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Auto Hindu Kush Grow Thread.

I'm Dykster

Here is the start. 18 gallon tub, no holes. Soil is 6 inches down from the top of the tub..should keep my girls at a nice height for my 400 hps.

Need a couple more to sex and there will probably be about 9 or 10 in this tub.


why no holes? is there method to the madness? im going to do a multi plant grow in a massive pot this year so will be watching here to see how yours goes. did you use fem seeds?

I'm Dykster

I have not had drainage holes in my bins for many years. Keeps the floor of my house nice. 3lbs gave me the idea. Not using fem seed...just planted 17 in the tub and cut the males. I sprout my seed in a paper towel and then put them directly into the tubs.

It an organic grow. Come harvest time, I chop and leave roots. By the next grow, the left stems just fall over. Sometimes I will leave the stems longs so I can use them to tie to.
You can see in this photo where some auto blue streak are finishing up and the little white tags are where I have planted new seed.


how many grows do you do before you change the soil, I think I seen mossy grow the same way in a few of his photos. Im going to give it a go this year in one of the paper\glass recycling boxes we get given in england. it looks about the same size as yours, Il be drilling holes in bottom but it will be outside so run off wont mater.

good vibes sent for your grow......

I'm Dykster

I never change my soil. Here is a 20 gallon aquarium I grew some autos in.
Outside you def need holes for runoff...but inside..I am mother nature...man..love these autos. These are a ak-47 that I had to chop when they got 8 weeks cause of the smell.


I never change my soil. Here is a 20 gallon aquarium I grew some autos in.
Outside you def need holes for runoff...but inside..I am mother nature...man..love these autos. These are a ak-47 that I had to chop when they got 8 weeks cause of the smell.

Hey Dykster how old are the ak's in those pictures? around when you chopped em?


auto hindu kush will be my first grow soon. really debating methodology & setup.

These do not get very high - 18" give or take. I can do a sweet stealth cab at 28" clear but that would not leave much for pot size. I've pretty much resigned to a not so cool 42" clear cabinet, leaving more flexibility in pot size.

I understand that these need a good start. I like the hempy bucket method due to ease of correction & use but don't get the plants going till a tap root sets in & with the autos needing to be out of the gate so quick i'm back to a bubble bucket, especially if i have room for a bigger reservoir.

i could still go soil also.

Anyone messed with any pot sizing with this strain??

I'm Dykster

These are my largest tubs that I did the last Blueberry a.k.a. Blues Streak thread. Chopped and replanted with a newer version of Blue streak. Harvest was around a pound.

These tubs have the oldest dirt and perform the best. I find my soil improves overtime.

I'm Dykster

What do you add to your soil and how long after a grow can you put new plants in a tub?

I topdress with bat guano and worms castings. Feed with fish poop, blood, ....whatever i have organic...love the epsoma products.

I use water straight from the tap....I know..but it works just fine.
I topdress with bat guano and worms castings. Feed with fish poop, blood, ....whatever i have organic...love the epsoma products.

I use water straight from the tap....I know..but it works just fine.

i'm using tap at the moment also and i don't see any changes in health, have you had any problems with it your self?


Chlorine in tap water can cause nutrient lockup. Let it sit for a couple days and the chlorine will settle to the bottom. Just don't use that last quart or so.

i'm using tap at the moment also and i don't see any changes in health, have you had any problems with it your self?

I'm Dykster

Never seen a problem from the tap water. I use to bubble teas and bubble my water but got tired of all the work for this old lady so started using it straight from the tap. My outside organic beds get it straight from the hose also.