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Are my seeds developed?


Active member
Hey i cracked some of my seeds open and the inside is white, looks like an onion, they crack too. the outter shells look mature though, and they are of normal size.

Are these seeds not mature enogh to germinate? Im soaking the biggest more mature looking ones gonna see what happens lol.

The bud it was picked from was definately mature thogh, had lots of frost and really good smoke. Just surprising that so many of these seeds are crushing under my finger strengh. Maybe my boy stored them wrong..


Active member
alrite so i managed to save a couple of the bigger ones. it took more pressure but they still cracked after i squeezed really hard. when i looked inside it was half green, half white. think these are viable?

im probably gonna just go scatter all the runts, maybe some will survive.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Crushing seeds is a sure way to guaranty failure. Stop crushing them, stop soaking them, stop putting them in towels. Place in warm moist substrate and leave them alone.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
if the seeds are good, moist soil will do it. i got a batch that was crap and had to scrape the end of the seed's shell off to get them to germ. paper towel is cool, just do not let the sprout get longer than half an inch, cause it will start sending out hairs that get caught up in the towel.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
^really soaking on a moist towels not a good way to germinate? thats the way i usually do it.

Paper towels have no mystical powers. Weed thrived for 20,000 years before the invention of Bounty. Warm soil will not freeze your seed. Moist soil will not dehydrate your seed.

Whatever you feel that towel will do for you, a legitimate substrate will do better, faster and safer. The only "benefit" to paper towels are greatly increased odds of root breakage, mold, starvation and death.


Active member
yea ive sprouted dozens of seeds after i see the little sprout its into soil..

so do you think those seeds were developed? even though the crushed, the shells loooked developed and inside was what looked like a mini sprout with white and green.
Paper towels have no mystical powers. Weed thrived for 20,000 years before the invention of Bounty. Warm soil will not freeze your seed. Moist soil will not dehydrate your seed.

Whatever you feel that towel will do for you, a legitimate substrate will do better, faster and safer. The only "benefit" to paper towels are greatly increased odds of root breakage, mold, starvation and death.

really gotta disagree here i've germinated many many seeds in paper towels (not just weed) and i've never never ever had any of these problems? its a proved method TBH!:wave::wave:

Edit : i'm not disagreeing with your methods either


Active member
the only way to find out is to not crush them and plant them! lol If they look developed, they probably are. Did you let them dry out for a few weeks? I'm assuming these are seeds you pulled off a plant...


Active member
yea they were pulled out of bud that was really nice and matured, full frost and smell.

i think my buddy stored them wrong to be honest.


I'm with Freezerboy. Simple is best and adding another step is adding another chance for failure. Not saying you can't germ em on paper towels, that's not in question. For my seeds though, it's out the gate running and not on the towell waiting.


Active member
welp 2 outta 6 have popped sprouts so far...after almost two days in a moist paper towel.

and another grow begins!


Active member
I agree with FreezerBoy.

That tap root is just what YOU can see. It has thousands, maybe tens of thousands of little tiny root hairs. You smoosh them to death when you move the seedlings around and replant them and crap. Plus, you get finger oils on there and stuff. Even if you wear gloves, the paper towel method is slower, and less forgiving then soil.. There is'nt really one benefit to paper towel method. UNLESS you are breeding and want to do a germ rate test. Besides that and germing to eat them, PUT YOUR SEEDS IN THE SOIL. It will be faster and healthier for the plant, guaranteed.

Just keep soil moist (like you would a paper towel) and in the 70's (upper is better) and you will have seeds popping up in no time.

I put my cups with newly planted seeds under a humidity dome so I dont have to water the soil, it stays wet.

And someone may disagree with me, but it is my opinion that you cannot over water a seed. I saturate (not flush) the soil making sure that seed is going to be wet I do this once, at the beginning. Once it pops it head out, I take it out of the dome immediately.
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Active member
Hey should i flush the soil first with just regular distilled water or should i add a lil drop of superthrive in there?

kinda newb at seeds because all my most of my grows before this were all from clone..

also whats the best way to flush out males. shold i just throw them into 12/12, see what buds, and reveg?

or is it better to take cuttings, veg those cuttings and flower them to see if they bud.

orrrrrr....just throw them all into the 1 gallons, veg for 2 weeks, then flower and just remove males from garden. it would be really week to waste a whole month in veg to realize tehy are all males!



you gotta remember just because the bud was really good am=nd mature, it doesent mean that the seeds are, they coulda been pollinated 45 days into flower, and the seeds wouldnt have devolped in time. Let us know if they germinate or not.

something I do to increase females is put the beans in a jar with green banana skins, the skins release estrogen and in turn increases the amount of females. peace


Active member
^really? damn thats crazy. green banana skins meaning premature bananas that arent ripe?

yea so far ive got germination on half of them...gonna transplant into FF OF soil.


Active member
I used to use super thrive, liquid karma and shit while germing seeds, but then I just went to straight water, and got the same results even after they popped their heads.. Seedlings have everything they need for up to a couple weeks and pushing them can stunt them or kill them.

And I usually will take cuttings off the seed plant, and flower the seed plant to select a mother. The cutting will be used as a mother.
Revegging takes too long for me and I dont really like it. So I avoid it, but many people use it with great results. It just took like a month one time for one of my seedlings to reveg so I stopped that.


Active member
yea revegging sounds like a loss.

luckily im running smaller numbers..only neeed like 4 flowering plants. il veg them out, take a cutting, and then flower the cutting after a week to see what happens.