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Clone veg lighting Q?

I am going to be taking around 50 clones sometime next week.. I'm wondering what size fluorescent bulbs work best for this? They'll be indoors for about a month before going out.. Thanks!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
t 5 would be best
t 8 next best
t12 i would not bother with

As for cfls, as many as you can get in there


I am going to be taking around 50 clones sometime next week.. I'm wondering what size fluorescent bulbs work best for this? They'll be indoors for about a month before going out.. Thanks!

How big are your clones? What cloning method are you going to use? You can easily root 50 clones under 40watts of floro lighting. I actually just use a 24" dual tube fixture from lowes that was about $20. Works like a champ. Obviously if you are going to veg inside your lighting requirements will be different, but rooting clones requires very little light. 1 floro will cover however many clones you can fit in its vicinity
The clones will be coming off of 3' plants that are bound for the great outdoors of Southern Oregon.. I'm not sure what method yet, within the week a ommp friend will be setting up a cheap DIY cloner for me so I'll have to get back to you.. My friend was going to get the light that would root the clones for me. I am more after what size of light I'll need to keep them indoors for about a month?? Thanks!


Active member
For 50 clones, you would need 2 of those walmart fixtures mentioned in the post above. I use 1 above my 21 piece ez-cloner replica and it works fine....if I had twice as much...I think I would need a bit more light.


New member
it sounds likew he isnt just wanting to clone... it sounds like he is wanting to veg for a few weeks too... In which case.................t5's


for cloning, very little lighting,

For vegging, as much light as possible. The more light, the faster they grow.

I have kept moms alive with fluros, they didnt grow much, but I kept them alive to keep the strain.

T5's work well. I used them for vegging clones, and they worked real well, but they have a limit. Once the plants gets to about 8-10", you loose penetration. That should be right around the 1 month mark so you should be good.

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