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BC OG Kush?


Active member
I live in BC, and for the past few years there has been lots of OG Kush around. Its usually really good and fairly consistant. Tight nugs w/ a smell thats kind of creamy sweet yet earthy and almost metallic. I got a bag several years ago before lots of OG was hitting the scene and it was completely different, smelled like lemons.

Lots of the talk about elite clones on this site centers around California and whenever I hear talk of OG here its always described as lemony.

If I buy buds the guy I go to is pretty good, knows his stuff and always has some kind of Kush, and its always good, pretty high end commercial product and I trust the strain identification. Normally after reading about lemony OG Kush here at icmag I would just assume that here in BC we've made some knockoff high-yield remake of the strain like we seem to do w/ all the Cali elites, and thats why it didn't have that signature lemon smell.

So I was just wondering if anyone had a low down on whats going on w/ this strain here in BC. Where's our cut from?


Here's a pic of some local OG just for good measure, same buds different lighting:


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Active member
most of the og i see is very dark looking. and has a very unique pine smell, dont know about lemon. maybe pine sol lemon scent.

there is a couple cuts ive seen in bc. for the most part its white with sugar but kinda dark in the bag. d


The one on the island absolutely reeks of lemony pine and has a gasoline or chemical smell to it as well. It looks darker than the other kush strains here, it can foxtail if it's to hot but still produces rock hard buds.

To make it more confusing there are probably a few cuts of OG going around BC, the biker cut is the one you want though. I have S1's of this cut and have given them to a few members on here. I had the cut but I went to central america this winter and haven't been able to get it back. If anyone has it I would love it have it back.



Active member
They might not be OG at all, just some type of Kush. BC has had Kush genes since the late 70s, reeferman and dj short both posted about the first kushes arriving in BC as seeds in the late 70s. Tons of good Kush is grown in BC, often by outlaw biker types in recirculating DWC Krusty/Biker bucket setups with bare vertical bulbs and multiple pounds per plant trees. Tuna is one I;ve heard of, there are said to be tons of other Kushes in BC.

If it's good and you enjoy smoking it then great, it looks like a kush so who cares if it's an OG or not? Accrid lemony sells and gasoline/solvent/piss are common in Afghans and Kushes in my experience.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
we have many kushes in bc, but no real og that I have seen. It's different than cali's og that's for sure.
We have King's Kush, Master Kush, Emerald Triangle, all sorts of purple kush, but if i could find some real og i'd be happy
those pics look like most of our kush, but not og most likely


Are you from BC?

We do have some old kush lines here I am sure, but the "kush" that is so popular for the last few years is the Califnoria "kush" type.. not true afghani kush indicas. The OG for example clearly has more than a tad of sativa in it. The tuna kush is just a stinky purple kush that is packaged into tuna cans for smell proof shipping.

B friendly- I am sure the OG kush on the island is at least half real deal cali OG kush, it is totally different and funkier than any of the other kush I have smoked or grown. My guess is that the HA brought it up here and maybe bred something else into it to make it more viable commercially. I wish I had better pics of it but the buds are really tight and small and don't really look like the typical BC PK. It smells way different and I would describe the high as a day wrecker, the other kushes going around are almost entirely indica dominant and the typical sedating relaxing kush high.. this stuff gets you twisted,paranoid,blurry vision,spins. I am not trying to hype it .. I lost it.

I have smoked supposed real OG brought up from California when I was visiting a friend in Washington state and it was almost identical, I think its entirely possible we have it in BC .. were close to the border.

Neo 420

Active member
The one on the island absolutely reeks of lemony pine and has a gasoline or chemical smell to it as well. It looks darker than the other kush strains here, it can foxtail if it's to hot but still produces rock hard buds.


That's the OG that I know to be the real deal!!! IMO a lot of people are just throwing that name around. Back in the day, if your OG was not raised organically in dirt, then it was sub-standard OG. :smoker:

Sorry for the mildly off topic rant:)

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
ya most biker cuts are great.
the island always has what the coast does not, for some reason, well it's the hippie factor i assume.
ya we have crosses of og, our kush is good anyways, keeps me going and it's most of what i grow.
we can say our purple kush is the best pain releiver out there. many many guys i know love it for this very reason. 5% thc or 20% thc our pk does the pain trick


Yeah I think the PK has great medical value, personally I am more than a little tired of the stuff though.

I have never found cannabis to be pain relieving, I actually find it does the opposite .. if I have aches or pains I usually notice them more and tend to focus on it.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
ya but for fibroymalgia type pain and i know a guy at the green cross who fell 4 stories, he turned me onto pk cuz it does wonders for him. If you have severe chronic pain it is good. but ya would love something new by now, it's a few years old

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
no never, here's what i have got on the go
oh x sk1

seeds still to pop
UBC’s Chemo x BlockHead
UBC’s Chemo
Russian Diesel (diesel x ak47)
Diesel x (OGK x Chem)

if i can't find i'll have to grow it
all of the seeds to pop are from trading pk seed i had to some people in pain


Active member
if you guys dont mind my 2 cents. the h a have the real deal og cut, ive acquierd it and its the real deal.

imvho, there is no sativa in my mk, og, pk or sour d. afghanicas have a range in broad leaf and growth style. but the short, squat hard buds are all afgahnica, not indica. people always confuse afghanicas with indicas.

all the k's i have are devistating, and if smoked too much at home can induce states of "psychosis" in even the most seasoned smokers. they will kill pain on a dime, 100% gauranteed. its why i use them.

all the genes that come up from cali are brought here for market based reasons with gangs. a strain becomes popular, its growmn in canada to avoid american laws and shipped south.

all the other genes are brought for breeding/connoisseur reasons between hippie/nerd circles.

it doesnt really matter to me becuase we get access to all them, becuase the sacred herb unites all these circles together in an infused symphony of genetic splendor.

due to med pot purposes, kush has become king, but i know guys and gals from manitoba to bc that have grow kushes since the 80's, and skunks and fruity types, all amazing in their own right.

the sd, pk and mk i have are all neon green upon ripening, the og is dark in the bag, no matter how much sugar. its the same ha cut from 5 years ago. there is an mk ultra cut that looks more golden and orange hiars(g13)(og pheno) which rivals the ha og in taste and high, d


How sure are you that the HA og has no sativa in it? The one I experienced was really lanky/stretchy for a afghanica and the buds foxtail sometimes


Active member
any plant can fox tail, especially using an "overdrive" or "finisher" style bloom booster, or left too long to riepn with miracle grow......

i cant be 100% certain, but have a good eye and nose haha for strains and their origins. the ha cut i have grown next to my pk, mk and sd is very hard to tell the diff.

afghanicas are strong vigorus plants, and stretch biiiiig in the first 3 weeks of bloom. leaving definitive empty spaces on the stock as evidence. plants having stretch or not does not determine its heritage. ive had sativas finish inside in 40-50 days, and some indicas go 10 weeks.

im no one to say for sure, maybe there is a skunk croosed to it? there are about 75% sativa, but finish in 45-50 days right?

my pk next to og are very indistinguishable. even to say that sour diesel is a sativa rings my ears, cuz it grows and finishes 100% afghanica, though the high is racey, i cant say for certain either, and i doubt the breeder has trademarked beans or cuts that were 3rd party certified.

afghanicas have thick sturdy stocks, hard squat buds, and the most resin , and the hash, oil and budder made from them is secong to none. elite cuts can be anything. i have a mazar and its leaves arent the broadest, but its 100% afghani.

most sativas stretch until they ripen, with elongated buds to match the stretch, none of my hashplants or nl crosses which are 20% haze even do that.

most cannabis will always double in hieght in he fist 3 weeks of flower more or less, and foxtail if left too long, i just dont use those fators when trying to figure out what is what to the best of my ability.

ive just grown alot of varieties, and have never had a sativa look, smell or tatse like a hashplant.

when i first moved to bc a buddy and all his buds claiemd dj's blueberry was 80% sativa hahaha, i asked why he thought that, he just said thats what everyone said..... dj's bb is 20% sativa, and very hard to tell at that. so i would still call his bb a hashplant, even with that 20%.

ive heard people say og kush is 100% sativa hahahaha, and i just dont buy it based on its catacteristics. grow a hindu kush or master kush next to the ha og, and they all look, smell, taste, grow as kushes. i just have my field data and experience, and danny danko from ht who knows the tahoe breeder and rez and chem, and all those guys. the truth is know one knows, but i know what i know, and use that as a determining factor, peace, d

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
ya we'd expect the boyz got the real deal, not hard to call up a pal down the coast. they wont give it to anybody that i know.
I have seed of ncyd x og which i am gonna try in a few months


Active member
i'm very lucky to know a gentleman that knows lot if not all the different crews in bc. i call my og the langley medical cut, but its the ha, just dont like to endorse non medical entities, d

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
my best has been trading our pk in seed which was impossible to come by. the person who brought it here died and some how his shit self pollinated, to trippy.
I have given it to 4 people now who have chronic pain and received some awesome seed in return.
I am most excited to try our UBC's Chemo x BlockHead and i have chemo as well.
I think bc has good pot once you get past the street dealers.

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