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Micro Xbox360 grow / closet grow

Hokay, so.... I had an extra 16 germinated seeds that I decided to have some fun with. I put them all in Dixie cups under my desk lamp for now. After the first set of true leaves have appeared, I will be transferring them into a portable closet I have and into a micro stealth xbox360 case just for the F%&# of it. Its pretty dope, I'll show some pics tomorrow of it. For now, here are some pictures of some various bag seed under a magnifying desk lamp....:watchplant:
The set up:





Haha, through the magnifying glass
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So here's some pictures of the 360 case. I made this 2 years ago when i was living with my parents, I never used it because I moved out and started bigger. I will try to get pics of it turned on but my camera is a POS, I have to torque its whole chassis to get the lens to work....anyways, here:





New member
You got a carbon filter on that? Looks like it will start stinking up the room when it gets to flowering...


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I would go crazy with that thing lol. I get the stealth point and love the out of the box (well actually IN an x-box) thinking.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
haha, now i have seen everything. i have an old broken xbox......nah.
get some real light on those seedlings to stop the stretch. i have my seedlings under 52 watts of cfl with clamp reflector, no stretch at all. good luck.


Landrace Lover
hahaha great idea! i definitely suggest reading up on pruning and scrog (screen of green) as if you leave them in something that small for their entire life cycle you'll need to be pruning them really well to fit properly.

but it can be done in small areas, this dude got a MASSIVE cola on a small plant he did in his computer cabinet! check it out! he's using a scrog type method to support the massive thing!

2 of the plants will be scrogged in the 360, the rest will be going under a 150w red spectrum florescent SOG style. This grow is purely for the hell of it. I have other business that wont be posted online :)
p.s. I don't care about the smell in this house, but 2 years ago, I did design a carbon filter system for it, and yes, I'l put it in and post pics, just to inspire all you 12 year olds still living with your mommies :p
So here are some stupid update pics of the saplings as well as some pictures of the closet that will be used later on (and its contents)




These plants are the same variety as the bag seed on the desk. They are under 12/12 right now to determine the sex. They are about 1 week in now:



New member
omg, a xbox 360 grow case. I have a rrod xbox 360 that I was going to jtag, I might build one but I want to see your results first. good luck