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Strains for survival (outdoors)

Hi all. The climate of the world politically wise is failing and because I refuse to get a chip and be a number I am going to live off the land in the mountains. This is not some wack job scheme or some fluffed up dream of a stoner this is something I have been preparing for 8 years now before I ever took a toke. I want to know what strains one would recommend for the varying hardiness zones that come with the mountains (3-7) I want 4 strains that will survive well in the higher altitudes of the mountains. 4 strains that will survive in the moist valleys of the mountains without worries of budrot and 4 strains that will survive the more arid and drought prone areas. Keep in mind this will not only be my smoke but my main source of food so personal experiences growing in the mountains would be much appreciated. Strains that should be preserved because of a favorable trait should also be mentioned. I will be living off wild plants hunting and fishing until my crops are harvested. (have been researching wild edible plants for 4 years) I am buying 2 solor panels (enough to run 1000 watts of light at least) which will be for keeping mothers only along with enough back up batteries in permanent storage for 30 years. if my room fails tho I will be once again left to mother natures fury to survive I think I have a good chance if I use the different growing zones in the mountain to ensure a crop somewhere for instance if there is a bad drought in the plains my mountain top indicas will not suffer and I will live comfortably with food in my stomache which is one of my only concerns.


What an excellent plan, and I'm glad to hear you've spent years planning it too. The best of luck!

One thing you may want to consider are autoflowering plants. They don't require a certain light period to flower and finish very fast so you'll be able to do a harvest perhaps even before the other strains have started flowering and will be able to do multiple harvests during the year. Some autos are even advertised as being finished in two months after germination, and while I have my doubts they would be up to my standards at this date, even with a couple of extra weeks that's still quite fast.

Many af strains seem to be quite susceptible to bud rot so you might want to avoid planting them in the moist valleys, certainly if you plan to harvest during a wet time of the year.

Oh and just to be clear, I'm suggesting these in addition to traditional outdoor strains, not instead of.


Dr. Narrowleaf
Autoflowers won't yield you much, especially if your gonna eat the seeds. They're also prone to mold. I'm thinking Rocky Mountains, is that where you at? I'm asking because latitude plays a big role here. If you can still harvest in October then Himalayan charas sativas might be your best shot, they can take a bit of a frost, don't require constant watering and yield a great deal of seeds and fiber accompanied by a first class high. Pm me if you want to know where to look.


Thule said:
Autoflowers won't yield you much, especially if your gonna eat the seeds
They will if you plant enough of them... Of course you can't eat the first seed batch then though. ;)


Im So Sorry to have to Break it to you Fella. Two Solar Panels is Not going to Power 1000Watts of Light EVER. Unless you want to power it for 1/2 a second. You Plan is a failure. Boy!


Well-known member
growing cannabis as your main food of subsistence? I wouldn't try and satisfy your every need with a single strain, look for some industrial hemp such as finola. if you care to develop your own strains look into the real seed company, they have north indian jungli ( wild cannabis ) that could suit your need and still have decent potency.

I'd advise you to look into other crops as well, look into mushrooms as well, they're highly nutritious, why not have a free range chickens for eggs?

I wouldn't put all my eggs in one basket ( in this case, cannabis )


I think what he means is that his only source of food aka income is from his crop. I dont think he's eating it haha. He'd grow veggies then.

Best of luck with everything
Your mountain strain Hindu Kush, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan , Uzbekistan perhaps kazakhstan.

Your Valley strains probably Nepal and Indian strains.

Bubba Kush would probably do well in drought areas, the darn thing doesn't like water (Green House Seeds Bubba).
no definitely eating it mate lol Yea I plan on having other veggies too but cannabis being such a healthy sustaining food souce will be my staple. thank you for your input everyone. as to not putting my eggs in one basket as well that is why I am going to grow in all those different areas with different strains. Each zone of the mountains has its own micro-climate that at times can be very very different weather wise giving me a bit of a buffer if stuff goes wrong. I will be doing this with 5 or 10 other people and we plan to sell nothing only store it can it and have a "freezer" in the mountains which will be a cache of seeds, canned grown and gathered foods and smoked meats not too keen on fish jerky so we will eat that fresh lol. anything storable will be stored in summer and all wild foods that can't be stored will be our main food in spring summer and fall. Autoflowers would be good for the higher parts of the mountain where it is tundra like but I am worried if I can't maintain an indoor room to ensure genetics I wouldn't want the autos mixing in with my other crops and degrading the genetics especially because they would release a ton of pollen per season getting more af seeds. for sustainability autoflowers are a joke unless you live in the tundra where no other strains survive imo. I will also be making alcohol from stalks for medicine making and using fibers for clothing so autoflowers would actually be dangerous to me in this case. if only batteries would last more than 5 years I could bank on having solar power but this just is not the case.


Okay OldTime, here's the guy you need to get a hold of. The guy is a Legend in Canada, friends with Marc Emery and the like. He's a guerrilla farmer to end all guerrilla farmers with $500k cash crops. I had all his videos on youtube, (which have since been removed) and are a kick in pants to watch. He is hard core to say the least. He goes by BrownDirtWarrior and he sells his videos now on DVD which I'll probably will buy since they've been removed from youtube. They are must have in anyone's library IMHO. I found a link to his MySpace page, shoot him a PM. A wealth of knowledge there. http://www.myspace.com/browndirtwarrior

Also, any Humboldt strains will be good, as all those guys grow in the mountains near the coast so definitely mold resistant there as they get a lot of fog.

Hope it helps and keep up the good fight.


Dina fem has two autoflowering strains I myself have been thinking about. Roadrunner#1 and #2. All they are is jointdoctors diesylrider crossed a shit load to there dinafem #1. #1 finishes in 60 days #2 finished in 70days.

I still havent figured out why anyone would want #1, but whatever.

Also might wanna check out madzans sour 60. Also mandala strains take nothing to grow, and if they don't you don't loose much cause there so cheep. Goodluck this summer!


Arid: Taskenti, Deep Chunk, PTK, Afgani
High Altitude: Early Queen, Early Pearl, Silver Pearl, Early Skunk
Moist valleys: Haze, Kali Mist, Mexican Sativa(sensi), Destroyer
Hello there. Has anyone tried DeShamans Purple Widow? It is supposedly a cross between Purple Power Plant and White Widow. It is advertised as an optimal outdoor cannabis plant. I have read alot of good reports of Sensi Seeds Maple Leaf Indica as a fast flowering tough as nails Pure Indica as well. Skunk #1 is also a true breeding strain something you could grow many generations of and still be the same predictable results. Wind power is also a good source of clean power as long as you have some batteries to invert the power. Good luck.


If your gonna be living in the mountains with the same strains your gonna want heirlooms/landraces that will produce relieble offspring year after year.

If you grew industrial hemp the pollen would easily contaminate your drug strains, besides, seeds from drug strains are perfectly edible.

But ye, my advice would be to avoid hybrids indoor bred seeds you want proven outdoor seeds.
Good luck.
If your gonna be living in the mountains with the same strains your gonna want heirlooms/landraces that will produce relieble offspring year after year.

If you grew industrial hemp the pollen would easily contaminate your drug strains, besides, seeds from drug strains are perfectly edible.

But ye, my advice would be to avoid hybrids indoor bred seeds you want proven outdoor seeds.
Good luck.

exactly what I am thinking I am moving to colorado soon and I am going to look for genetics and then "dissapear" so until then I need to try and research as much as possible about genetics and strain lineages as possible to get a broader picture of the strains I would like to preserve. I am racking my brain for a sustainable power source to have 2 separated mother rooms only for gene preservation and cloning but I am rethinking that to a mountain side greenhouse with many separate growing chambers that way I can breed new seeds of every strain indoors every year to keep fresh seeds to pop and plant outdoors. that way there is little chance of contamination because all of the outdoor mixed seeds will be eaten while in the greenhouse each strain will have its own room.

Gert Lush

Active member
Let me get this straight...

You're going to live off the land in the mountains, yet you are setting up an electricity system (not for comms or anything minor like that) but for a MOTHER ROOM???



Another legend outdoor grower is an Ozzie named KOG. He gives a squillion clues as to pulling off the really big hauls in the wilds and has been an inspiration to myself and countless growers around the globe....

You can seek out info on his site http://www.greengrasspub.com.au

Hope this helps,


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