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BG people are scared from MJ?


New member
Hello there, dear fellow countrymans!

Hello there, dear fellow countrymans!

Greetings, from me and good luck with the crop!


Grow your own bud DON`T BUY!!!!
In Varna everything is more expensive than in the other cities.


New member
I went to Albena on vacation with my family, I kept asking the people that sold souvenirs if they had any weed, or a what how to find some, no luck, one told me that weed grows outdoors by local villagers that are put to work by criminal organizations for a profit of the crop, know anything about that?

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
I think it's pretty much the same in the former Iron Curtain countries, even here in Romania our laws quite suck regarding weed, but we don't give a shit, that's the difference!

Well, first of all, the Czech Republic is an old 'Iron Curtain' country, and according to European Union statistics they're among the biggest smokers in Europe, and some Baltic countries aren't doing bad either, so that blows a hole in your theory:


France is the second Cannabis consumer country in Europe after the Czech Republic, while it has the most severe laws (together with Sweden) against it, so I guess the French don't give a hoot either. In fact, no one does. The distinct, uncompromising trend all over Europe is that Cannabis is steadily increasing in use, and if it continues it will one day pass both tobacco and alcohol to become the number one leisure drug.


I went to Albena on vacation with my family, I kept asking the people that sold souvenirs if they had any weed, or a what how to find some, no luck, one told me that weed grows outdoors by local villagers that are put to work by criminal organizations for a profit of the crop, know anything about that?

It's almost impossible to find weed in BG by asking the people in the streets.You are most likely to get robbed or be sold some awful grass.You have to know somebody otherwise you're lost (mj is hush-hush thing here:hide:).And local villagers are not put to work by criminal gangs (this actually made me laugh)


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
I think it's a worldwide phenomenon, because BIG PHARMACEUTICAL wants it that way


New member


New member
Also wanted to ask you, which are the biggest clubs in Sofia, where the local "mafia" hang out, the ones with the guns and shit?


South-west Bulgaria is a big cannabis producer, true.Old villagers do grow but they are not put to work by criminal gangs against their will.The article also says that the entrance roads to the villagers are protected by the mafia like a focking fortress or something which is ridiculous.The cannabis fields are well guarded for sure and the police is paid to keep their eyes shut but anybody can enter or leave the village any time he wants, there's no checkpoints or something.The crop is not entirely taken by the mafia there are free sales but you have to know the right villagers.:smokey:A friend of mine used to visit one of the villages almost every month to buy weed very cheap (believe it or not it was about 150 euro per kilo in these days 5 years ago).


Well-known member
I wonder when did your friend bought from Petrich for the last time?? :) Situation is VERY different from 5 years ago. I know a guy who's now in the jail because he thought he could buy 2 kilos like he used to do. There are no checkpoints, you get arrested passing by Blagoevgrad. Only people with good old connections can buy from the villagers who are forced by the mafia to tell out when some1 buys from them.


New member
трябва да се направи нещо по въпроса

трябва да се направи нещо по въпроса

:laughing:и ас съм на същото мнение колега но според мен трябва да се организирами и да направим протестно шествие ина4е има да си 4акаме


Днес гледам по новините: момче и момиче пушат коз на тролейбусна спирка, когато неочаквано са нападнати, момичето е простреляно(!) с газов пистолет и в момента е в болница.:badday:Казаха, че единствената причина за нападението е че са пушили.

Кажете ми що за хора са това!!!?В Северна Корея ли живеем!!?


Кой е модератор тука...има ли некви желания и изгледи да се развива БГ форума?Готов съм да се включа!:ying:


niaa spira4ki brat,,,zatova sme tuka,,da go razviem tozi forum i na6ite bg,mantalitetprostaci,,USPEH NA VSI4KI;;VNIMATELNO I BEZ SPIRA4KI;;


New member

Please help me if your still on this forum mate... been looking for grade in Varna for 4 weeks now, I normally get some in ever country I go to, but Bulgaria has been a big let down so far.

IF ANYBODY IN VARNA CAN HELP ME, please email [email protected]


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