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New member
Hi everybody

This is my first time growing plants (two) and today on the 16th day I found out that both of them have different problems I think.

I have them in small pots in this growroom

I used medium soil with a ph of 5.5-6.5 and perlite. I have a high pressure sodium bulb of 250 watt and I light them 24h.
I used this fertilizer kit from the first day on one of them and nothing on the other yet.
I water them every second day a quantity of 500ml each.

Today my plants looked like that

this is the one with the fertilizer the colour of the spots is yellow and the leaves are turning upside down

and this the one without of which the leaves have somekind of wrinkles and on them the colour is getting darker.

Can anyone help me out.
I don't know what to do!!!:comfort:

Hank Hemp

Active member
Are you over watering? Too much ferts? Give them just water for a while and see if they get better. Every other day seems like a lot of water for small plants. Check weight of pots to see if they are getting light, if so water not on a schedule. Plants could need more or less water.
mit could be because your on a 24hr light period and your plants need to sleep, or it kinda looks like there a little cooked from to much heat. i had my laidies on a 20hr cycle and they started resembling what you have maybe you should put in on a 18-20 hour light diet and see how that effects them.


Take pics under diff lighting than HPS when you're trying to show a problem. A good florescent light should give us a better view.....

From what I can see....

Don't water the plant until it's nearly dry. Using your finger to test can be deceptive. I always recommend growers learn how to use lift-a-pot. Lift it up and you'll get an idea how soon. I let my plants dry out between watering s..... they need oxygen to the roots.... if it's always wet then they starve for O2 and rot.....

the damage on the leaves from overwatering are a sign or root shenanigans at play.

I also don't feed plants until they're a bit bigger than that and I only water when I need.



mit could be because your on a 24hr light period and your plants need to sleep, or it kinda looks like there a little cooked from to much heat. i had my laidies on a 20hr cycle and they started resembling what you have maybe you should put in on a 18-20 hour light diet and see how that effects them.

Nope.... cannabis plants do not need to sleep during veg. In my years I have never had less than a 24hr veg period unless I was shutting the lights off for power or heat.

From 2 day old seedlings to 15 gallon they are all vegging under 24/0


Nope.... cannabis plants do not need to sleep during veg. In my years I have never had less than a 24hr veg period unless I was shutting the lights off for power or heat.

From 2 day old seedlings to 15 gallon they are all vegging under 24/0


I been vegging 24/0 for something like 30 years now

the op is overwatering/overfertilizing,.....or at least that was my initial impression from looking at the pics
Nope.... cannabis plants do not need to sleep during veg. In my years I have never had less than a 24hr veg period unless I was shutting the lights off for power or heat.

From 2 day old seedlings to 15 gallon they are all vegging under 24/0

well i stand corrected, i have been told by a few local grower that 20hrs was bad and too reduce it.


well i stand corrected, i have been told by a few local grower that 20hrs was bad and too reduce it.

No, not corrected at all..... just the other side of the fence. (actually a little corrected :D)

There is a group of very good growers that say they get better yield by giving the plant 4-6 hours of darkness.

I have seen the opposite, plants are more vigorous. Decide for yourself and all, doesn't make a diff because both work......... but it will not harm ganja to 24hr veg.

Best reason to only veg 18 hrs is if you are running multiple 12, 15k and you do it for the power bill.

But this is overwatering and probably fert too soon but...... just opinion



New member
Hey guys,

Thank u very much I really appreciate it.
So the plant with the fertilizer can be saved? what should I do not to lose it? On the fertilizers was written that I should use it from day one. If not when should I start.?

thank again


New member
Hello my friend

You seem to know a lot about growing. thanks for the help but I don't quite understand lift-a-pot. How exactly I will understand they need watering by lifting the pot?
And one more thing what do u think about the pots I use should I change them soon?

Thanks again


New member
Don't water the plant until it's nearly dry. Using your finger to test can be deceptive. I always recommend growers learn how to use lift-a-pot. Lift it up and you'll get an idea how soon. I let my plants dry out between watering s..... they need oxygen to the roots.... if it's always wet then they starve for O2 and rot.....

the previous refers to this answer
Okay I don't know what kind of answers you got so far but I'll go ahead and put my stank on this... I believe this is a combination of issues. I think they're still adjusting to the intensity of your lamp, you're overwatering, and the one looks like it's lacking in mag. You don't necessarily need a dark cycle and I doubt that having one will fix your problem there. Back off on the water and get a fan on them to aid in transpiration and evaporation. Remember you're not going by whether the soil looks dry, but the weight of the pots. For the lighting you could either swap the HPS out with some T5 or T12 or CFL's or a shoplight (whatever you have really) until you start flowering. That'll cut the heat down a good bit and more of the output from the lamp will be useable light, and you won't be spending nearly as much on power. I couldn't get a terribly good look from your pictures because of the lighting in the room when you shot them so try that again. and BTW have you fed them yet and if so what did you give them and how much?


New member

Here are the new photos.I hope these work.
The first is with the fertilizer and the second without.
Concerning the fertilizer I use 0.5ml root stimulator and 0.5 soil stimulator in 1lt water (according to the instructions of the product.)which lasts for 3-4 times.

Here are the new photos.I hope these work.
The first is with the fertilizer and the second without.
Concerning the fertilizer I use 0.5ml root stimulator and 0.5 soil stimulator in 1lt water (according to the instructions of the product.)which lasts for 3-4 times.

You burned them a little, and I read up there and you said your pH is between 5.5-6.8. Get your pH dialed to about 6.5-6.8 and mix the fertilizer to about a quarter dose.


New member
Hello again!

After following your instructions my plants are now in good shape. It was indeed overwatering and overfertilizing the problem.
However now after the change of the pot (20th day late enough) they haven't gained any height although their leaves have gotten bigger
These are my plants before I changed the pots
And here are my plants as they look today (35th day) they are about 40cm height

Am I doing anything wrong? Shouldn't they have gotten higher?
I am wondering since on the first 20 days they grew almost 30cm each but after the change of the pot in 15 days they grew only 10cm is this regular ?
Thanks brothers.


Pull off that deadish, unhealthy undergrowth IMO.

You may have given them a bit of a shock during transplant, which can result in a stunted or paused or slowed growth for it's first few days in it's new home.

Just my opinion.


Active member
Deficient of K and Mg, at least the one on the right. You get your pH to 6.5-6.8?

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