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Training sour 60s


New member
I have to sour 60s budding that i just put in 3 gallon pots yesterday and gave em some nutes. anyway, i was wondering if anybody has had success traing them because they seem a bit bushy and thick to bend over. SHould I trim a few leaves to get more light to the buds? they are currently outdoor but will be switched to indoor this weekend. thanks for any tips

cyber echo

Check hisser's thread. He did lst to both bluestreak and s60.


New member
Thannks. i found the 11 page thread and it was pretty helpful. I guess I'm Going to try and scrog it. i bought some hemp rope for it today.
I think with AF Strains, it's best to just let them go all natural. Start them in a 2.5 or 3 gallon pots, feed them light / but steady, and keep them under 14 to 16 hours of light (because all dwarf plants have a slower rate of photosynthesis - thus the need for more hours of light, to fully develop maximum buddage). I don't try to swim upstream, and I never play in traffic. I just go with the flow.

cyber echo

I think with AF Strains, it's best to just let them go all natural.
Have to disagree with you there. Everyone who's tried LST with AFs knows that it will greatly increase yield potential (if done correctly, and early)

and keep them under 14 to 16 hours of light (because all dwarf plants have a slower rate of photosynthesis - thus the need for more hours of light, to fully develop maximum buddage)
More misinformation. That amount of light is gonna make you lose a lot of yield. Alot of experienced growers (including breeders) advise with 20/4 or even 24/0. Any less and you're seriously hurting your plant's yield potential.

I don't try to swim upstream, and I never play in traffic. I just go with the flow.
Sounds good, make sure you have the direction correct thought :p
Sorry mate, you've got a lot of things wrong.
If u checked the thread I suggested you'd see two bluestreak "dwarf" plants yielding around 1.5-2oz each (90grams dry in buds total) . That would have been impossible without LST.

Read up more on LST. Alot of people do it way too late, and do not execute it well enough to change hormone flow in the plants. I've seen alot of LST jobs that look more like branch training/bending. You have to get the plant to grow horizontally (by continuously applying and adjusting LST) so that it develops a uniform cannopy, leading to around 20+ bud sites on a relatively small plant. Each bud site will give 1-3 grams in bud, leading to a big , uniform, harvest from a small plant.

Hope this helps,

ps: Agree with your suggestion of 2-3 gal pots and light nutes. Though you should check raised transplanting vs starting directly in a big pot. Starting in a big pot is also a disadvantage for indoor ppl that have little space and no femmed seeds. You can do raised transplanting as soon as they sex. You will see a big different due to long tap root length (from the raising) and more plant vigor (due to the increased oxygen to the roots, also from raising). For more info check MDanzig's thread about the subject (in this subforum).


cyber echo: Out of interest, have you noticed delays in the onset of flowering (because of the changed hormone flow) when LST'ing autoflowering plants? If that were to happen I guess yields could be improved substantially.

Experiments with this might be fun. Maybe taking two clones from the same plant before it starts to flower and then training one of them would be a good method. Obviously the experiment would have to be conducted many times with various plants to get any worthwhile data but anyway... :chin:

Also, while the training AFs may increase yields per plant, I'm not convinced it will increase yields per area (assuming you get enough females). What are your thoughts on this?

Certainly when the grow gets large enough ("a field") LST'ing will become more work than it's worth.

cyber echo

Greetings love?,
Hisser in his grow did indeed experience a delay in flowering, however since he also experienced a nute luckout and a resulting growth stunt the data isn't reliable enough to attribute the delayed flowering to LST. Interesting though, I will definitely check it out.

Training AFs will indeed maximize yield per plant, and allow you to establish a low & even canopy. You will waste less budsites from your plant since the majority of the plant is now at the same level,hence most its bud sites grow to their maximum potential (as opposed to letting a plant grow vertically, where the top colas block light from the middle/lower parts of the plant). It is more effective when you have a low number of plants, and especially if you are growing micro.

If you are considering training a field, perhaps a single huge SCROG screen over a bed of plants would be more efficient. It's effects are comparable to LST. There are several grows on icmag demonstrating scrog fields.


Hisser has a great thread on LST for autos. ive always read that 18/6 or 20/4 are the best light schedules. anything less and you're looking at decreased potential yields. 24/0 theoretically works, but its ill advised because plants need a dark cycle to mimick natural cycles.

some people say if you have it on a 18/6 or 20/4 schedule, give them one day of 24/0 when they are about to show sex and they'll switch over to flowering.

Last run of Easy Ryders, 24 plants, all fed the same, 12 each under their own 400 watt MH each (6500 K bulbs first month, 3000 K bulbs last 5 weeks). One set ran 14 hours a day, one set run 18 hours a day. The ones run under 14 hours of light averaged 1.2 oz per plant, with no special attention. The ones run under 18 hours of light averaged 1.3 oz per plant, with no special attention. So, for the extra 4 hours of light x 35 days, I only scored an extra 2.8 grams per plant. In my book, not a big deal. I prefer growing outdoors, and do most of my growing there. This was just a winter time, just for fun experiment.
Wow to the person that sent me a negative rep, but did not sign it. That's truly weak, and cowardly of you. But I guess you already know that, deep down inside. :(


Active member
So, when is the best time to "train" autos?? I'm growing 16-20 "verticle" in 3gal bags with a 600hps so dont think it's really needed, but I'll try anything once...peace growers

cyber echo

LST as soon as possible. Training early on is easier on you (and on the plant), and it also helps the plant take its horizontal shape early on. Make sure the 'real' (or original) top of the plant always stays below the new tops that result (so that auxins flow into the entire plant), while keeping all of the tops at the same height (relatively) to create an even canopy, and plenty of bud sites.

cyber echo

Basic LST info.. theres a great thread about LST on icmag that explains everything. LST only works great when it is done correctly.

My mate hisser demonstrates the effects LST had on bluestreak,, almost 2 oz from each plant, under CFL. We practiced LST on different non-auto strains before. All plants turn out to have the same bushy structure with tons of top colas.

I havn't applied it myself yet (on an auto), as I moved countries and didn't get to participate fully in the grow. However, I will be popping s60s and bluestreaks aswell next week when my grow tent and hps kit arrives. I will be doing LST to them starting from week 2, or whenever they are big enough to handle it. You're welcome to stop by the grow thread then.

You needn't wait till then though, hisser has already done a great job. I will only try to reaffirm the results.

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