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2nd grow, 3 easy ryders hydro

I'm Dykster

God bless autos! You did an amazing grow. If people stop and do the math...it's very had to beat the autos.
Jars of buds brother...jars of buds...


Active member
Impressive! How much do you think they will yield? My easyryders are now 62 days old, but they dont look just as good as yours. Will take a little longer to fill out I think....



2 weeks cured:
Smoke is very smooth. pleasant smell and taste like slight skunky pineapple. Gives a pretty strong head change as well as a body stone that lasts me a good hour and i'm a heavy smoker. :)


Active member
yeah, those look fantastic! I too would like to know the dry weight on those using hydro...you know the sad thing.....I bought 2 of these bubbleponics systems in 07 and started using them on non autos and was 1 wk from switching to 12/12...plants were 20"h....and i had a run-in with da law,non related [was gone for 6mos]....the misses gave them to a family friend and he not only fucked it up, the equiptment was stolen while he was moving..."so he says" anywayz, i'm all about autos now and I know for a fact that hydro is far superior than soil, as far as yeild/growth rate goes.....So i may just go and purchase 4 of these set-ups OR just build em' myyself and save some $$$$$...since you put 3 in there and it got crowded...depending on what you yeilded, i would want 2-3 tubs with 4 sites in each corner...whatta ya think??? going for MAXIMUM YEILD!!!