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ummm. you got to read this


Freedom Fighter
I am very high right now...so in case my research was flawed...can anybody link this to a reputable News site??


Freedom Fighter
Sick Bastards!!I mean yeah,mouse mite be some tite stuff but ya only get what,one shot with one?Girls are much more durable:smoker:

Durable...meaning, Lasting Relationships....when all ya wanted was a tight fuck-- This Mice thing might catch on!!! (Shhhh...don't tell PITA):laughing:
Okay I got to see that video of the guy with the horse. On the good side I'm guessing it wasn't hard to find the guy on the farm being that he was wearing the same clothes he wore in the video.

Richard Gere


High Grade Specialist
thats some sick shit right there!
a seasoned degenerate who had travelled the world once told me there are actually gerbil bars where you go in and have a hamster shoved up your ass. they tie em to a string so when you have enough you yell "geronimo" and they pull them back out again.

but that guy getting fucked to death by a horse that was new to me...

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
thats some sick shit right there!
a seasoned degenerate who had travelled the world once told me there are actually gerbil bars where you go in and have a hamster shoved up your ass. they tie em to a string so when you have enough you yell "geronimo" and they pull them back out again.

but that guy getting fucked to death by a horse that was new to me...

I bet they don't shove a wombat up there!


What no chickens??Everyone knows they are the best ass in the barnyard.


That man, James Michael Tait, had previously admitted filming a man having sex with a horse in Washington state in 2005. The man Tait filmed died of internal injuries suffered during the incident. He received a minor sentence in the case because Washington had relatively weak bestiality laws at the time.

Where in the hell can I get a copy of that tape?? Is that shit on youtube or what?? I would live to watch that horse kick that nasty fuckers guts in.

Holy God do I hate people... It's no wonder I'm becoming a hermit.


What I can't understand is what made the horse want to sodomize that guy?
Was the horse gay?

I've owned and spent time around horses (never had sex with any of them ) and it's easy to get a stallion sexually excited. Next time you're in a barn with horses in a stall, blow gently for a minute or two into a stallion"s nostrils and see what happens. I assume you could take it further if you were so inclined.


Active member
That's O.K. I'll pass. I'm not gay, anyway.
If I were interested in a horse, it wouldn't be a stallion:)
Does that nostril trick work with mares?
I've owned and spent time around horses (never had sex with any of them ) and it's easy to get a stallion sexually excited. Next time you're in a barn with horses in a stall, blow gently for a minute or two into a stallion"s nostrils and see what happens. I assume you could take it further if you were so inclined.

Wow you sure know a lot about how to sexually arouse a horse. I shudder to think what would happen if you actually touched it's unit.


Active member
Did he just say blow gently into the horses nostrils for a second or two?BAN HIM GYPSY!!!!LOL,how long do ya blow on the other horse parts?:laughing: