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The Mob Prophet Micro Grow

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I have already started growing out some mob Boss and Prophet, but right now i can't visit those plants. I decided that i cant be away from my plants so i started a stealth micro grow. So currently i have 2 MB and 2 TP under 72w of PL-L. I'm going to start flowering in a week's or two to insure i can maximize my space. I have a feeling the MB are gonna stretch while the TP will probably stay short. Any idea's on when to flip? This will be scrogged over.

Here's some pictures for now.

Hopefully before i switch to flower I will get my 24w bulbs. I will use 2- 24's along with the 18's, all in 3k. I really want to make a 70 or 150w CMH but for now this is what it is. i'll update as time progresses.

As a side note the two bigger plants are Mob Boss the smaller are Prophet. One of them is smaller due to a small yogurt sized container it was in compared to the others.

this is also an all organic grow. The only bottled nutrients i use are Dyna Grow Pro- TeKt and a humic acid extract from powder. The rest is rock dusts(Azomite and Zeolite), Earthworm castings, Ascophyllum nodosum sea kelp, Epsoma biotone starter plus and Rainbow Mix. I won't even go into the soil mix, but it was created with secondtry's ideal mix in mind. Also compost tea;s and fermented seaweed extract.


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
my prophets are stretching about the same as mob boss is

I love micro grows, will be watching your's

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I just wanted to update and say that one of my Mob Boss pheno's is a super quick grower its amazing. All seeds were planted at the same time, but this one is at least a half inch taller and is much bushier. Its almost extended side branches while the others have barely even started to side branch. i'm starting to think about flipping but i need to make sure to have enough stretch to work with. Too short of a plant won't cut it for the ScroG thats upcoming. Than again i think after the rest of these plants make side branches i'll flip the switch.

I really wish i could run a 70w CMH, but i already spent money on this setup. Maybe after it pays for itself, i'll make another cab and use these PL-L's for that. Hopefully the 24w's i have coming make a big difference.


my prohets stretched a bit aswell would be good for scrog i believe. smoke some of that prophet for me gentlemen will be watching from the crowd good vibes

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Thanks onelung.

I got my 24w bulbs today and now run 90w of PL-L compared to 72 i was running before. This cab is bright! I don't think i need a 70w HPS but i love CMH and those PSMH bulbs are perfect for a micro grow. Flower may come within the next week, one plants just growing a little slow.

BTW i love these computer blowers these things are great! They keep my cab very cool and handle pressure no problem. I'm thinking about making a carbon filter specially for this cab and keep it micro stealth.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Well here's an update. I decided that i will go into flower tonight since there is ample branching. These 24w bulbs are much brighter, my cab is a spotlight now.

After being tied down


Active member
Greetings BB!

Micro Scrog!! Wicked idea bro its going to be fun...I still can't had pictures will try fix that bug soon...Be safe im keeping a eye on ur thread! peace out

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Well bad news..After some training one of the Prophet broke. It was just too stiff of a stem for training which is weird, since i fed with some extra sugar to make it more manuverable. Now i have 3 plants, with an additional one struggling along. I filled the open cavity with a Sea Kelp powder i make for such occasions. This time just wasn't fixable. When the show is going on nicely, The plants are getting bushy real quick.


nice show, mon...
you should tape the broken plant back together...it's not in 2 halves is it? These plants are resilient. Just a little overeager supercrop is all!
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big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Wordtree- Usually thats exactly what i'd do. Soak the piece with a little bit of sea kelp dilute and make a Ascophyllum Nodosum paste. Than tape them together with a piece of soaked paper towel first than the tape once its tight. THe problem was it was broken all the way through and was just dangling by a piece of the epidermis. I tried rooting it but i had school that day and wasn't prepared at all, I'll admit that. The clone died but the plants chugging along fine. It was at a perfect time since it was right after the flip, not to much damage to be had. You can see it in the pic of the topped plant. Stay Green bro, thanks for stopping in.

Well, time for another update. Sorry everything looks so messed up, its hard working in a small space. But besides that everything's growing real quick.

Day 8
Mob Boss(Right) and Prophet

They're starting to smell already and there's not even any pre-flowers. For the Prophet both are a kush pheno that smells of coffee, funky skunk. My Mob Boss smell of heavy citrus, its reminds me of a grapefruit sour D i had before. it used to wreak in veg.

I'm really liking the way the Mob Boss is filling out the screen and pictures dont do justice. Those side branches double in height each day it seems. The Mob Boss are really nice stretchers and as of now I'd run them again next time for their quick ability to grow.

Mob Boss topped

The Prophets are finally starting to side branch but are real leafy. Not to mention they have some thick branches that dont like being bent. Their not doing well with being trained


Prophet after tie down

Hopefully I didn't flower to early, I'm starting to think i did. Oh well I'll learn how to work in a micro grow. I'm thinking about making a carbon filter so i can smoke in my room by just blowing it into the box. Also this will keep those light cool and my remote ballast. i just don't want to do it with plants in there.

Time to see what happens

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I just wanted to add that these Mob Boss are currently my favorite and this is day 11 of flower. They stretch a nice bit for my small grow and the side branches are growing really quickly. They smell super strong also. The prophet are nice but they require more of a veg. time for what i want out of them. Their starting to send out side branches but its very slow and no real stretch yet. I dont see the prophet getting to big, but ill see what happens, miracles do happen.

Im sorry if it seems i'm going off just side branching. But in this small grow id like a quick turn around and can't afford a super long veg in my little space. I like being able to flip and not worry about to much height, but knowing they'll be able to stretch to the floros. i'll update in another 3-4 days. I'm getting excited for the sexing to come. I'd like a male of Mob Boss and the rest can be females. Time for the lottery

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Well took a look today to see one Mob boss female. I'm hoping for a female Prophet and than the i'd like males to do some breeding with. Even on my small scale. it would be nice to get some f2's. I wouldn't mind for all females though!

EDIT: After a look this morning theres another female this one is a prophet. It also looks like the other two plants are gonna be male which i wouldn't mind at all.


BB, I had a bunch o' shit written up, an' then...... poof. Oh well, it went somethang like this..... I have no experience with micro grows, and know of no other micro grow with our shit, so I'm sure folks'll be interested in this, myself included. I was able to see pics last week, but not any longer......

Keep us posted,


BB, I had a bunch o' shit written up, an' then...... poof. Oh well, it went somethang like this..... I have no experience with micro grows, and know of no other micro grow with our shit, so I'm sure folks'll be interested in this, myself included. I was able to see pics last week, but not any longer......

Keep us posted,

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Hey Steele,

I'm glad your here to watch my grow, for a second i thought i was the only person looking at it. I took some more pictures today, I don't know what you do with your seeds but.................you rock!! I got 4/4 females and quite the variety. I'll need your help identifying some pheno's but this is what I think they are. I hope you guys enjoy my fully organic-no bottle micro grow.

Day 19
Mob Boss- Chem Pheno 1

Mob Boss- Chem Pheno 2

The Prophet- Bubba Pheno

The Prophet- Blockhead Pheno

Things were messed up for a little bit caused by a miscalculation with my humic acid. They're looking good again but stunted the stretch for about 3-4 days. As you can tell things are recovering and there is still some nasty leaves. I'm hoping for an oz even with this problem. I just tied my the plants down today and did some supercropping on some branches, it seems to encourage more of the branches to elongate. This should be the last time that i have to tie down the plants, hoping for an even canopy to make its way to the lights.

Since this is my first time using these plants i wanted to see what would be better growing in beer cups or placing two plants together. The two plants in the same medium look to be the best. They were the least effected by the problems i had also. They've grown much more than the one's in smaller cups. This grow is not for yield, it is for finding and selecting plants that i'd like to use in the future. I was really hoping on a male for some seeds, but maybe my light leaks will cause the mob boss to hermi.

I hope someone out there is finding some use from this thread and my crappy pix.

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Thanks for stopping in PTB, I changed all my albums back to public so it should show them now.

I also wanted to add that the stretch seems to be much greater on the MB. Prophet really doesnt stretch to much but makes some massive leaves, smells super kushy-coffee though.


Active member
I just chucked 2 mob boss males 5 minutes ago. If only someone would invent the teleporter already!

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
I just chucked 2 mob boss males 5 minutes ago. If only someone would invent the teleporter already!

Lol seriously! Were in dire need of one, this community would be amazing! I was really hoping on creating some Mob Prophets and either MB or TP F2's. Can't complain about 4/4 though. One of the Prophets is already putting on resin, must be some tang tang influence there. You said this is a pheno to look out for Steele?

On a side note are the pix back?

big ballin 88

Biology over Chemistry
Got some more pics today. i hope you guys can see them now. I have a Prophet and Mob Boss that are putting the resin on early. One of the plants isn't gonna yield well, but is stacking the resin super early. its nice to see the variation in the cab even though the seeds are similar. I intend to keep two plants from this round.

Prophet in same pot as Mob Boss.Stacking flowers nicely...


Early resin MOb Boss

Big Boss