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Homebox xs 250w?

one Q

if I were you, Id get the DarkRoom from secret jarden. The DR60 is 2x2 but then 53" high as opposed to 48" You can use the extra 6" of space even if you dont think its a big deal now, youll wish you had the extra inches later.


Homebox XS is too small. Both for the 250W and just in general for growing IMO. With a cooltube you might be able to pull it off.

The smaller cab will not affect quality per se but you will struggle keeping the plants at that height. And because of that difficulty the quality may suffer.

I grow in a Homebox S with a 250W with no cooltube in soil. IMO the S too small heightwise as well but hey at least it's a bit better. With a cooltube you could probably pull of a 400W.

You can grow long flowering sativas but LST or some form of training is a must. I've got two Cultivator's Choice Original Haze x Skunk #1 going on right now. Must say that one of them has streched a bit uncontrollably and has spread over the tent right now, and maybe isn't really suited for this environment, but the other is doing very well indeed.

Soil and hydro are both fine, a hydro system that doesn't take a lot of space (low height) would probably be the best option. NFT or something like it...


Nope not sure as I've never actually used a Homebox XS. And it depends on your ambient temps too, the fan you use etc. But last summer the 250W was too much for the S...


calleman said:
I live pretty far north, so the temps only get high in summer, and even then rarely over 25 ´C.
Well I guess that will be fine... except during summer.

But you can always shut down for the summer.

Or you could try to run heat-resistant strains. For example I'm planning to try out Mandala's Satori during the hot months this year as it should be heat resistant.


Landrace Lover
Hello everybody!

I am thinking about buying either a
- homebox xs(60cm*60cm*120cm) with 250w hps/mh
- or a homebox small(80cm*80cm*160cm) with 400w hps/mh + cooltube.

Originally my preferance is the xs due to space requirements, but I am worried that it is perhaps too small. I would only grow to supply me and my girlfriend, and don´t want the op taking up too much space, so preferrably the xs, but no bigger than small. On of the reasons for doing this is to be able to supply our needs with as good quality bud we possibly can get and the amount of grams is not AS important. Stealth is a factor, but not very crucial. They would both be bought with fitting carbon filters and inline fans for air and smell.

So my questions are:
- Is the homebox xs so small, that it would affect the quality of the weed grown?
- Would there in that case be an improvement with the small? - And will I be limited to certain autostrains or could I use low stress training to suit the plants to the xs space? Difficulty?
- Are sativa dominant strains completely out of the question even with LST?

Thanks alot!

- i've seen people do them in way smaller and still get a decent quality bud, in the end it all comes down to how you grow it and treat it, space isn't really a huge factor on quality.
- you could definitely stress train it and prune it. also no need for auto plants because in this case if going from seeds i'd just start with 12/12 going so it skips the veg stage (as you don't want it to get tall) and goes straight into flowering cycle, also the plants will stay shorter and grow up in a straight line (so you can have many close in together) and not branch out that much. here's a thread on it


- probs easier to stick with indica dom strains going by height averages but suss out different strains you like and see if you can find a sativa dom one that doesn't grow as tall as the norm. or just get better at pruning haha / stress train it. you can also make sure the lights are as close as possible the entire time so that they stretch less etc, just do all that you can to minimize vertical growth. anyway hope that helped



So if you look away from the heat issue, what then are the overall benefits of the larger "s" system vs the "xs"?
Well, as a soil grower it's a huge benefit that I can have 20cm higher pots. Or if you want to see it the other way around... as a sativa grower it's a huge benefit that I can have 20cm higher plants. Also keep in mind that for safety reasons you cannot have the lamp right at the top of the cabinet but there needs to be air ("wasted space") between them, I see being able to provide enough of this space as a "safety benefit" or whatever you might call it.

callemann said:
And would the 12/12 method be more suitable than LST?
Whether or not you veg it's likely that you will have to use LST or some other kind of training on many strains/plants. Which method is best depends both on the plant and the grower, there is no "right" answer.
With a cool tube Im running a 600 watt HPS in a DR80! keeping temps in the LOW 70's with ease.

Go as big as you can in the beginning and save yourself headaches as you WILL wish you wouldve gone bigger!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Not a suggestion. Just an example of sativas in a small space under a 250. Do with it what you will.

Left: T•HazexSkunk#1 from seed (20 week flowering period) in a 56x74x137cm space under a 250 CMH. As you can see, by allowing vertical cola growth, space is very limited and that after tying several stems into knots to keep them out of the lamp. Obviously, a smaller or shorter tub/substrate would allow more space but, the larger tub allows me to leave the grow for weeks at a time as business requires me to do. This produced over 120 grams water cured.

Right: Cloned from the plant at left, this one had colas tied down all the way through. Only individual buds are allowed to grow vertically. See growth under the screen? DON'T!!! Bad mistake. Much mold was had throughout the land and the people cried.

Here's a Destroyer. 30 day veg, 90 day flower. Again, only buds are allowed to grow vertically. The two main colas are in the 50cm range.

Waiting for the first harvest is hell. Since then, I've been buried alive and don't care how long it takes. A 250 may well cover two peoples needs though there wouldn't be as much "extra"
I have Homebox S (80x80x160) with 400W & cooltube.
Tube is not even attached to air vent, because I have no any spare air duct and I am too lazy to search for it around town. Still, temps are manageable. BUT! I would go now with model with more height. With sats low space is bitchin... I had to LST my Black Widows very roughly now, around at day 35 going 12/12....

You can see pics of Homebox S in my old thread: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?p=2934850#post2934850


Landrace Lover
with the LST mate i'd just see how it goes, if they get too tall worry about it then, you can just stress them, i've seem some where they bend the plant over completely and the buds grow vertically up from the main stem (lying horizontal to the soil), or you can SCROG and on that weave the tips in and out of the screen, plenty of options and there's no real right or wrong answer it's just whatever suits your needs/issue etc. do what you gotta do to make it work :D try coming up with something new! haha :p

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