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What would your plants say about you?


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
No Doubt the girls you send to the slaughter house or "Spin Pro" are Yellin Where's the Luv? Handel with care you Creepy Lazy MoFo!!! Faint screams, how could you? how could you ? Profess your luv for me, then treat me like trailer trash, na even trailer trash get it better than this... How could you? How could you? LOL

Don't worry farout sour bubble will never touch my trimmer


Active member

here comes that fat bastard w/the scissors again


mine always say.... "damn that nigga be stingy w/ the bat guano"...and...

..."we dont wanna bounce to indonesia but we might for more of that shit"

yeah i dose my girls w/ indonesian bat guano and they love it!!! :wave:


Mmmm baby come on over here and fondle my pistils O yea my sugarleaves are getting all wet just thinking of you gently licking my stem.O baby more phosphorous O O God I think I love you.If you make love to my cuttings after I'm gone remember,a little piece of me will always be with you.


mine would say he's gentle with me even when he cuts me down he puts in a nice jar with a 360degree view an as soon as i let my guard this jerk off lights me on FIRE!!!!


Active member
1st. Stop staring at me you perv. Leave us alone.

2nd. You sick fuck you're smoking my sister.

3rd. How sexy do we look all wet and glistening when you spray us down with Greencure. (effin PM i hate the rainy season.)


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
"dude, do you even own any pants?"

Now your friends know why you call your puffage sticky icky icky.. or the gooo
or instead of dank, dank, dank its yank, yank, yank.... :D Just kidding. Mine now are saying :chin: this bastard musta lost his lil pointy focking scissors... And i hope if he does find them he falls on them bastard!!!! peace n pufs...


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