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Might move to a medicinal state.


Active member
Hi everyone!
Been a while. Medical school is getting to be really hectic. I have grown tired of gardening scared of my own state officials, so I have decided to pick up and move to a more friendly area. My immediate choice is Colorado.

So I have some questions. My problems eased by the plant are irritable bowel syndrome and high level anxiety. The issues have recurred for over ten years now, but from what I can tell, these issues are not enough to get a medicinal marijuana license. Is this true? What can be done about it?

I have never done this before, so I am looking for as much info as I can get.


Sorry to hear about the condition, don't know anything about that but Colorado is a great place. Hey I am in Hawaii but it is a small rock ya might get island fever. Keep doing some research.


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
I have patients with IBS in Michigan it may actually be covered in CO. It causes chronic pain!

Definition of Chronic here is something lasting more then 3 months, I would read the law there a be sure.

Good luck and don't fug around , get the hell out of where ever you are and move to a medical state.


Anyone in Colorado that wants a card can very easily get one. Just tell the doc your ibs causes sever pain in your stomach. Or you have migraines or back pain. Ive never heard of anyone getting denied. Its easy as pie!
I live in colorado and have bowel problems, and it is covered under the conditions for medical marijuana here, anxiety however is not.


I live in colorado and have bowel problems, and it is covered under the conditions for medical marijuana here, anxiety however is not.

When you say "bowel problems," do you specifically mean Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

If that's the case, this is a trivially easy diagnosis to get...


Michigan law at this time only covers Crohns Disease,just one form of IBD. Hopefully that will change,because MMJ really helps the nausea and vomiting from gut diseases. I had to go for Chronic Pain to qualify. They do need to add a couple more qualifying diseases. Good luck to you Bagseed. MW


IBS is covered in CO as stated, hell in CO you do not need medical records, and all it cost is $90.00US for a Dr. rec.
Just make sure the Dr you use is not sanctioned by the state of CO and all is good.
Don't worry about your condition(s).
Getting a Dr rec in Co is easy as going to your local mini mart and buying candy.
Like I said you do not need records here in CO.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
yes most states you can get your card very easy it just takes cash. I have my card im going to see my normal doc and ask him what he thinks about MMJ. He has me taking VERY STRONG pain meds. Im very curious if there knolage has improved since the last time I asked them.
Every time I see my dr, who has been my dr for over 10 years now and he is the one that also wrote my mmj reccomendation, I educate him about marijuana. He's always surprised with how much information he doesn't know about it. He doesn't write a ton of reccomendations for people, but he's also not closed minded.

I think it's all of our responsibilities to educate our own doctors to help them better understand how marijuana works as medicine. I have been able to decrease my medications by 65% over the last year and a half, and they're pretty hardcore pain meds. I feel much better with using medical marijuana, than I ever was using just painkillers.


Active member
Thanks for the responses everyone! Now all I have to do is transfer schools, find a place to live in another state, get the money wrangled together to do it and I am golden!



New member
IBS will get you one in California

IBS will get you one in California

Medical Marijuana and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common syndrome that affects the large intestine. The most common symptoms are cramping, abdominal pain, bloating gas, constipation and diarrhea. Although the symptoms can be severe, there appears to be no long term permanent damage to the bowel. Many patients with IBS find that emotional stress worsens their symptoms. IBS is usually a chronic condition where symptoms can come and go, depending on diet and stress factors.

IBS is different from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) which includes Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. These diseases cause permanent changes in the bowel that can be severe and can even increase the risk of colorectal cancer. This is why it is very important to get the correct diagnosis from your doctor before you make any decisions on how to proceed with treatment.

Conventional treatment for IBS includes dietary changes, stool softeners, anti-spasmotic medications, laxatives, and anti-depressants. Many patients find that these treatments don’t work or have unwanted side effects. Many patients have opted to try a more natural approach to their treatment and have found herbal medication (including marijuana) to be helpful.

Many IBS patients have found that the cramping, abdominal pain, and irregularity of bowel movements are relieved with marijuana. Marijuana has been shown to decrease intestinal muscle spasms, decrease nausea, and increase appetite. There are also reports that marijuana works well as an anti-inflammatory, helping to alleviate inflammation in the bowel. Marijuana is well known to help relieve anxiety and induce a relaxed state for most people; this relief of anxiety has been reported by some patients to help calm the symptoms of IBS triggered by stress. Many patients use a combined natural approach of dietary changes, stress-reducing activities like yoga or meditation, and marijuana with good improvement in quality of life. :ying:

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