh,to stop rabbits,as belive me,they love cannabis more than i, or you do....i have lost hundreds of plants to those furry fucks...also google copper tape,this will boost your defence against slugs,alongside your slug poison.....with autos not getting to big,slugs and rabbits could run riot on your girls....all the best...peace yossman

Thank you for stopping by my friend. The idea with chicken mesh is a good one but the thing is i want the plants to stay under cover and the mesh kind of give them away. Havent used the mesh yet so the plant will have to do with out it until I go and check on then sometime next week. If I see rabbit action in the area and have casualties I will for sure consider giving away a bit the stealth for more rabbit protection. Thank you for the heads up.




:thank you:

They do look nice, grown at one of them before, couple of years ago and it turned out sweet. But i never say a spot is good until im toking on the bud it has produced... time will tell but it has all the attributes for a good grow spot.


Thank you for the kind words!

Ive been very lucky weather wise, 4 days of sun and now some rain... perfect, wont beable to get out to my babies until next week soo some rain to keep the moist after all that sun is a good thing!! Fingers crossed the rabbits are staying far away from the ladies.


hey seedling, very exited to follow your grow this year :yes: im waiting for some of the new super autos myself for test growing.

I was out at one of my prospected spots some days ago, I spotted hare turds in the area, ill definitely have to think about those pesky things. Thanks for the headsup :yes:

best of luck to you m8


Nice one Artic, would be grate to see some more people growing the supers out. Will go and do a first check on my outdoor girls soon, hopefully they are nice and healthy and not rabbit food.

Vicious bee, I dont know about the background of the supers, stitch is the man with the knowledge but you might be right. I thought thet maybe mighty might or something like that the first time i heard about them but that i pure guessing.. As long as they turn in to beautiful Hazes that finish in time up here im a happy man.



Bad bad bad news. We had the biggest hale storm yesterday, hale as big as golf balls, and it ruined it all for me. Cant believe this happened, all the planning and all those seeds gone!!

Almost cried when i got out to the spot to day. EVERYTHING was broken or dead except ONE and Im not joking ONE super auto. That is from 73 sprouted seeds...
This story ends here, will see if i can get some more seeds and do it all over again, but this time start them of for three weeks indoors and make sure there is no more evil hale storms once I plant them out...
Im gutted, soooooo gutted F*CKF*CKF*CKF*CKF*CKF*CKF*CK!

Well I need to forget and see if I can get more seeds. Fingers crossed that I get some thing going as I need my meds after the summer.
Take care everybody and send me some good karma if you have any to spare, im in need....


Active member
Take some deeep breaths … Fucn with you,bro - it´s horrible but WILL pass.
And man, smoke the last auto with awe! :wave: