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stretching ?


hey guys.. as week 2 has ended.. one of my blue mystic is doing very good.. while the other has not shown an signs of growth since the past 3-4 days.. so im worried theyve been shocked by something... dont kno what though..both my SSH have curled upward..as if the tip of the leaves are reaching for the light source..i will upload pictures very soon and if anybody has any ideas.. please let me kno..

SSH #1

SSH #2

BM #1

BM #2


looks ok to me mate, the strains are different and the they are grown from beans yea?? SSH can a bit of a bitch to grow but as long as it's watered ok then you should be cool man.

What's the big bark chip in your soil?? or is it just a topping.

How long ago did you plant the seeds?

What's your temp like? Should be around 28 C in the day tops and no more than 10 C less at night (18C)

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
micacle grow sucks, you're gonna get bombarded with these messages.
for young girls they only need rockwool or peet pellets. It's a hot fertilizer, meaning to hot in nutes for little girls, give em lots of water, hopefully someone can answer if transplanting is worth it??????????????


is that organic soil or a type that has alot of fert's. maybe to much for young girls??

what he said !!! you need a light mix like plagron light or plant magic (i assume your UK) and smaller pots to start don't hurt. Always need to do a re pot in to stronger soil. i.e. palnt in light soil and transpalnt to MG organic or whatever floats your boat... If your gonna do soil though I reccomend looking at VerdantGreen's soil mix as it is high grade and low price!!


micacle grow sucks, you're gonna get bombarded with these messages.
for young girls they only need rockwool or peet pellets. It's a hot fertilizer, meaning to hot in nutes for little girls, give em lots of water, hopefully someone can answer if transplanting is worth it??????????????

again.. what he said!!!!

MG is shite!! also transpanting is only viable if the root system is hardly developed... considering the size of them it should be ok but it's bery tricky... you need to wash the soil away a bit at a time to expose the roots being careful not to snap majour/too many roots. You can then replant your nicely cleaned roots into lighter soil... Like I said before though the plants don't look too un happy and might get through this with a bit of water!

ps don't feed these guys for ages

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
raise the light then so it's colder around the plant.
sounds like transplanting is ok since no real root development yet. put em into promix or something like that, sunshine mix...


thanks for all the input guys...considering a transplant to some other soil...can i not leave a little bit of miracle grow , that is around the roots stay and change the soil ?...if not...taking into consideration watering them.....i used to water them about a 100 ml every day...but when i posted that on my link, i think someone suggested to water every two days...so thats when i started watering them every 2 days and after a week, they started messing about...how much is a suitable amount to water if say i go on with the miracle grow......

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
ya man don't disturb whats grown that much!!!!!!! leave some soil around the roots from miracle grow and then water the shit out em.


i have flushed the soil ...watered the soil about 400 ml each... till they started to drain some at the bottom...will do this after another two days again if all goes well the first time...hopefully i shud be regaining some normalities

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
if it's hot raise the light, 2 feet is not to high especially for such little guys
and hopefully you repotted with dif soil


at this stage those leaves are solar panel to supply energy to roots. in my experience when they curl up, they are trying to limit the amount of light thats hitting the leaf surface, so either raise light or decrease wattage.


Tom 'Green' Thumb
I never thiught of that before. Nice hypothesis, ill have to remember that one. Thanks!



goood news....the flushing worked.. and now i have me some beautiful little girls now.... i will repeat the flush for a 2nd time...hopefulyy the plants should be healthy by then to grow normally...i will upload some new pictures soon...thanks for all the help people...most appreciated....my SSH #2 looks very tall and skinny though.. the leaves are looking veryvery healthy but the plant itself is pretty tall.. might be stretching... let me kno after i upload the pictures.. thanks..