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Can we be busted by satellite?

I grow only a few plants a year, harvesting by October 12-15 plants scattered in my bog buckets.

My farmer neighbor recently told me he had been contacted by the county. They observed via satellite photo that he had let the neighbor kids turn one of his field into a ball park. They said they could see the bases and base paths, and they removed a couple of acres from ag claim for taxes.

I know this technology is ramping up. Google earth has its limits for a regular computer user, but I see my property has many more details then when I last looked, and I assume LEO can go much closer to the ground.

Is this our new worry?


They cant see what kind of plants, however they do use satellite images to spy for the exact issue you described above, people building without a permit etc.

grow nerd

They cant see what kind of plants
I'm pretty sure they can, nowadays. Something about how the light reflected from a cannabis plot canopy is within a certain nanometer wavelength range, and how it is fairly easy to spot a field from either a specially equipped fly-by IR camera or satellite imagery (or both).
If they could spot individual plants by satellite, then the Mexican Cartels wouldn't be able to grow acres out in our National Parks. That's just my humble opinion of course.


Someone's been watching too much 24.

I say yes you could, but you probably won't. I've spent a lot of time searching google maps for potential outdoor gardens in places like that valley in Kazakhstan. I've even looked at plants in my own backyard.

I think it ultimately comes down to resolution. Getting a good enough picture to even figure out it was cannabis rather than some kind of fern would be pretty difficult and I imagine a little expensive. They'd have to use the best of the camera's position the satellite specifically, etc, etc. I just don't see it happening.

grow nerd

If they could spot individual plants by satellite, then the Mexican Cartels wouldn't be able to grow acres out in our National Parks. That's just my humble opinion of course.
They don't spot individual plants, they spot fields / plantations.


I'm pretty sure they can, nowadays. Something about how the light reflected from a cannabis plot canopy is within a certain nanometer wavelength range, and how it is fairly easy to spot a field from either a specially equipped fly-by IR camera or satellite imagery (or both).

Im pretty sure they cannot and will not use this form of surveilance, and the one you reffering to is at military prototype state, if made at all.

They spot fields, as mentioned, but they wont be able to distinguish 5 plants from the surrounding vegetation. Mainly surveilance like this is used for spotting illegally put up buildings and that is what your example is all about; spotting and checking every suspicious vegetation out there is not an economically viable method.

Where i live they use surveilance pictures taken from planes and they have programs and people scanning everything to look for buildings put up without a permit so they can cash in and force you to demolish. But as said this is a far cry from spotting individual plants, do like suggested and plant em in small batches and spread it around.

When shit gets complicated, change.


Active member
i wouldnt worry about 7 plants bro...if you are running a big ass greenhouse maybe id trip off the satelite imagery.

if you spread them out over several different spots you are good to go. impossible for some them to spot.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
don't think you're the best use of satelite use, kind of an expensive venture to use those things and not just anybody would have access to them.


Active member
yeah for seven plants i guess its hard to get them spottet. just be careful in autumn. in my country they just get into they helicopters and look out for green. cause weed is the only thing green around our latitude in october.


The satelites they have can read a paper you are holding in your hand...even security cameras can zoom in that close from 100-200ft away, so I don't doubt it, but I would think that autoflowers would be safer cuz they don't get as bushy...

They have people that are constantly mapping the streets and surveying land, etc...so I doubt they saw it by satelite, they may have just told him they did so they wouldn't get into any trouble for tresspassing... so idk...we have choppers that search around here in the fall...


don't think you're the best use of satelite use, kind of an expensive venture to use those things and not just anybody would have access to them.


i avoided this thread after typing several posts but im dropping the info do with it what you will

During the bush presidency he extended use of military satellites to civilian law enforcement, free of use with training resources

it was posted in the news, and i linked the article here some time ago (mainly cause it got so littl eattention and it blew my mind)

It is not designed to auto recognize marijuana so i believe it would still require the same man power

now the big question remains, which agencies know its available, which are choosing to use it and how detrimental to the guerrilla scene is it?

In my opinion it is no different than a helicopter.


They can count the hairs on our head if they wanted to.. next, it will be able to see thru everythign also.. I bet they'd rather use it to catch the meth labs... That would be much wiser thing to do.


They can count the hairs on our head if they wanted to.. next, it will be able to see thru everythign also.. I bet they'd rather use it to catch the meth labs... That would be much wiser thing to do.

If this and most of the above were true how come people grow like never before in the woods?
Well maybe they can't quite count the hairs on our head yet, but it won't be long. In our favor is that there is an awful lot of land out there, and not that many people looking that hard at your backyard. Unless of course your daughter sunbathes nude.
Could they zero in on some hotspot areas and find weed patches ? I'd bet yes. That becomes a real hard sell to the public when a politician attempts to explain that NASA and the Defense Dept. spent a few billion of our ever increasing tax dollars on catching your nephew with some plants, but the local D.A. declined to prosecute. Egregious violation of our right to privacy, etc. etc. Even the right wingers might get pretty pissed off at that dubious use of our resources


A local county gets aerial images yearly, for the zoning/building purposes mentioned above. Images actually come from aircraft, and not satellites, at least in the case of this local county.

How do I know? Google earth is years and years out of date in this area, so these images are much better for scouting out guerrilla grow locations.


Well-known member
regular LE does not have regular access to the very best satellite imagery equipment. the CIA can & has actually read license plates from high-flying aircraft & horizon shots from satellites. i don't know if they can pick out pot plants yet, but the forest service has maps available showing predominant tree types on topo maps. they can tell oaks from maples from pines (in large stands, not individual trees) using infra-red. from what i have read, the pix that show pot plants actually detect the cleared circle(free of vegetation) due to its heat signature.