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Another one bites the dust


just a few weeks away from being legal..

"I heard them talking about how they felt kind of bad for taking down a semi-legitimate businessman," La Plante recalls. "They admitted that the guy wasn't a drug dealer. But they said if he tried it again, they'd come at him harder, because repeat offenders aren't looked at in a good light.


what are we to do?....... Dea arresting us on one side, patients bitching about prices because we have no risk on the other.


Long haired country boy
apparently no charges were filed... weird, these are the risks involved that 80% of the patients aren't even taking in to consideration.. it's unreal how many people I talk to that fail to realize that their caregiver is committing a crime in the eyes of the feds..that risk of loss personal freedom is worth something, right?


So if they were legal, why did this happen ?

I thought if you were conforming to state law, the feds would leave you alone...


Long haired country boy
Yeah that's gonna happen, these fuckers are gonna go down kicking and screaming..Way too much big money involved in all this.. I would expect to see this starting to happen a lot more often unfortunately.


mary j grows are big money to the dea....easy people to deal with in most cases & show big drug money being taken off the streets. which in turn gets them more federal money because they are doing a good job by federal guidelines. 20k watt grower, is probably 100X easier to catch than your "in the hood" $5-20 crack bag slanger.

all it takes is one person to call the dea, about the smell, or suspicious behavior & your door too could have your door kicked in, in 48hrs!


apparently no charges were filed... weird, these are the risks involved that 80% of the patients aren't even taking in to consideration.. it's unreal how many people I talk to that fail to realize that their caregiver is committing a crime in the eyes of the feds..that risk of loss personal freedom is worth something, right?

charges could take a while to be filled.

There will be charges will be filled....no one gets off that easy......unless hes got a bigger grower to give up.
Welcome to the world of the "smash and grab." DEA comes in, breaks stuff, takes stuff, and goes on their merry way. This has been going on in California for years and we have a handful of examples here in Colorado as well.

MJ is against federal law. While the Feds wrote a nice letter, they did not change the law. If you bitch, you run the risk of federal charges.


New member
First time one of these DEA chumps get shot in the head entering a house in CO the smash and grabs will end. Colorado is one of the most armed states in the country, its only a matter of time before we start having police killed on a regular.


Puttin flame to fire
ICMag Donor
Craigslist lighting anyone? Search and seizures have been a part of the game since Nixon formed our beloved protectors.


Active member
ridiculous. hopefully one day these DEA thugs will be finally held accountable. any clues on how they were busted? seems the DEA is more concerned with busting legitimate operators than criminals. the black market is looking better and better by the day.
Welcome to the world of the "smash and grab." DEA comes in, breaks stuff, takes stuff, and goes on their merry way. This has been going on in California for years and we have a handful of examples here in Colorado as well.

MJ is against federal law. While the Feds wrote a nice letter, they did not change the law. If you bitch, you run the risk of federal charges.

You know Warren...from reading the article, it seems to imply this is a client of yours.

I know you can't say one way or the other, so, hypothetically...if this were your client, what would you advise?
These types of situations become a bitch. You abide by state law, have all your paperwork, Feds stumble across you for whatever reason, seize your mj, and you are stuck.

You want to scream and yell, but you always have to be conscious of the fact that the feds could charge you at any time and there is no med mj in federal court. Every time you post, give a quote to the newspaper, or respondent w/a posted comment, that can be used against you. That statement "but this is med mj meant for my patients" becomes an admission of ownership.


First time one of these DEA chumps get shot in the head entering a house in CO the smash and grabs will end. Colorado is one of the most armed states in the country, its only a matter of time before we start having police killed on a regular.

Fighting violence with violence is never a solution. If DEA agents start getting shot at, they will enter grows shooting first, and asking questions later. Not to mention the media will have one hell of a shit storm to use against us, painting mmj growers as "violent" offenders. Not really the publicity we want. You can stash all the guns to protect your glass house, these guys have tanks and helicopters....shooting at them will just get you shot and make the rest of us look really really bad....

Its sucks to say, but the only way to change this is to keep perpetuating what we are doing, and eventually, the taxpayers will have to realize what a waste of their own funds this is....much like the other war going on.....
Greenmopho, when your on your knees begging for your rights dont forget to kiss your master's ass. My rights here given to me by God, I think ill remain upright, so as to be able to defend them properly.

BTW, the taxpayers are idiots, if your waiting on them to save you it might be a bit.......



Active member
With as many cards stacked against this movement as it is, the last thing I would think that we need is a shoot-out over some herb.

You see so many people claiming the softer side of life when they are discussing their views and talking of growing their peaceful plant. It is interesting to see the extreme opposite pop into discussion before they have even been pushed. Cops are not exactly on our side, or any LEO for that matter, but I do not think we need to start acting like cartels and shooting them. Not the type of mentality we need in the forefront for legalization, or even legitimization.

The sucker tax payers (including everyone on this board) have gotten us this far, it wasn't just one person voting for MMJ. There are many sides to this battle, though growing may be one of the most dangerous (in terms of personal freedoms) parts of this movement it is by no means the only. There is no sense in dividing ourselves, they will do that for us at any opportunity they can muster.
I guess if this was my spot, and they seized all my shit but didn't press charges, I'd be furious but I could live with it. I can make more money, grow more weed, but I can't get time in prison back.

Can't back down from these fuckers, we're going to be in limbo for a while it seems. I'm going to keep on going and hope my number doesn't come up, and make nice with my neighbors.

Never thought I'd say this, but I think Carter was a better president than Obama.