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Purple Kush?


Whats the deal with the purple kush everybody is growing in B.C?
I tried growing some kush clones from some nammers.

Aside from horrible spidermites that were resistant to poison, I ended up with small popcorny buds and maybe half pound per light under 1000's

even though the temperature and humidity were okay.

got some new purple kush from a different source who claims its okay.

anybody got tips on how to get a good yield from the purple kush clones going around?

I had 25 per light in 1 gallon grow bags before, gonna switch to beds.


storytime, gather round! i just received some "purple kush" cuts as well! the veins are quite purple which i havent encountered before, dont know if it's innate or just hungry and wanting sophonsification.

funny thing though, i received some cuts from the same person roughly a year ago, they look different but apparently are from the same mother. We had a chance to smoke some of the bud from his cuts, recently. They are from same mother as last year apparently too. The buds he brought are green with some red hairs, small and dense, smoke was harsh but strong potency great for soothing after workout and typing random words at icmag. Here's the catch, when i flowered those cuts out he gave me last year, and left to ripen at about 9 weeks, they turned PURPLE, like grimace. Love how spellcheck knows grimace. they smelled like some sort of perfume and even tasted like it smelled, a tad soapy taste was reflected, i resonated with such a remark. Still dense like this fellow's cuts as well. I do feel like an ass for being so distrusting.....

Our buds just plain differed, i then renamed the strain he gave to me, but i am afraid it's unique, a one off name, a pun, and funny all at once; I just dont feel comfortable posting it at the moment. The mothers i had died from extraneous circumstances, literally baked, and lost the genetics, twas a hard loss, nearly rivaling that of a pet, it was THAT fantastic. and puuuuuuuurpleeeee! I yearned for that cut again, and apparently i now have it back, YIPPEE but once again, i dont know if i can trust this guy's knowledge, especially when it takes him 10 tries to get purple kush to come out his mouth, following a slew of other possible names.

perhaps i now have purple kush too! There should be an owners' club with so many people claiming this particular strain.
/stoned ramble

Big Foot

It's a low yielding plant, it takes some time to get used to its growth patterns but once you get to know her you can obtain higher yields. "DMT," is familiar with the plant mayby PM him and ask for some advice.


Active member
hahaha il just chime in.

number 1, pk is very high yielding.

it loves food, so make sure you start veg at 1200ppm.

do not over water, afghanicas are from mountainous arid desert regions.

people confuse overwtaering and under feeding with deficiency.

i root my pk with 1200ppm, then veg with 1250, and increase by 100 ppm every week in flower after week 1 in bllom. i peak at 1600-1800 size of plant depending.

this plant is made for super croppnig, ive never seen a kush do well in sog or small spaces. if u decide to keep this routine, only grow 4 branches per plant.

ive grown 2 foot tall by 2 foot wide pk that yielded up to 8 ounces, and kushes respond best to phospholaod aka flower dragon aka top load style bloom boosters, trust me, d
I'm not too big on the names for "so called" seed stock. False adverstisment imho.

I search for a nice sativa dom, indica dom and that rare superior hybed that is so hard to find.

After that what is there? It's just a name.

Btw.. Spidermites will fuck up any grow imho. Yield, quality the whole shebang.


hahaha il just chime in.

number 1, pk is very high yielding.

it loves food, so make sure you start veg at 1200ppm.

do not over water, afghanicas are from mountainous arid desert regions.

people confuse overwtaering and under feeding with deficiency.

i root my pk with 1200ppm, then veg with 1250, and increase by 100 ppm every week in flower after week 1 in bllom. i peak at 1600-1800 size of plant depending.

this plant is made for super croppnig, ive never seen a kush do well in sog or small spaces. if u decide to keep this routine, only grow 4 branches per plant.

ive grown 2 foot tall by 2 foot wide pk that yielded up to 8 ounces, and kushes respond best to phospholaod aka flower dragon aka top load style bloom boosters, trust me, d
Great info DMT .. I had no clue they liked that much nutes in veg I normally don't give any plants in veg much more than 700-800ppm just cause I have burnt plants that way before. Do you think they can handle 1200ppm in veg if they are in soil? How long do you flush yours? The last ones I did were flushed for a week in soil but it wasn't enough.


Active member
dr clones pk is the pk i have. he also has my jack, white widow and chronic. his isalnd sweet skunk isnt iss, its breeder steves sweet skunk. 12-14 weeker they say. his og kush is not og kush either. its a wierd orange haired plant that isnt really kushy at all, and there is 2 phenos? wierd eh? a tall one and a short one.

when it comes to bugs or mold, treat babies when they are small, at least twice to catch any eggs hatching. prevention is the key to good health in plants and humans.

in soil always flush for 2 weeks at least. i root my babies with the same solution as my moms, advanced nutrients gorw micro bloom all @ 10 ml a gallon and b52 @ 5ml gallon. this makes for fast strong roots and super jump in plant growth upon rooting with no yellowing or deficiency. most people confuse seedling nutes with rooting nutes, d

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